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Bruun's Titting UP

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    Bruun's Titting UP

    Hi all! Catching up now. Got a loaner computer at work (which I am still using as my home computer, grr) while they keep on trying to remove the virus. My friend keeps insisting I just need to get a Mac. I am beginning to seriously consider it. Apparently they don't have virus issues, because viruses are all designed to attack PCs. This is the 2nd virus I've had this year.

    Worse than the virus is my knees. Yup, we're in the plural now. Got the MRI done and followed up with the orthopedist yesterday. He said it was a good thing that I'd come in when I did, as both knees are in bad shape. No tear in the lateral meniscus, which is good. But I have grade 1 and 2 chondromalacia. I read all up on it when I got home, because my doc didn't really explain it. It's a degradation of the cartilage. Grade 1 and 2 didn't sound so bad, but the doc told me there are only 3 grades. Although the internet says there are 4.
    He gave me a shot of cortisone in my right knee and told me that I'd have to lay off of any weight bearing exercise that impacts my knees and any high intensity cardio for 3 MONTHS! :boohoo:
    In retrospect, whenever I have weight trained with any consistency (even in my late teens and early 20s), my knees would ache. I read a lot last night, and apparently there is something called patella femoral syndrome (PFS), which means that the patella is not correctly aligned. I think this is what's going on with me. It's an issue of biomechanical imbalances. Long story short, there is an ebook online that costs less the one visit to the orthopedist, with a money back guarantee, that is basically a physical rehab program for people with PFS. Considering that my fantastic well reknowned orthopedist not only didn't tell me what might have caused my knees to be in such bad shape at the age of 32, but basically said the equivalent of, "It hurts when you do that? Then stop doing that.", I figure that buying the damned ebook can't hurt.
    Supposedly the program strengthens the muscles and that will put your patella into the correct alignment, and then you can carry on running and working out or whatever else.
    My doctor said that he's only seen this type of wear and tear in someone 10-20 years older. I told my dad yesterday that he and my mom gave me some shitty ass genes. It's been one thing after another with me lately.

    Well, I'm finally getting sleepy without xanax, and my brain is getting fuzzy, so I think it's time to wrap up this post and get under the covers. I've got the sliding glass door in my bedroom open and the down comforter on the bed because a cold front is coming through. The fresh air smells amazing and I'm looking forward to snuggling under the covers and sleeping in a bit tomorrow! I'll catch up with all of you lovelies in the morning and see what everyone else has been up to. :l

    By the way, anyone have any experience with Spira shoes?
    Better Living Through Chemistry

    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


      Bruun's Titting UP

      This is a great discussion, don't get me wrong. I've learned a lot about AL meds and many other things from reading it!

      But I really have a problem with the word "titting" and have hoped for weeks the thread would regroup under another title. Frankly, seeing this thread title has kept me from coming to this site regularly as it gives me the heebie jeebies, being one of those weird 50% of the population who possesses, um tits.

      With the greatest of respect, could you possibly continue your great discussion under another "tit"-le? Surely there's a more respectful term for titrating up that titting.

      Thanks in advance, and please don't let this squelch the conversation...but there a problem with "titrating up?"


        Bruun's Titting UP

        Is..I am so sorry to hear about your knees... :l Why not try the e-book, right? Print off a copy of their guarantee. If you ever try to get your money back if you're not satisfied, just save that stuff so you can dispute with your credit card company. I've gotten money back on e-books before - have never had to dispute it at all. You are too young to have these problems! Hope you are getting a great night sleep.

        How are you Bruun?

        Hello to all the other friends too.

        Final test today in 'Admission to Discharge' which is all about the state documentation requirements. Not the most interesting class, but very important nonetheless. I'm really stressed about it. I will be glad when it's over. I'm off to school early for some last minute cramming.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Bruun's Titting UP

          Wow - thanks for the vote of confidence reggie! I think the test went OK. I can be over the top "perfectionist" in a way that can be almost dibilitating (sp - where is rudyb's mom!). Goes back to some childhood stuff. I'm trying to just be OK with an A or a B. I'm sure it's no lower than a B! Anyway....enough about that chink in the armour!

          How are you reggie?

          Bruun - what are you up to today? Where are you and the friends?

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Bruun's Titting UP

            Good Day Everyone!

            Crimsons, Bruun asked over 9 months ago (1/31/11 to be exact) if the term offended anyone. Here we are 1114 posts later (now 1115) and this is the first time it has ever been mentioned!
            I personally never noticed!
            This is a great thread. :welcome:

            DG, hope the test went well! I know it did! :l

            Reggie, good to see you here!

            I am listening to Andy Rooney quips on the radio; makes me grin yet sad at the same time. He will be missed!

            Bruun will be around soon I'm sure.

            Wonderful day here in the south!:sun:

            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


              Bruun's Titting UP

              Hey Reggie, thanks for thinking of me, island life sounds nice but expensive. Hope your trip was good, sorry you didn't get to Bruny Island til now! Welcome back!

              Crimsoms, let me explain the title of the thread and maybe it will help you get over the name. What's in a name? Well, I always had a problem with that word too, I thought it was demeaning and low class and I had a different slang for breasts - I wasn't even comfortable with the word breasts. I think I was uncomfortable because they always drew such attention, they were giant. And when I got older, they were like udders, I hate them, pointing to the floor. Plus, they gave me no pleasure. I guess guys are used to women liking their breasts sucked and touch, but mostly it did nothing to me. So I 'titted down", although I never would have used that expression at the time. I got a breast reduction, and new sensation in my breasts in fact, so started understanding why people would like them touched. What an easier way to heat up a woman, huh, who knew? Everyone but me with the giant boobs.

              So, when people started going up in dose on baclofen, there was big discussion on how to pronounce it and I decided when I determined to try HDB, that I would attack my demons and get OVER that word once and for all. And it has done it for me. That word no longer stings. I think its now humorous. Hopefully this story will help take the sting out for you and you can enjoy the campfire with us. BTW, I am no longer titrating up, I had problems with blood pressure and am now doing low dose so the title is completely obsolete although someday I hope to be able to try going up again.

              Feeling better today finally, went to the farmers market and had a mushroom/cheese/egg buckwheat crepe, my green smoothie pickup, and then headed to the store for my weekly raw milk delivery. Am drinking that right now, bought an entire gallon because I'm convinced that not having the kefir and raw milk did me in this week. I still had the yogurt and probiotics but they weren't enough. Nor was the DE. Oh crap, forgot the psyllium husk at the store!

              DG, maybe that perfectionist thinking is what got you drinking in the first place? Hmmm. I think my "why bother, so many people are better than me" helped get me there. Plus a whole host of other things like my "why can't I learn and think and retain syndrome?".

              Is, your knee thing, around 2am today I was thinking about how you could do squats and lunges and so jealous, I've never, even in my twenties, been able to do them. No one diagnosed me either. I'd been an athlete my entire childhood including weight training which I continued in a big way in my twenties. My dr offered to do a athroscopic scraping of loose bones in there, which had chipped off and were causing the clacking, but no promise for added functionality, now "why this happened" and no internet back then. Have you heard of egoscue exercises. Peter Egoscue (sp?) wrote a couple of books, one for women specifically. Would be interested in how it compares to the ebook you have. He swears he can remove your pain and realign you but I could never sustain the daily practice. I have a couple friends who swear by it.
              Also, the mac discussion I've heard before, but both my sister and mother had to replace their Apples two years after they bought them because they were "unrepairable" ... my pc is six years old. It was top of the line back then but I haven't had to buy two computers since. I have had to install two new hardrives for $75.00 but that's a drop in the bucket.

              LL, your new avitar is great but I didn't mind the turkey coming out of there, if that's what's your thing and all, its a free world, eh? :l

              Ifyou, what's the problem with your periods, are you peri-menopausal? How old are you and what are your problems. Plenty of us would help you here. Maybe we could shorten your name to FU? Would that be apalling?


                Bruun's Titting UP

                crimsons;1203723 wrote: ...I really have a problem with the word "titting" ... it gives me the heebie jeebies, being one of those weird 50% of the population who possesses, um tits.
                I was gonna just say nothing and hope your redickulous little intrusion died a quiet death, but since it hasn't I gotta say: I don't buy it, Crimsons. You can't be serious. The title of the thread is obviously tongue in cheek and if you can't enjoy the humour here you'll never enjoy the wonderful support here. Just sayin'.

                And, if you are so offended by the tit
                le of this thread, why aren't you offended by the tit
                le of the other thread you posted on yesterday:


                Just sayin'.

                Sorry, Bruun, for pro-longing
                it. I'll butt
                out now.

                With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                  Bruun's Titting UP

                  I'm actively working hard at titting up, without surgery, of course. I'm a little insecure about how small they are, being the one of the other 50% of the population who has tits.
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                  A Forum
                  Trolls need not apply


                    Bruun's Titting UP

                    Why on Earth did you italicize humour? I don't get it. Oh well, Kwanzaa is almost upon us. That means the holidays are coming. Cookies, turkey, and tryptophan!
                    ever before have you
                    or I been able t
                    o participate in such a life chang
                    ing event such as taking baclo
                    fen and writing ab
                    out our experience. To get hung up on a single word is b
                    arbaric and extremel
                    y pe
                    tty. Don't get offended or let this intrusion distract you in your quest for sobriety and a better life, Br
                    uun :l
                    Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                    George Santayana


                      Bruun's Titting UP

                      ^^ I nominate this for post of the week.
                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        Bruun's Titting UP

                        LL - I too heard some Any Rooney on the radio today. He was such a fixture on 60 minutes. Hard to imagine him gone.... How are you doing? What are you up to this weekend? Are you having fun?

                        Bruun! :yougo: I hope you are having a fabulous weekend. Yes - that issue of repairs is very real with Apples. My husband is a computer guy and he can make some apple repairs, but parts are an issue. There are not nearly enough apples around in local businesses to justify him getting certified, etc. so we can get part. He has one apple computer for developing iPhone apps and he gets mad as a hornet if something goes wrong and even though he knows what it is, he has to go to the nearest apple store which is 30 city miles away. So definitely a consideration to see how accessible a repair place is. Might be 6 of one and 1/2 dozen of the other.

                        Cassander... :H:H

                        LoOp - can we ask Is how your little project is coming along?

                        DG, maybe that perfectionist thinking is what got you drinking in the first place? Hmmm. I think my "why bother, so many people are better than me" helped get me there. Plus a whole host of other things like my "why can't I learn and think and retain syndrome?".
                        I've had a chance over the last couple years to really reflect on the perfectionism and try to understand it better. I think it goes back to childhood and being in a competitive sport with my mother as a coach. No matter how many times she told me that winning didn't matter - it was doing your best that mattered - she is a fiercly competitive woman. Winning mattered. You can't hide that shit from kids. I guess I should say "stuff." You can't hide that "stuff" from kids. So winning mattered. For love and approval. Since I was 6 years old. I never knew it any other way. Then as a teen I just started drinking through it all and pretending.

                        So here I am - facing test pressure. Haven't done that since I was last in college 30 years ago. Drinking was my coping mechanism for the intense pressure I put on myself subconsciously to "be #1." To win. To be loved and accepted.

                        It has been quite an experience forcing myself through these testing experiences without my coping mechanism. I haven't wanted to drink. Thanks be to the Universe that the obsession is GONE for me these days. But I want to do....something. I don't know what. I'm sure I will learn how to deal with this in a healthy way. Just have to keep exploring and trying it sober. The anxiety is killer though. But I will also say I enjoy the natural high when I hand in the test and I know I did well. Go figure. It's a brave new world out here doing all this stuff without my crutch!

                        AHHH I wish we were huddled up arond the campfire tonight in person. :hug: Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Special hugs to Is and your knees!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Bruun's Titting UP

                          SlipperyPete;1203962 wrote: Cassander,
                          Why on Earth did you italicize humour? I don't get it. Oh well, Kwanzaa is almost upon us. That means the holidays are coming. Cookies, turkey, and tryptophan!
                          ever before have you
                          or I been able t
                          o participate in such a life chang
                          ing event such as taking baclo
                          fen and writing ab
                          out our experience. To get hung up on a single word is b
                          arbaric and extremel
                          y pe
                          tty. Don't get offended or let this intrusion distract you in your quest for sobriety and a better life, Br
                          uun :l
                          Well done, Young Pete.

                          Answer to your question is that I couldn't help honouring Murph, er Brenda, in absentia.
                          With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                            Bruun's Titting UP

                            howdy loved ones! good stuff!

                            hey doggy, were we on the same teams in high school?! the coach for gymnastics and diving was also the mother of our best competitor. guess who got all the attention? (...but it didn't look like much fun for her, being the prize.)

                            is, such a bummer about your knees! god i wish i could share my genetics with you. (shit, what were your parents thinking?!) i don't want to give bruun more reason to hate me -though i know she doesn't, but seems i can abuse away and pop back up like a blow-up doll. (good thing murphy isn't here for that one!) i'm sending your knees smooth and crackle-free, speedy healing vibes. i really am.

                            probably for two christmases i bought my nana and gramps andy rooney books (both times i think they had already gotten copies), and i used to enjoy reading him, too, and sometimes even seeing him at the end of sixty minutes, one of the few shows we ever watched. he was a funny guy, an icon from his time, to be sure.

                            i dunno why, but i keep imagining myself on my commute to work. i don't know why i'd go there in my head, but i'll put the strange imagery to good use and let it be a sign that it's time to re-wire my brain with some good, long sleep.

                            ...speaking of imagery, a couple of nights ago while falling asleep, i had my first hallucination in over a month: first it was a lacy orange blanket, hovering above my face, then it was resting on the duvet. probably an hour later, on my first waking of the long night, i looked up to see a high, rectangular canopy of burnt-orange cloth hovering just below the ceiling. it stayed there for a good few moments. at first i was alarmed, then i settled into it and impressions came flooding in of the fun things one can do inside such a marvelous tent!

                            ok, here i really go, to sleep, perchance to dream...

                            xo xo zz rudy


                              Bruun's Titting UP

                              bruuun! silly me! i didn't even hail you up in my last post! hi-ya woman! is your computer ok? i know is's is on the fritzes, but were you needing one too? good luck with that, if so. and if not, i hope yours shapes up and functions more better, what with your posting problems and all. (i don't know what i would do if my laptop crashed! oh shit, shouldn't have gone and said that. cross fingers for me now, too, please.)

                              your handling of the title-quesioning was truly gracious (and amusing and nostalgia-causing), bruun. sure do love ya!

                              xoxo ruby dee


                                Bruun's Titting UP

                                Cassander;1203940 wrote: I was gonna just say nothing and hope your redickulous little intrusion died a quiet death, but since it hasn't I gotta say: I don't buy it, Crimsons. You can't be serious. The title of the thread is obviously tongue in cheek and if you can't enjoy the humour here you'll never enjoy the wonderful support here. Just sayin'.

                                And, if you are so offended by the tit
                                le of this thread, why aren't you offended by the tit
                                le of the other thread you posted on yesterday:


                                Just sayin'.

                                Sorry, Bruun, for pro-longing
                                it. I'll butt
                                out now.

                                I don't know which one you are nominating but I am nominating this one!


                                The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                                *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*

