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Bruun's Titting UP

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    Bruun's Titting UP

    Re the kombucha-

    Isolde;1221579 wrote:
    She's not dead! I have brown bits on my scoby too, as well as all kinds of funky looking bits floating around in there too. It's all good. I also filter after my second fermentation.
    Congrats on the kombucha! :goodjob:
    Is, do I need cheesecloth to filter this stuff? Will a gold coffee filter work? It might flavor the tea I suppose. Do you just filter off what you want to drink at the moment, or can you filter half of it off or more and then bottle it in the fridge for a few days or week? I assume you can bkz the stores sell it in sealed bottles, only not filtered. Maybe some gunk needs to be in it to allow it to "live" in the fridge without air? Hmmm.


      Bruun's Titting UP

      oh god, bruun, it sucks that you read through that whole long post of mine thinking that i had said you had been a bitch! god no! i'm glad lifer (since we know he's not brenda) came along a little sooner than i have to clear that up! and when i called herhim a bitch, it was another form of joke; i don't care that much, really. no, i wasn't that sensitive about the jokes, i was licking a thousand wounds at once, and my joke-getting-failure was just the cute, sweet cherry on top of my pity party cake. no worries, love!

      red, lately i've been deepening on that whole thing about initial love. i've been giving a lot of thought to how common it was in my long history of being single to go for -and 'get'- the cutest guy i could find, to start things up with him, and then try to carve a relationship out of it so i didn't have to feel badly about myself for having followed such superficial instincts. it was such a lonely way to live, and it kept me essentially single for many, many years. i am way past that now. i find so much reward and pleasure in relating with people in ways that i didn't before, that i can't imagine making that kind of endorphin-chasing mistake again. my strange relationship with the gay ex bf (whose gayness is so deeply buried, who has no interest in unearthing it) taught me so much about what i don't want. i don't ever want to go for that rush, for that physical connection without an emotional or intellectual base, ever again. and i won't. i have grown up, and i love myself too much now to settle for treading water in a quagmire.

      although i am obviously not an expert, i think you should filter off whatever kombucha you want to use and put it in the fridge. (using cheesecloth sounds good. coffee filter might be fine, too, but slower, and you won't get any
      of those nice stringy bits.) i think you can filter off as much as you want, keep it closed and cold, and use it within a week or more and it'll be fine. i can't remember what you do with the stuff you leave on the counter with the mother. do you add more cooled sweet tea? i think so. good luck with that. have you tried any? how does it taste? guess i'll pick up, dust off, and try again, maybe this time check it more often (i think i got scared of it (or just lazy), and avoided tasting it to see if it was done because i was afraid it wouldn't have worked).

      my fire is roaring again, in case anybody wants to come tend it. it's getting cold (we might get 10 inches of snow tonight, but i doubt it), and oil is very expensive.

      xo rudy b


        Bruun's Titting UP

        Holy cow, snow!

        Ru, I gave up on looks being the driver in my thirties. I dated two very ugly guys in fact, in my 40's, and one gave me the best sex I ever had. Both wanted to get married, well, I mean, don't they all, but I could never commit. I am a dude, man, I'm a bachelor dude and just as pathetic as the slob on the couch with his dog and the beer. EXCEPT, I am not having the beer. I was at the store tonight, starving like Marvin, just raging. And bought three prepared entrees that are just horrible for me, but no alcohol. And no ice cream! Zowee. See how that keeps on, or not. Luckily I had a scoop left in the freezer and I chopped half a banana in it. No room for beer here. Yay!

        I admit I flirted with the wine three times when it sashayed down the aisle to me, almost tripping into it, but each time I said, I'm glad I don't have to drink that. I don't like that initial taste either, it's inexpensive wine (at $8-10/bottle/wine) and I don't want to feel like sh*t tomorrow for this big meeting.

        Especially since my boss is being such a turd. In fact, I'm quite sure he's drunk emailing tonight. You would not believe the stuff he says ... in this financial institution.


          Bruun's Titting UP

          Hey, way to go on the non-booze, Bruun. And well done for dating ugly guys. I wholly approve of that.
          "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


            Bruun's Titting UP

            Bruunhilde;1222267 wrote:
            I admit I flirted with the wine three times when it sashayed down the aisle to me, almost tripping into it, but each time I said, I'm glad I don't have to drink that. I don't like that initial taste either, it's inexpensive wine (at $8-10/bottle/wine) and I don't want to feel like sh*t tomorrow for this big meeting.
            That damn flirtatiousness. WTF is that?

            Hope you knock 'em out at the meeting. Not literally, though wouldn't that be nice...


              Bruun's Titting UP

              Anybody else listen to the Jefferson Hour? I realize this admission makes me the biggest NPR groupie/hopeless nerd...but anyway.
              Yesterday the actor (Clay Jenkinson) had a little schpiel (in character as Jefferson) about living in northern climes where there is actually snow in the winter--and how silly that is. About which I completely concur. I am glad that others do not feel this way, but I like my seasons barely noticeable and would be happiest in a place like, oh, say, Southern California. Except I'm East Coast through and through. East Coast in the house! holla. (Go middle aged suburban white girl, go!)


                Bruun's Titting UP

                Congrats on the sober time, Bruun!
                redhead77;1221861 wrote: SP, knowing you, I'll bet you don't want people to see all the books you're reading. The Kindle might come in handy in this regard.
                Well of course I have a FEW books hidden, like the copy of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Catching and Shagging Sheep" that Murph sent me. I may live downtown, but I can get to the countryside in no time
                Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                George Santayana


                  Bruun's Titting UP

                  Great posts peeps,

                  Ne, it's frigging cold here in So Cal, my house is 52 this AM, my cat won't come out from under the covers. Okay, so that's not as cold as yours or Rudy's and I don't have to depend on a fireplace, thank the gods. But when you're here for a year, your blood thins and you can't take cold AT ALL. Its pathetic. And those darn palm trees and pools look stupid in the winter, like, WTF are they doing out there? I was thinking Hawaii or FLA last night, having the same discussion in my head. Except I'm at heart a SF girl, I left my heart there for sure. I'm an NPR fan but can't really stand listening all day on the weekends, but now my MP3 player has a radio so I'll be listening to cartalk at the farmers market at least! Or WaitWait!

                  Pete, thanks for the cheering on, I do want to CRUSH them asswipes. Especially after my manager's rabid emails all night long, wonder how completely hung over he'll be. NOT ME THO! :thanks: Thanks for the kudos on the booze, I've had one light beer a night and that's it, can't drink more, don't want more. Several things are helping this happen but I'm not exactly sure how I got here.

                  Time to eat last night's leftovers, and my CO plus green tea. I'm having pasta primavera with chicken this morning, folks. Me, the low carb queen when I'm boozing. Well, except for the ice cream and chocolate. and the booze. Der.

                  Here's to a triumphant day for all of us!


                    Bruun's Titting UP

                    hey bruun, i'm just so thrilled to hear about your respite from the beast (even when it tries to flirt)! i hope that does wonders for your spirit. i'd love to hear more about it, especially what you think might have led you to this wonderful shift...

                    you know, i gave up on the looks thing a while ago -say, a decade (in my 30's, too)- but i don't know if that counts, since i virtually stopped chasing men at that point. i wanted to add too, inspired by red, that all that endorphin-chasing-experience, and the pots of fool's gold at the end, was nothing like encountering one after another true love (in case that wasn't obvious when i laid it out before); you can't even compare the two divergent feelings, they're strikingly different: endorphins wear off, love does not. thinking that it's not possible to have more than one true love in a lifetime is too sad and limiting for me. (shit, i know i can have another after my first true love, toby nelson (who changed his name years later, so he's safe), who helped me up off the ice when i fell skating when we were four. he teased me a bit about it, but when he saw i was sad from that, he hugged me and told me he was sorry. (i think he even kissed my cheek; let's just say he did.) i still can feel his tender sincerity. it was with toby that i discovered the other meaning of the word sunday (spelled s-u-n-d-a-e).)

                    oh, we didn't get any snow here in the valley where i live, but in the foothills where i work, there were a few inches laid down. no two-hour delay, though. shucks.

                    here's to a sober friday for all who want one!

                    xo rudy


                      Bruun's Titting UP

                      Hey there Rudy,

                      I've got two things constantly on my mind keeping me from drinking, one is my GI tract which seems to be permanently damaged, since it's not healing up very well, after what I consider many days without damaging it.

                      The other is the book I wrote about, that helps put thoughts in my head that put a new perspective on the whole drinking thinking romance. Takes the love right out of it.

                      About true loves, I think originally said I don't think you can have multiple first true loves, but that I hope you can have more than one true love. So I'm with you - we get better at recognizing real love as we get older. We are better friends and we find better people to be friends and lovers with; we make better parents, we're better with our pets. So finding a "true love" is not something I throw a stick at, I find hope in the thought.

                      Carry on to that sober Friday to anyone reaching for it.


                        Bruun's Titting UP


                        Is, my mother is at the bottom of the jar, and has been for the week. Is that bad, is she dead?

                        Edit: I looked at the stuff this AM very closely after posting this, and see a new scoby is forming at the top so maybe the old mother is 'done'. It doesn't smell apple cider/vinegary. I am hoping I can get the old mother out of the mouth of the jar - its an antique jar I received from a close friend as a treasured gift, I'd be flummoxed to have a dead mother stuck inside it!

                        Anyways, I read online that the dark stuff is used yeast and you can't filter with coffee filter or paper towels as they will clog quickly. They recommend cheesecloth. Here's the link I found helpful.

                        Kombucha Brewing Guide

                        Last, reading last night in bed, I found this concern posted (below) here: How to Make a Big Batch of Kombucha. I'm thinking chelation therapy would work in combination with moderation in kombucha intake to help clear out the liver which we ALL need, esp us here, and protect the brain. Any input/thoughts, anyone? I don't know much about chelation therapy except its supposed to help the body gather up metals and toxins and excrete rather than store them.

                        z_m says:
                        I am brewing my 3rd batch of Kombucha and I have some serious concerns. After drinking a ton of the de-facto commercial brand for about 2 months I started having really bad headaches. I have completely stopped, and they have dissipated to some degree, but I've been pondering what happened. I'd like to mention that I own a copy of Alana Pascal's book 'Kombucha - How-To and What It's All About' thought by many to be the definitive book on Kombucha.

                        My first concern: Mobilization. It is my understanding that Kombucha is very effective at not only helping your liver process toxins much more effectively, but that if you have amassed a good deal of toxins in your system over the years that they can be 'mobilized'. This raises serious concerns for those who might have a sizable quantity of such things as heavy metals like mercury. After being mobilized, they may not be rapidly expelled from your body, as was the case that caused them to build up in the first place, subsequently redistributing in other soft tissue of the body such as the brain. I believe very little is discussed about this the average consumer has no clue just how effective Kombucha can be at mobilizing toxins and super charging your liver. Clearly this is a double edged sword and something that should be regarding in much the same way any sensible person would look at vitamins. Proper dosage is key. It bothers me that commercial products say little about the dangers of over consumption. Given that Kombucha mobilizes so well, it is highly recommended that you DO NOT drink it when pregnant or breastfeeding as the fetus/infant will be subject excessive toxins. It is also discouraged for use by children. I don't want people doing damage to themselves out of ignorance, and I don't want the drink I've grown to enjoy greatly to face regulation or worse.


                          Bruun's Titting UP

                          i am a bit discouraged about the whole kombucha thing. they didn't have my favorite kind in the hf store today, and i can't be arsed to try a new batch of my own (especially not without my fave variety to start the mother with).

                          oops, my son just woke up. catch ya later!


                            Bruun's Titting UP

                            Arsed! LOL

                            Last night I went to a birthday party for a good friend, and I had a glass of wine. I wanted more but didn't want to open a bottle so I didn't have anymore. I came home without feeling like I missed a thing, and I'm not hung over. What a relief! Gives me strength to know I can enjoy social activities without the need to get hammered. Of course the fact that that one glass gave me incessant diarrhea today helps me remember that at tonight's holiday party, I must not drink more than a glass or I'll be shitting myself at the fest. Too bad no one has brown shag carpet these days.

                            Ru, about the kombucha, I swear, its the one thing you can make without giving a shit about babysitting it, I think I'm in love with kombucha. It's the lazy woman's way to create. I guess fermentation is in my genes. Ew, that sounds very bad. Not jeans, genes people!

                            Okay, the thread has been boycotted! Its just you and me Rudy. I hope everyone else is busy passing their tests and having festivities.

                            One last thing - at the party last night, I was looking at a woman sitting across from me who was saying things that were naive or ignorant, depending on how you judge it. And I was getting short tempered with her. Then I remembered that my role in this life is to love others, and to let others be who they are. So I loosened up and stopped being bitchy in my mind about her, and I learned that she has a ton of health problems and is basically disabled. So if she's not up to speed on anything, there's good reason, and I should be the last person to judge her.

                            Anyways, love is the answer. Did you know Dec 8 was the anniversary of John Lennon's death? I didn't know that but I've been singing that song for the past week...


                              Bruun's Titting UP

                              Bruunhilde;1222468 wrote:

                              Ne, it's frigging cold here in So Cal, my house is 52 this AM, my cat won't come out from under the covers. Okay, so that's not as cold as yours or Rudy's and I don't have to depend on a fireplace, thank the gods.
                              Bruunhilde;1222939 wrote: Is, my mother is at the bottom of the jar, and has been for the week. Is that bad, is she dead?

                              .... I'd be flummoxed to have a dead mother stuck inside it!
                              It's been warmer here! Several days in the 70s this week, and nights in the 50s. I'm on my way to San Diego and checked the weather, thank goodness! oy! At least I can wear my new boots. I'll holla at you.

                              I find the dead mother thing very distracting. And you read some scary stuff.

                              Hope you crushed they asses.

                              RudyB;1223557 wrote:
                              i am a bit discouraged about the whole kombucha thing.
                              I swear I was moments away from the Kombucha thing. Between the dead mother, the heavy metals (egad! the toxins in this tuna-loving-liver!) and the discouragement of the least discourage-able of us! I'll pick some up and try it first. A teaspoon at a time.


                                Bruun's Titting UP

                                Ne, I should have updated the kombucha status here - the mother can sink according to my readings, and is still okay. I have an extra mother if you want it to take home with you! LOL, that'd be cool going through the xray at the airport with you! I have an old mother and a new mother or scoby, whateva you want to call them.

                                Airport dialog with security:

                                "Ma'am, what IS that?"
                                "Its a kombucha mother"
                                "Its a fermented tea scoby with live bacteria on it"
                                "WTF is that? I've never heard of it. We need to get someone here to look at it. Please stand over here, ma'am"
                                "It's all natural, its not a bomb or anything, can I go through now? I'm going to miss my effin' flight!"
                                Ne overhears TSA saying into the intercom "she said "bomb" sir. Yes sir. Ma'am, please turn around and put your hands behind your back"

