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Bruun's Titting UP

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    Bruun's Titting UP

    Hi Bruun,

    I did try the GT brand. It was okay after I mixed out with diet sprite, treated like a cocktail.

    I'll have try making it sometime. Care to post your recipe?


      Bruun's Titting UP

      Hi lovelife,

      No, mold is different than bacterial cultures.

      I used to make beer and it could sometimes get infected with mold. Then you'd have to toss it.

      Mold on a brew looks similar to mold on bread or cheese.


        Bruun's Titting UP

        Hey all! I have missed you guys! I haven?t read back through the campfire stories (though I really want to know how everyone has been!), but I wanted to post real quick and let everyone know that I?m doing all kinds of good, but have been super busy. It?s all good busy though. I?m taking over a new process at work, and with the Vyvanse, I?m actually staying on task all day and getting a lot done. The thing is, I used to do most of my web surfing and MWOing during my work day while I was procrastinating (well, now I know it was because of the ADD). And with the holidays, I am also trying to fit in shopping and decorating and baking, etc. I just ran to Whole Foods (well, drove really slowly in really bad traffic that is mostly snowbirds with nothing better to do than drive 10 miles under the speed limit, hmph!) and picked up all of the ingredients. One that I am very excited about is candied bacon chocolate chip cookies! Sweet, salty, savory, chewy, crunchy ? what?s not to like? Oh yeah, the 10 dollar price tag on the bag of almond flour!
        I?m still loving hot yoga and weight training, though both are down to only about once a week now, which I?m not happy about. After sitting at a desk all day, oftentimes w/out a break lately, I really need to move! That?s another reason why I haven?t been hopping on MWO at home in the evenings. My butt just can?t take any more sitting!

        I?ve also been out and about a lot, spending time with friends and family, meeting new people, saying yes to more invitations than I would have before. I?m even heading up to a theme park this weekend with a small group of friends (though normally I would have declined because it feels like there is too much to do, especially with it being the last weekend before Christmas). The Vyvanse has really turned things around for me though. No more waking up with the sinking feeling of grief that something is wrong, even though nothing is. No more blahs and apocalyptic thoughts about the future. I?m actually consistently happy again! Woo hoo! It reminds me of the ecstatic feeling that HDB can sometimes induce. It has even stripped off the water weight that I?ve been carrying around for the past few months, ever since I started having IC symptoms (the jury is still out on that ? I do still get mild symptoms occasionally). I also have a renewed sense of self-confidence, and it feels like my exercise and diet are actually being properly reflected physically again, whereas before I could have completely stopped eating (which I came close to at times!) and it wouldn?t have made a difference. Now I?m happily eating mostly Paleo.

        Ok, I had better wrap this up and get back to work. I?m actually typing this up in Word so it looks like I?m working! The smiley bar in the internet window is just a dead give away!

        So Bruun, DG, Roo, Red, SP, Brenda, Space, LL, NE (and whoever I may have missed!), I hope you are all doing splendidly and I?ll check in again soon and hopefully catch up on what everyone has been up to recently.

        In the words of one of my favorite yoga instructors ? imperfect just means ?I?m perfect. We are all perfect in our imperfections." :h

        P.S. to Red - thanks for the nudge! :l
        Better Living Through Chemistry

        Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

        Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


          Bruun's Titting UP

          Holy toledo Is, great to see you! You sound like you're super organized and going full steam ahead. No gloom and doom? Oh that sounds so good to me, my siblings and I suffer from this horrible feeling daily. The gabapentin helps quite a bit but I do spend time here when I should be working ... your story hit some chords with me!

          Sabby, I got the recipe for kombucha by googling it, and I ruined it eventually by not following the directions exactly so I don't have a good process to recommend. Right now I have a bottle of GT on the kitchen counter and I am hoping it forms a scoby. The GT might not taste the best but its one of the few that have enough "stuff" in it to generate its own mother if you are patient.

          Here's a decent recipe but you can make your own culture/scoby/mother instead of buying theirs. Just leave the GT on the counter for a few days with the cap OFF and a paper towl rubber banded around the top to keep stuff from dropping in (flies, dust, whatever). Once you see a culture form, you can use the recipe they have and it worked for me.

          Recipe for Kombucha Tea - Brewing Kombucha - Organic Kombucha Mushroom culture - How to ferment beverages - How to make | brew Kombucha Tea


            Bruun's Titting UP

            Isolde, as Bruun says: gabapentin is the dog's bollocks (well, as she would have said if she were able to speak like an Anglo). Anyhoo....we luvya baby! :h:l
            "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


              Bruun's Titting UP

              Hey Bruun! I hear ya on the doom and gloom feeling daily...worse now with Holidays, less sunshine, and getting dark at what seems like just after lunch!!

              Hang in there!! Thanks for the support on my thread....wanted to return the support!

              Luv you!!!
              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                Bruun's Titting UP

                Oh, and I am usually only on MWO at work too!!!
                "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  Bruun's Titting UP

                  ifulovelife2;1226815 wrote: Waddyamean "that let mold in"? That's the idea ain't it? Yer let the thing git moldy?!?!?!?

                  Odd, very odd behaviour. Reminds me of witchcraft: all you women sitting around talking about your potions. I'm off now to Google "how to make a ducking stool"
                  . Watch out all you hags!
                  I just knew this was a cult or a coven!!!!


                    Bruun's Titting UP

                    Hi Isolde - I don't know you yet but I must your post made me happy just reading it. I look forward to feeling that great!

                    @Bruun - thanks for the tip and link!


                      Bruun's Titting UP

                      Oh DG, where art thou? I know the studies are pressing, but aren't you DONE yet? I hope you're doing great and tests are going well. Check in with us!

                      Sabby, Is is da bomb!


                        Bruun's Titting UP

                        hi is! good to see you again, and to see you seeming like you're feeling pretty great.

                        yeah, dg, i was just wondering where you are...

                        herenow, thanks for the new word: coven; you took me straight to my dictionary tab that i never close: an assembly of witches, especially a group of thirteen.


                          Bruun's Titting UP

                          Bruunhilde;1227099 wrote: Oh DG, where art thou?
                          RudyB;1227103 wrote:
                          yeah, dg, i was just wondering where you are...
                          I love you guys!!! I'm back!!! Last final was yesterday morning. Holy schmole they get the grades up fast too. Computers. Got all A's! More importantly, I actually CARED about my classes and learning the material - not just figuring out the minimum to get by like I did 30 years ago. Maybe feeling passion for the topic makes a difference. I know for SURE being sober instead of partying every day and night makes a difference LOL!

                          I can't wait to read back on the thread and see how everyone is doing! Hello one and all. I'm off to a doc appointment (just a check up with thryroid / bioidentical hormone doc) but hope to catch up more over the weekend.

                          Love you all and hoping you are having a fabulous holiday season! Especially YOU Bruun! Because you're GOOD ENOUGH! And SMART ENOUGH! And GOSH DARN IT PEOPLE LIKE YOU! LOL there is a guy in one of my classes and we did that affirmation with him all semester long. So it's still on my mind!! I'm feeling downright punch silly!


                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            Bruun's Titting UP

                            Woohoo! Way to go , Dodgy!

                            Hello to everyone. I LOVE YOU ALL!
                            "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                              Bruun's Titting UP

                              Hi DG, great to see your smiling face, you're da bomb! Awesome on the grades! Love you all too! Not-Brenda, you're particularly effusive today, floating on clouds are ya? Its nice to see such happy people DG and NB.

                              I'm happy its Friday! I have a massage scheduled at noon - they're not used to me being unavailable at lunch, wonder if the bank will survive? I'm supposed to write my own performance review, nice. Of course my mgr can then change it all so it could be an exercise in futility.

                              5 days without alcohol and my BP is still high, usually it drops when I'm AF. It's been "normal" for years at this weight even drinking (because I'm on a lot of bp meds) and then drops alot when I go AF. The only difference is the gabapentin and baclofen. But I need those things!!!!! I'm going on a diet after the holidays which will lower my BP and ease the burden on my spine too. Hopefully the pain will be less then, after all the chiropractor and massage work.

                              NBrenda, how's your BP? You're on both - do you get your BP checked often?

                              Have a happy Friday, all, turning up the heat here by adding some logs, come join us!


                                Bruun's Titting UP

                                Bruun, I was checking my BP at home and also occasionally having it checked at the doctor's. Quite simply, it went down with my weight.

                                Not-Brenda, you're particularly effusive today, floating on clouds are ya?
                                You betcha, baby!
                                "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac

