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Bruun's Titting UP

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    Bruun's Titting UP

    aw, dag it!

    i got logged off and couldn't post the longie i just wrote, but now i have to hustle to get to work. frick, though i'd rather say the real word that i feel.

    doggie and bruun and pete: that's great on the af and the sugar free, just great!

    it's gotta be hard to have physical challenges, in a way that it's not hard to have the challenges i currently have: you can't ignore a knee that won't let you run or a heel that won't let you walk, but i can choose to ignore the lack of zeros after the dollar signs in my bank account, or the absent divorce papers. i have to do that every day to keep my head out of the depths of despair. usually it works, but not always. i've had some serious anxiety lately, something i've never before experienced.

    there was so much more, but i have to run now, to a job i am so fortunate to have. love you all!

    xo rudy


      Bruun's Titting UP

      Rudy, I choose to ignore all the zeros that appear after the dollar sign, with nary a positive number in sight! So I hear ya!



        Bruun's Titting UP

        OMG, there's been a lot of awesomeness going on in this thread!

        @Pete - I literally LOL'd when you mentioned modeling in front the mirror. Made my day it's only 7:30am! As for meditation...I could never get into it. But, I became a runner in 2008 and it's like meditation for me. I get real zen-like during a run. And CONGRATS on the 5 weeks AF!!!! I am jellis. And happy for you.

        @Bruun - plantar fasciatis. It sucks. It essentially means the fascia on the bottom of your foot, that runs from heel to toes, is super tight. Doctors probably tell you NOT to walk around and to wear orthotics. But the way to actually get rid of it is to stretch your feet a lot and walk around barefoot as much as possible. It often happens because the muscles of your feet are weak (very common in modern humans due to the fact that just about EVERY single shoe we wear has some sort of slightly raised heel). So, if you walk around barefoot in your house, etc, then you will strengthen your feet. At first it will be uncomfortable but then it will feel fine and your PF should go away.

        And CONGRATS to you, as well, on being sober on your first day off for the holidays. Boy do I think we all understand that! I know the night I got off I so wanted to get lit, as per usual, but I didn't and i'm glad for it. So, now I am glad for you!


          Bruun's Titting UP

          I nominate Malarkey as the word of the day.

          Does anyone have an AppleTV? Can you get free shows on it? Does it replace cable? How about Hulu stuff?


            Bruun's Titting UP

            Howdy Campers! What a busy happy thread this has suddenly become after a dearth of activity and sad lonliness!

            Ne, I think you should start a Geek Thread to discuss everyone's questions about all the new technology. Like, the comparison between e-readers! iFones? Apple TV! Or we could do it here but I have nuttin' on Apple TV for ya. And I want a Kindle Fire but I think I'd be tied to Amazon content and you pay double for books on Kindle vs used paperbacks so nah!

            Sabby, that's so great you get zen when you run, I need that because you kill two birds with one stone thataway. Glad you're here!

            Rudy, so sorry about the anxiety, do you have any xanax to get you through the worst? Also, a TEENSY amount of gabapentin might be good for you, like 100mg. If you take a big dose, it will get you too "high" the first few times. I know a big dose isn't for everyone and that you weren't happy with it. Remember, this too shall pass. It sounds like you're doing all the right things, and a good run is the best medicine. Goforit.

            DG, I missed that you have x amount of day sugar free, that IS amazing. What's up, are you still getting tons of stuff done on your time off?

            Ne, your post reminded me to tell Pete about Jack Kornfield. You can buy his book on audio used via Amazon, same place your GIANT PENIS book is. LOL. That IS amazing and an excellent gift for my sister whose favorite thing in the world is in that book.

            Bacon can be purchased without nitrates, for you bacon addicts. Just FYI.

            Ciao for now, lovlies. Keep on being strong and all that stuff. I just had two chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, and now I'm going to Costco. Wish me luck I don't barf.


              Bruun's Titting UP

              What or who is sam hill???

              BACON....IN COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what the..........


                Bruun's Titting UP

                Bruunhilde;1231594 wrote:

                Bacon can be purchased without nitrates, for you bacon addicts. Just FYI.

                Ciao for now, lovlies. Keep on being strong and all that stuff.
                Bacon without added nitrates/nitrites has more naturally occurring nitrates/nitrites than the stuff where it's added in. Yes, I know. I read to much. It is my downfall. I think my new year's resolution is going to be to pledge to NOT read the damn ingredients in everything and then google them. Damn wiki.

                Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite meal ATM. There is a good reason I need to sugar-free my diet.

                Jack Kornfield was the one I was thinking about. The lecture on Wow on the Dharma website. Holy cow (wow!). Rocked my world.

                Beebs, we're American. Bacon in everything! But you all have plenty of strange and wonderful weird things. Spotted Dick for instance.

                I have been stewing about money for the last couple of hours/days/weeks. ugh. I can't wait to let that obsession go.

                YOU TOO! Strength! And (a measure of) serenity. (Don't want to push it, do we? )


                  Bruun's Titting UP

                  Sabby, re plantar faciatis, my chiropractor and I had a discussion about the causes. I work out of my home 4 our of 5 days, except for certain times of the year, I go barefoot or slippers in the winter. My Dr said that our bodies were only desiged to last fifty years, and after that time, we need help. The causes, he says, of PF are lack of arch support and just alot of use. Who knows? I'm sure there are good substantiations for both sides and I know my slippers have no support. Ever since I started seeing him, the chiro, I've been starting to differentiate my pain into lower back, heel, toe, sole, and sciattica. Before that it was just all one big pain to me. Anyways, blah blah blah. Just back from Costco, CRAZY, people with carts lined up around the store. Did I get in line? Nah. I got my tires balanced then went in and tried to smile at all the people who don't know how to navigate traffic in stores. They probably cause all the car crashes outside stores too. Apparently tomorrow is the best day to last minute shop for anything. That is a shopping tip for all you procrastinators!


                    Bruun's Titting UP

                    SlipperyPete;1230832 wrote: Here we are :H

                    LOL that was quite a Freudian slip! Well, probably not exactly Freudian but funny none the less since I was typing about family and said hell instead of hill! Very happy for you about the job situation!!!! Also congrats on the weight loss. I think you should post a video and then all of us can give you feedback about the admirability factor. Heck, Brenda might even want to go back to female status in order to participate in said feedback. Just an idea.

                    Bruun - wow you are dealing with a LOT of pain. Ugh!!!!!! Sounds like you are enjoying vacation so far - you sound quite spunky!

                    Yes it's 26 days sugar free now, and only 1 day in that time not strictly on plan. I've lost a about 10 pounds. Five more and I'll be happy. 10 more and I would be thrilled but I'm OK if that doesn't happen. I really need to keep my mitts 100% off sugar all the time. I just have no control once I get started. Like some other things heard about here!

                    Red, I thought about what you said about me doing this stuff on my own. I thought back to weight loss (and subsequent gains LOL), stopping smoking, quiting drinking, etc. Each and every time I've been part of on-line support groups. And in the case of AA and weight watchers - face to face as well. For some reason, that seems to be what works for me. LOL - I've hooked up with a group of really tough birds on Weight Watchers. Make you meal plan, eat what's on your plan, don't eat anything else, no excuses, no BS repeat. I seem to be thriving on that so far.

                    The censoring on the WW site is REALLY strict. I was laughing so hard I was crying one day when one of these tough gals was explaining how the word "dong" got censored but of course she could not use the word dong in her post. At the WW site, if you use a word that is not allowed, it doesn't just **** the word. It wont' let you post your post at all. It tells you that you used a bad word and then you have to go find it. There are LOTTTTTS of bad words in the eyes of weight watchers. Anyway....I guess if you are jonesing for a Hostess Ding Dong and you are seeking some support over that, weight watchers on-line would not be the place to go.

                    Apple TV? Wow. I still haven't got my iPhone figured out.

                    Is - chocolate covered bacon - is that what I read????? Wow!

                    So good to catch up with everyone! 48 hours until the madness is over!!!

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Bruun's Titting UP

                      bruun, i think it was the bronkaid alternative (primatine mist tablets) that gave me anxiety, not a gabapentin hangover. plus, sometimes i get totally overwhelmed with the factors in my current life, most especially the saga of my divorce, and that is a real source of fear for me. like i have said many times, though, i try to focus on the end, to keep it in sight, to know that it will come, maybe even soon, and that helps.

                      i loved your analogy of chores to drinking, how we should focus on what comes after (or something like that). can't remember now how you put it, but it was good. i get so overwhelmed by chores sometimes, and i get all stirred about how epic they are that i can't seem to begin, but once i do, they get done and the satisfaction is huge.

                      i wish everyone a smooth and happy ride in these days. sounds like folks are doing pretty well, so good!

                      xo rudy


                        Bruun's Titting UP

                        DG, I don't think your idea of me posting a striptease video would go over too well on this site, ya know? It's a nice thought, but there are children present. :H

                        Bruun, both me and my sister had PF a little bit growing up. It was from playing soccer, and we had to put these cups into the heels of our shoes. Mine cleared up but I think my sister still sometimes complains about it...
                        Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                        George Santayana


                          Bruun's Titting UP

                          I wrote about the anxiety part and Dr L on the anxiety thread, Ne (you might want to scroll your eyes down to the bottom to get the info. It was a long one). I didn't write anything else about the visit (except on that Dr thread). And my anxiety is better for the most part. Thank you for asking.

                          Ru, maybe the Primatene Mist tablets have more ephedrine in them than the Bronkaid. Or maybe if you haven't taken ephedrine in a while, it might come with more of a kick. Maybe just take one tablet next time. That over speedy feeling is the pits. The ex being there will come to an end soon. I just know it! J's in town right now, and has been lurking around here some, so I have a small inkling of what you're going through. Not nearly to the extent that you have to deal with it.

                          Bruun, I don't think I should lament about how difficult my life has been. Since there's been some talk about bank accts, I have to add, that this time of year is worrisome for me. We know I need to be saving money for my move and all. I recently received a generous Christmas check from my grandparents. It will pretty much cover everything I had to spend on Christmas for them. There are many in a much worse situation than I'm in, and the past is the past. I feel extra lucky right now. My health is relatively good too. Not perfect, but good enough.

                          DG, you raise a good point. I still think you're a toughie to be able to do all these things with only online support. Yes, it will be over in 36 hours or so! Until next year that is...:H

                          And I forgot to tell everyone how fantastic all this soberness around here is! (or did I?)

                          I'm off to Costco this morning. I need to pick up something for Christmas dinner. I hope what you say is true, that the masses will be done shopping by now.
                          This Princess Saved Herself


                            Bruun's Titting UP

                            I'm hoping the hoards are done shopping today, at least by this afternoon, Red. Best of luck at Costco!

                            I was at an xmas party last night and one of the women there had reading glasses that had lights that turned on and off for reading menus in dark restaurants. LOL, I thought it was a gag gift sort of thing to look at her all lit up, but no, apparently a real deal and not a bad idea at that.

                            Thanks Pete, hope the cups help me, at least they'll make me taller!

                            Ru, I guess the knock offs aren't great then, in this case, since you never had this prob with Bronkaid, right? Hang in there!

                            DG, I bow to your successes. I just had two chocolate chip cookies for breakfast and Earl Grey. And a protein shake. My beloved raw milk is back in stores so I souped up that shake something terrible with the whole milk. YUM.

                            DG, what kind of protein powder do you use? I just finished my Jarrow's this AM and need something with less sugar.

                            Cheers all, to a sober evening tonight and a fun day today. Time for the farmers market and dogpark and friend's house to see the Portugeuse Water Dog puppies and last, back here to make ten pounds of mashed taters with cream, raw milk, kerrygold butter and a couple of sweet potatoes thrown in secretly. Also thinking of steaming some cauliflower and seeing if I can hide some in there...


                              Bruun's Titting UP

                              It sounds like everyones all set for a good christmas day I hope Bruun, and all you knowledgeable peeps on here wont mind me me wanting to pick your brains in the new year a bout any health tips going that you all know about. Doggy I also cant stop eating sugar mostley in the form of chocolate and biscuits tho and want to try a week without it so I think that will be one of my first things to do. Bruun Ive never tried sweet potatoes are they good?


                                Bruun's Titting UP

                                Happy Holidays everyone, and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!!!!!

                                Bruun - I've been trying lately to eat food rather than drink calories. But I do have protein powder around and probably always will. I use Source Naturals True Whey. It's not certified organic but is from grass fed cows, etc. It's not flavored so you can add whatever you want and not be stuck with whatever sweeteners, etc. they pick. How is your vacation going? Are you finding time for some fun?

                                Pete - I beg to differ. I think my idea of you doing a strip tease is an AWESOME idea.

                                Red - that is so cool how you got some $$ help just when you needed some. The universe is amazing sometimes!

                                Ru - Divorce is so difficult. :l I sure hope yours is behind you soon!

                                Space - for me sugar is a lot like booze. A little bit just makes me insane for more. The first week or so without it is grinding for me. But now that I've been off it a while, I feel so much more in control it's amazing. And none of the sick feelings that for me, come along with over indulging. Good luck! You kicked AL to the curb so I know you can do sugar the same way!

                                Ne - can you give a link to that thing you are WOWing about? Are you enjoying break?

                                Shout outs to Is, Brenda, and any other folks around the camp fire that I've been missing with my odd comings and goings!

                                Zoom zoom. I'm all prepped for the family dinner. Now I'm grabbing some "me" time for a power walk - that will help keep me sane dealing with my father.

                                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                                One day at a time.

