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New Poster, Baclofen advice

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    New Poster, Baclofen advice

    To begin is to simply state that alcohol is getting in the way of my dreams.

    This is my senior year in college and I simply cannot afford sitting on the couch hung over while the work piles up.

    I am a binge social drinker. I do not drink or keep it in the home. I do not drink every day. But, I see a habit that has been pulling me down over the past several years!

    Known triggers?

    Too much Espresso in the afternoon.

    Successful, excitable moments, ?I made an A on my test?!

    I live a block away from what is considered one of the largest ?Arts/party? districts in the United States, which has made accessibility all to easy.

    I meditate, take a dizzying array of vitamins, amino acids, omega 3?s, spices, herbs, and make fruit and vegetable juice daily. Which covers my holistic bases and helps but...

    Out of the past two weeks I slipped up one day, ?too much caffeine,? besides that it has been no problem keeping on track. But I know that there are, and will be moments when "the craze hits" and I want to be prepared!


    I?m looking to order from (All day chemist, online)

    I will order several packs of 10mg and several of 25mg pacs. Enough to last 2 months.

    Starting on the 10mg and slowly building up.

    OR could I simply take a 25mg in the afternoons, which is the only time the craze ever hits hits me to "go out"????

    I would appreciate any advice on the website I am ordering from or one ?you ? think is better.

    And please advise me on a schedule of dosage.

    Thank you and Kindest regards!

    New Poster, Baclofen advice

    I wrote a long reply to this but then when I read it back through I realised it may not have been appropriate and I should assume you are being serious. Have you tried not drinking espresso?

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      New Poster, Baclofen advice

      Blimey, I'd give a million dollars to have saved my puny arse from Satan's spunky milkshake back in my college days, but that sounds kinda gay, so let's move on.

      Assuming you're serious about wanting to cut down your boozing - smart man for spotting the problemo so soon. I don't know if baclofen is the way to go. Since you've realised what a bummer the old brew can be earlier than most of your brethren and a fuck of a lot sooner than me, you might be able to do this on brain power alone. But then, maybe not.

      I'm just hesitating to say "go for it" with baclofen because that's a bit like using a B52 full of agent orange to get rid of last year's Christmas tree. Baclofen is a fugging miracle drug, as far as I am concerned, but I think you need to be a bit more fucked up before you can use it

      Hope that makes some sense.


        New Poster, Baclofen advice

        Seethepony;1053553 wrote:

        Hope that makes some sense.
        Yep, certainly does.

        saved my puny arse from Satan's spunky milkshake
        LOL, STP, mate, you do my melon in. :crazymonkey:

        The unexamined life is not worth living


          New Poster, Baclofen advice

          Pony, you are a credit to this forum. :H Please don't stop, my melon needs the jocularity. Um, that wasn't meant to sound sexual.


            New Poster, Baclofen advice

            Hey Samsara,


            Everybody's problems are relative, so you need to decide whether you are nuking last year's christmas tree or not. If you decide it's a problem that needs to be nuked, then attack. If you do, I wouldn't just throw the odd baclofen tablet at the problem on an as-or-when basis - you need to respond to it properly, and go for the switch, or just let it be for the time being.

            Either way, best of luck.


              New Poster, Baclofen advice

              Sam, sorry I didn't respond, I meant to, but got distracted and just posted away.

              Kudos to you, most people your age don't give any concern to the drinking and that's how we all ended up here, 20 years later with tons of regrets.

              Baclofen is generally helpful to reduce anxiety that causes people to drink, but it's no cure unless you hit your "switch" at very high doses over a period of time increasing your dose over time. You'll need a ton of bac to get that done.

              Bac generally doesn't help as a prophylactic, although you could experiment somewhat. My cousin just ordered some to help with her anxiety, and hasn't noticed any difference at low doses while I found some anxiety relief at about 30mg.

              You might want to eliminate coffee/caffeine if they're known triggers for AL. And stop making A's I guess. (Just kidding).


                New Poster, Baclofen advice

                Actually baclofen allows you to use your judgement by lowering the intensity of cravings.. It does work "proactively" Anxiety is a factor in drinking but often it is a symptom of alcohol withdrawal and the baclofen helps there too. Read more on it.


                  New Poster, Baclofen advice

                  I don't need the "ageism" treatment I will be 42 in June.

                  Just because I'm continuing my education does not mean I'm a kid.

                  I do not suffer from anxiety, I'm simply looking for a new answer to an old question.

                  Thank you for your help!


                    New Poster, Baclofen advice

                    Now that I have been abstinent for over a year I feel quite certain I can maintain it indefinitely. I do still take a low dose at night to help me wind down to sleep. I would also consider increasing the dose or take it if I were going through a difficult time. It is a "tool" that I feel comfortable using to meet my goals. Don't get defensive about the age thing. Noone is out to judge you one way or another. I am 58, finally figured this out!
                    Good Luck


                      New Poster, Baclofen advice

                      PRN option may be a great solution as this drug doesn;t kick in 2 months later like some but it works after 30 mins. I experience the same anxiety issue and if I pop couple tablets I can go out and with mellow face have a softie in the bar or a light beer and that's it.

                      I advise to administer doses on the potentially drinking days and leave out other days when you have no desire.

                      I see no other option but bac. Anxiety driven thoughts are hard to kill unless you have a barrel of Camomile tea or munch the whole Valerian plant to relax you. Booze works fast and we want someting that will counter act the desire fast. There's Valium, but it's way too expensive to consider. Bac is a miracle pill that can get you there without going through your student pocket.

                      Hope that helps.


                        New Poster, Baclofen advice

                        There is a rationale for having it on board at first tho as it interrupts the intense craving which can be subconscious. It really depends on if you can recognize it and take it "in time" to interrupt the action which follows the craving.

