Thanks, Otter and RedThread!!!
Interestingly enough, my gf, who signed up first on mwo looking for help for me, and who started this thread, is a public-interest attorney (gasp!).
We're both successful professionals and know that, unfortunately, pursuing my case could be a sisyphean (pointless) task. I am proverbially "mad as hell and don't want to take it anymore" ...completely pissed off at the status quo we alcoholics are dealt... and yet would not jump into such a thing lightly.
Such a suit would be viewed by many as frivolous, and seen at best serve to further hobble the already short supply of "qualified" psychiatric care we enjoy.
On the other hand, lawsuits of this type are legitimate because they push policy and practice where other branches of government fear to tread.
Finally, it's doubtful an attorney would take my case on speculation. My gf Heather would probably pursue the case if I was dead-set on it, but I'd most certainly be counter-sued and be at risk of having to pay the doctor's attorney fees if I did not prevail. My income is in the same ballpark of the average doctor in private practice, so I don't come to the fight with nothing to lose.
I want to fight the good fight and make a difference. We alcoholics are treated like SHIT everywhere we turn. My doctor refused to continue treatment 100% because of truthful information I volunteered... NOT because of any aberrant behavior. I was abstinent when I began with this doc and I KNEW the risk I was taking in volunteering the truth about my lapse... and my fears were completely born out.
Color me the alcoholic that can't seem to find rock-bottom motivation, and I defiantly resist the status-quo assumption that I need to run over someone while driving or lose my career in order to appreciate the gravity of my condition. I'm a serious alcoholic, and my health is at real risk, even if my behavior is benign.
I can only hope this discussion leads me to pursue some end that is productive for me and all of us who fight addiction. FWIW I've had three coffee mugs full of vodka over ice just over the course of writing this post...
With much affection all around,