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The Switch and Indifference

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    The Switch and Indifference


    The Switch and Indifference

    Congratulations UK, I am very happy for you.

    I'm sorry you feel that you have been short-changed, I'm sure you'll agree that this is an emotional time for everybody concerned, and to let that overshadow your accomplishment seems unnecessary at this point. Why not just relax and enjoy the moment, and share in your success with everybody here. Everyone, I'm sure, will be delighted for you!

    Well done, it truly is a gift!


      The Switch and Indifference

      Bleep I'm going to share, but not down here. I find the atmosphere too full of egos, so I'm going to report it in the general section above. This is presuming Roberta can stop my removal, yesterday we agreed she would go ahead but obviously I'm still here for some reason.


        The Switch and Indifference

        Perhaps we should all start sharing our successes in the general area, it might generate more interest. A "don't want to drink today" approach to this problem is surely better than the generally accepted "managed to not drink today"!

        I'll keep an eye out for yours UK.


          The Switch and Indifference

          I have started a post in the "Just Starting Out" section entitled "Newbies - This is what it is all about". I kind of thought the name says it all and figured new people would be starting in that section. Check it out...


            The Switch and Indifference

            Really glad to hear you've hit the switch UKBlonde. Perhaps you'd like to post more on how you did it, your journey etc?

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              The Switch and Indifference

              Re: your switch and indifference

              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                The Switch and Indifference

                UK, that's amazing, so happy for you!!

                I haven't posted or visited here much recently, but I did in the last few weeks, and I followed your story across your threads. I must be honest, it seemed to me you were leaping around all over the place, and I found it really hard to follow where you were at. I wanted to PM you more than once to try to help out.

                Ego-trips and putting people down have no place here (or anywhere else!) imo, so I'm really sorry to hear you felt like that. Perhaps some of it was misunderstanding on both sides (??) Anyway, I'm glad it sounds like you've reconsidered leaving because you have a unique story that could help a lot of others :goodjob:

                All the best, take care, and let everyone know how you get on please!! :thanks:
                I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                  The Switch and Indifference

                  congrats on all the work you've done hitting the switch. you've earned this. I've followed your posts throughout your journey and have to say you are truly courageous.
                  you ought to think about sticking around. you could help others.
                  after what you've achieved all the rest is just drama that's not worth it.


                    The Switch and Indifference

                    How did I miss this, and where is your original post, UK? Sorry it's been rough online.

                    CONGRATS! Wow, you must feel liberated! I cannot imagine what it feels like after all you've been through.

                    Please keep posting and let us know how you're doing. Each story is different and if you can inspire one single person to stick to it, you've saved a life.

                    Great going!!!!!!!



                      The Switch and Indifference

                      I removed it since I was told I had a lot of posts on here that were offensive or inappropriate, and that I should delete them. I started deleting but kept missing some, so thought best off taking them all off and starting again. Unfortunately you can't delete threads, or opening posts.

                      Thanks for digging it up but I'm afraid that after 11 days AF, including 3 without cravings at all I relapsed.

                      I'm currently drinking every night and binge eating. When I'm not zombied I'm not able to do anything but sit around eating. Can't work or do anything I want to because of the SEs, as well as the weight that has piled on. Depressed, scared, frightened. Started to think about giving up work completely and either resigning to being fat and drunk and useless or seriously downgrading my life. Even if I switch tomorrow it'll be about 6 months for me to start to repair the damage that has been done since Christmas.

                      Complete despair since I had hoped Baclofen would help. After the high of thinking I'd switched, I just came crashing down again.


                        The Switch and Indifference

                        Ukblonde;1062918 wrote: I removed it since I was told I had a lot of posts on here that were offensive or inappropriate, and that I should delete them. I started deleting but kept missing some, so thought best off taking them all off and starting again. Unfortunately you can't delete threads, or opening posts
                        Bollocks to that. I say let there be hard posts. This is hard work.

                        I'm fucking tired of posters popping up announcing they had a drink problem drinking 6-7 cans of a evening, and wham they hit the switch at 320 and wham everything is peachy.

                        I'm at 450, Ive had insomnia since nov, I feel like a fucking zombie, and I'd really like a fucking drink.


                          The Switch and Indifference

                          Are you abstenant now?Wow 450 don't think I could hack that man. What's the highest anyone has taking Baclofen to?


                            The Switch and Indifference

                            Ukblonde;1062936 wrote: Are you abstenant now?Wow 450 don't think I could hack that man.
                            Drank on Monday.

                            And going out of my fucking mind.


                              The Switch and Indifference

                              hey long,
                              did you do the Sinclair method before BAC? sorry, can't remember.
                              so you have 5 days AF,yes? how long have you been taking BAC?
                              hang in there brother! I hope you're doing o.k.

