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The Switch and Indifference

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    The Switch and Indifference

    Hey JR,

    Nah, that's enough to get you going, but just be aware that you plough into once you get going. To put it into perspective, that's a 12ish day supply for me that you ordered there!

    No harm in starting a thread early, it gives people time to get a handle on where you are coming from.


      The Switch and Indifference

      Thanks for the good advice bleep. I just ordered more to be on the safe side. I do plan to post as often as I can (although I feel unworthy of my own thread yet) but I will do it and hope that it may help others regardless of my results. I am at least committed to trying this and being on day 4, SE's are noticeable but not bad so I remain hopeful.


        The Switch and Indifference

        You'd be surprised JR - start a thread, and if you feed it well, it will grow into it's own little entity. This is the perfect time to start it as well, right at the beginning of your journey...


          The Switch and Indifference

          Well after thinking about the advice I had been given here I took some time out, spent the last 4 days doing nothing more than taking baclofen and sleeping a lot. Increased my dosing and gone up another 25mg and I think it's too much. I'm twitching a lot, ringing in ears constantly. When I sleep I'm jerking awake quite painfully in a sweaty heap. Even typing this I'm having to concentrate on keeping my hands where they should be!

          I don't want to drink so I suppose that's a start, but then again I'm not capable of much right now! Had 2 UK units yesterday and there has been an open, unfinished bottle in the room most of the day.

          So yes I don't want to drink, but I'm feeling pretty ill and I'm pretty scared.


            The Switch and Indifference

            Yeah don't worry, that all sounds pretty normal.

            The unexamined life is not worth living


              The Switch and Indifference

              Try not to panic UK - it sounds like it is working. The faster you are able to push the baclofen boundary, the faster you will get there. In a couple of days, you should start to see some improvement as your body adjusts to the new dose.

              You don't mention, or I missed it, how you are breaking your dose down? I found that breaking it down to as small and as many units as possible helped me considerably on the SE front.

              Good luck UK, I hope this levels out soon.


                The Switch and Indifference

                Well I really hope so as this has been going on, on and off for many many weeks now and is rendering me pretty useless. For the best part of two months now I've stopped all my activities, work, outside interests and am not looking after myself at all. So I really hope it happens because I've lost my life completely.

                And yes I have been breaking it down into 25mg units.


                  The Switch and Indifference

                  I'm sorry it's been so difficult for you ukb. I know what it is to put everything else on hold and focus all of my energy on taking those pills. I hope you can persevere and that the result is as good for you as it has been for me.
                  I also know what it is to be scared witless about the process. I'm glad you reached out here.
                  I have no advice, no suggestions, just support.
                  I'm heartened by the fact that you had unfinished booze. That always made me feel as though I was making progress. Until of course I tied one on and felt as though I needed to hide under the covers for a week.
                  Best, ukblonde.


                    The Switch and Indifference

                    This Is Now Happening To Me Too

                    Ukblonde;1062918 wrote: I removed it since I was told I had a lot of posts on here that were offensive or inappropriate, and that I should delete them. I started deleting but kept missing some, so thought best off taking them all off and starting again. Unfortunately you can't delete threads, or opening posts.

                    Thanks for digging it up but I'm afraid that after 11 days AF, including 3 without cravings at all I relapsed.

                    I'm currently drinking every night and binge eating. When I'm not zombied I'm not able to do anything but sit around eating. Can't work or do anything I want to because of the SEs, as well as the weight that has piled on. Depressed, scared, frightened. Started to think about giving up work completely and either resigning to being fat and drunk and useless or seriously downgrading my life. Even if I switch tomorrow it'll be about 6 months for me to start to repair the damage that has been done since Christmas.

                    Complete despair since I had hoped Baclofen would help. After the high of thinking I'd switched, I just came crashing down again.
                    This same thing seems to be happening to me too now. I have started going back down on my dosage because the SEs are not enhancing my life at all. While I hate bothering the folk here and no one owes me anything, the answers don't come in fast enough and my patience on Bac is thin and painful. To top everything, the damn book still hasn't arrived from Amazon after 10 days of being shipped and I filed a complaint today -- if I had known this was going to happen I would have just gone out and bought it at some Barnes and Noble!
                    "Alexander The Next" 's Experimental Combo Journey with TSM (Naltrexon) and Baclofen -- Progress Diary


                      The Switch and Indifference

                      A couple of friends have read the book, I'm afraid they didn't find it useful. They both said it's a long story setting the scene, they were eager to get to the bit explaining how this fixes the problem. One gave up by the time she got to the 'science' bit, the other said he wishes he'd got to the point sooner in the 'story'. He also said Ameisen didn't hardly experience the side effects I and others are reporting. They were pretty non-existent.

                      Some have found the book inspirational, they didn't. Why didn't I read it?Because I have trouble focusing on reading whilst taking baclofen, can't concentrate on more than a couple of pages at a time before falling asleep. I also had an idea it might be a bit a bit of a 'story' book, and I would find it irritating. My friend knowing me says it would!He's an intelligent, open-minded person so it was obvious to read it through proxy.


                        The Switch and Indifference

                        I agree about the book.

                        I read it all the way through but it isn't until the last couple of chapters that OA gets to the meat of the treatment.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          The Switch and Indifference

                          I am back fresh from my trip to visit a leading expert on addiction. I went expecting to be sent back with a Baclofen prescription. I wasn't

                          He has told me that baclofen isn't suitable for me, it isn't going to work and that if side effects were going to lift they would have done so during the 3-4 week period I spent at 180mg. He is very knowledgeable within his field, and has read all the research on baclofen as well as other treatments. He mentioned AA quite a few times, and appears to hold the organisation in high esteem. I am going to try naltrexone in the meantime, and I may use Baclofen occasionally, to aid sleep but baclofen isn't going to be my way out.


                            The Switch and Indifference

                            I had hoped it was going to work for you, so sorry UK. Thanks for giving us the heads up and be sure to give us your insights and progress updates with regards to the efficacy of Naltrexone.
                            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


                              The Switch and Indifference


                              I'm not sorry I'm glad I now know that I no longer need to beat my head against the wall with it! I now know the direction in which to go and can get my life back.


                                The Switch and Indifference

                                I'm happy that you're glad UK. Positive attitude doesn't go amiss.
                                Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12

