Good grief guys. Fidel? I (we) have had some weird names for my suitors thus far, but Fidel? This is by far the worst. I mean GROSS! I think we should call him Latin lover. On a side note, the time we don't have to give the man I'm thinking of dating a weird name, it will be a good indicator he might be a good one. Then again, think of all the weird names a guy could give me. No, don't!!
I would move to Cuba when hell freezes over. I'm just sayin Rudy. I would never move there for ANY man. The princess statement was kind of a joke, I believe. He likes to pamper. I don't see anything wrong with it... for now. I could use a little pampering. We all know I'm independent. I have taken care of myself and three other human beings with zero support system. Zero. I don't ask for or take help. I'm a little tired and weary. I'm not saying I'm going for it, but I'll take it under consideration. I can always go to dinner with him. A free meal never hurt anyone.
Ne, I think the AA philosophy of waiting a year after sobriety to start a relationship, is a good one. Except, we aren't really white knuckling it. Maybe some of us a little, but on the right bac dose, not really. I think this may be another grey area for us. I will tell you, I won't make it another year. I have already waited over a year. I wanted to reflect on my marriage. What went wrong, how I contributed to it. I also wanted to get and be sober, before I started dating. I acheived these things. Outside of my drop in bac dose, and a few other things, anyway. I'm still nothing like I was a few months ago. As has been stated on here, getting drunk once a month, is not getting drunk most days of the week. I would prefer not to get drunk once a month either, but I'm a work in progress.
I'm not looking for anything serious. I will wait at least a year for that. I'm just looking for some fun and adult companionship. The male sort. If it turns out to be Latin lover, remains to be seen. You know I am sensible. I'm very sensible regarding men (now). I'll never make the same mistake twice. I also know this is a sensitive area for me. It will make the difference in me being even more screwed up in this area, or me healing.
You guys are dying to know about CL bloke, huh? Fine. CL bloke was writing to me about a fantasy he had. Remember we did have 120 emails. This was not a mundane cyber relationship. Also, remember he has fetishes, so he had plenty of fantasies. This particular one was a no go for me. I told him so. It wasn't even something I could think about and consider. Seriously, I would say 98% of women would say no. I would even say 100, but we know nothing is 100%. When I told him it would be a no go for me, his response was something like this: "That's okay. I don't believe in one stop shopping. No one person can fufill all your fantasies anyway." Umm okay. I guess there are a couple ways you could take this statement, but I don't see any that would be considered postive. At least not to me. I didn't hold the fantasy against him, at all. I appreciated that he was open enough to share it with me. It is just a fantasy. No harm done. I will tell you, I prefer a monogomous relationship with whomever I choose. I also don't want to be guilt tripped into doing what someone wants. It's not going to happen. I didn't explore it further. I sent him an email explaining how I felt and he returned one. It was cold. End of story. I won't tell you what the fantasy was. Even I have some personal boundaries on here. :H Sorry guys. Trust me, it's extreme. I will tell you it doesn't involve animals Murph.
I still know what the most important things are. Me, my kids, my sobriety. I'll be careful not to sabotage the important stuff. Really.