Rudy, you've been watching too many of those Japanese cartoons with your kid.:H
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This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
RudyB;1142857 wrote: ... like attracts like. the more positive i become, the more magnificent positivity i notice all around me. negativos are anathema to me. and i, seemingly without effort, keep them out of my life. ... but i have a fierce forcefield around me, and he can't touch this. his empty bluffing words bounce off me and burst into shards to give traction to my treads.
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
Hey Red,
I see Dr. L as well. I have been having major SEs from the Bac that have actually almost had a disastrous side effects on my life. I commend you for trying to figure this out. I have had my doubts. Last week Dr. L told me to take lower doses more often during the day. I just started the regime this week and when I have followed it the SEs seem much less severe. Hopefully this post will help someone. I am at 90 mgs heading to 110 mgs next week. I will let you all know how it goes.
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
When the cat is away the mice will play. Thanks for keeping it alive when I earn the bacon, peeps.
Bruun, I wouldn't doubt if you have ADD. It goes hand in hand with alcoholism. I have my fingers crossed, if you do have it, that you will find a way to get treatment.
DHS51, I've seen you around other places, I'm sure. Your name isn't new to me. As far as Dr L? I'm glad he actually told you to take smaller doses. He told me he likes everyone to take three doses a day. No matter how high the dose they're on. Guess what? I told him I can't go above 40 mg in a dose and really 30 mg is my friend. He said, well I'm glad you listen to your body, and do what you need to do.
Take smaller doses more frequently, if it works for you. Just remember, Dr L is a good guy, but he has never taken bac. Same holds true with reading the posts around here. We are all individuals, and we need different things, even regarding this drug. Listen and adjust, and then listen to your body again. I'm finding this process to be fluid and ever changing.
DHS51, I am glad you are here. We always learn from one another. I look forward to your update.This Princess Saved Herself
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
Hey DHS,
That definitely helps. And don't be afraid to take it to the extreme end of the scale. I carry baclofen around with me, and every hour my phone beeps at me, and I take it. Once you're used to it, it's effortless, and imho, is the best way to take it. It more closely mimics how your brain would secrete baclofen, were it able, rather than big lumps of baclofen suddenly hitting your brain. It certainly helps ease the SE's.
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
I am having some severe sleep issues. I was waking once or twice a night, on the HDB, but now that I've added Adderall to the mix, it is BAD. I can't fall asleep and then when I do, I'm up in 2 hours. I wander the house, read the threads, post on the threads sometimes, and answer emails. I'm sure some of the people who receive my emails at all hours of the night, must be wondering. :H
I placed a call to the psych, to have my dosage reduced. I'm on 20mg extended release and while I like having the same level in my system at all times, it isn't wearing off. He thought it should wear off by the evening, at which time I would be exhausted from having the stimulant effects all day, and sleep like a baby. I was looking forward to that. Not so with this girl. He called me back, at work of course, so I had to run into the supply closet to discuss how to tweak my Adderall. It wouldn't be cool to talk about these matters in front of my coworkers, as most people in my profession like to think or pretend only other people have problems. Even though, I'm sure some of them need any one of my drugs, or maybe all of them. :H It seems I will have to wait until well into next week to obtain my new 10mg XR script since it can't be faxed in.
So, I will have another few days of trying to find a way to sleep. One night I couldn't take anymore, so I took a xanax to sleep. While I'm not opposed to taking xanax if one needs it (I took it for years on and off for anxiety, without addiction), I am worried about the whole concept of taking something to bring you up, and then another to bring you down. It reminds me of the life of Marilyn Monroe. Since I am not nearly as beautiful, and my life isn't glamorous, I think I will avoid such a lifestyle. :H Plus, I don't want to die at 36, since it's knocking on my door. I know, she was murdered by a Kennedy, but still. I also don't crush my pills and put them in glasses of champagne either, but last night I did have 2 vodka tonics. It is interesting, because last night, I slept for 7 straight hours.
I had some drinks after a number of days of not having one ounce of craving. I even started to think something was going on at my dose of 140. Alas, I ended up wanting to have some drinks last night.
At least I got some sleep last night (even though I'm not happy how I obtained it). I'm going on a date tonight, and I was worried I was going to look haggardly at this rate. I'm having a bit of nervousness about the whole thing (I'm wondering if that's why I wanted to drink last night). I know I said I would remain detached, and I'm trying. But my last date was a disaster and even a bit traumatic. I'm not used to experiences like the one that happened. As much as you tell yourself it's not you, you still have to wonder.
I am aware, however bad I feel about it, what he feels is probably worse. I am trying to have empathy, and consider what something like that must do to a man's ego.
Anyway, there is one thing I know for sure. I am not going to push the whole stop the blindness process thing tonight. I'm just going to try to have fun. If and when the timing and chemistry is right...I'll know it.
I'm off to buy some cute shoes, to go with my cute dress. Then I'm getting my hair cut and styled by my gay hairdresser. He is an absolute gem. Gay men have a gift in making women look good. I have a gay friend, who used to help me pick out my clothes and do my hair before a date (in my 20s). We mostly have a phone friendship now, as he's moved away. He always offered loads of moral support too. He would be like "Giiiirl, you look HOT tonight, go get em. :H". Maybe I'll give him a phone call today...This Princess Saved Herself
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
Feel for you with the sleep probs Red, that sucks.
Hey, a word of advice: stop pressuring your dates for sex. Guys like to be wined and dined and made to feel special. Take it easy with them and don't just paw them up and try to jump their bones OK? Don't hassle him if he doesn't want to put out on the first date. Jeez no wonder the poor old bloke couldn't rise to the occasion. :H
The unexamined life is not worth living
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
red! sorry about the sleep thing. happy about the date. i hope it's fun. that he's an engaging listener. sounds like you've got a real solid red head on your shoulders about the business.
have you talked w him at all since your failed date w the elder?
i'm sure you'll look smokin hot tonight.
oopsie, son woke up. we gotta run to brooklyn now. see you on the other side of our trip.
xo rudy
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
Where is the dirt on this failed date with the eldster? I thought I was up to date on this thread! Must be my ADD! Help!
Sorry to hear about your sleep issues, I can relate but I'm thinking mine is due to lack of exercise and going AF. I was sleeping fine on half a liter of Sapphire. :H Don't beat yourself up about the xanax, sometimes you just have to ring the bell and save yourself, Princess. Ha.
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
Good point Murph. I'll take it easy.You're 5-HTP hasn't gotten past me. I looked in my supplement cabinets (yes, I have 2 of them), and low and behold, I have some. It is the extended relief version. It says it lasts 12 hours, so I didn't know if it would work the same.
Miss Rudy, I have not told him about latin nonlover. We have a casual relationship at this point. I don't care to share with him my failures and insecurities. I prefer to keep those for the world wide web. :H
Ne, I couldn't miss your point. I will really, really try.
Bruun, if you missed it, it's better that way. I can't do a rehash. It is too disturbing.This Princess Saved Herself
This Redhead's Baclofen Thread
red, i realize how you misinterpreted my question; i meant to ask if you've talked w latin non-lover since your date w him. i know you'd never talk w new guy about such a thing.
guess you're prob on that date right now. i'm in bklyn wishing i were home. getting here was a headache but at least i didn't crash, tho it was sketchy at times. i'm staying home the rest of the summer! ergh. anyway, i'm off to sleep and hope i'll be able to tell if i'm asleep or not. just woke up from thinking i was already awake. enough about me.
i hope you had fun, and will give us a report, however brief or extensive, on tonight.
you're blistery smokin, red!
xo rudy