Ha! Murphy, my kids could teach you thing or two. They know what I make, whether it turnes out good or bad, is made with a great love for them. They also know I am always trying to make them/us healthier and some of my recipes may not turn out great the first time, but usually they are much better the second...or third. :H
Sammi, you will get there. You are only on 40mg right now. Have patience and give it some time. Eventually all the things you've done when drunk will be memories. Even before you are indifferent there's a good chance you will stop drinking in the excessive manner you were before. Just keep taking the damn pills (jkttdp).
Awe Miss Rudy, I read you are suffering from some bad SEs right now. I don't want to say this on your thread because it makes me feel guilty. I wasn't a judge's daughter, but I feel guilty for just about anything and everything possible to feel guilty about. It is to my own detiment usually.
Tonight my heart sings. I have had 2 days with zero SEs. It is the weirdest thing. I was talking on the phone with a MWO friend on Friday evening and I told her I've had varying degrees of SEs since I started this...in February. They've never left. I told her I was concerned that maybe I would have to live my whole life on bac, with some degree of SEs. And then poof. Like a thief in the night...they were gone the next AM. And now today, I still feel normal, but I don't have a single urge to drink. It is fabulous. I could only imagine feeling like this everyday. It's what I dreamed the other side would feel like.
I have no idea why. I don't know if it's because I changed my dosing to 40mg at a time. I couldn't tolerate it before and now it's like nothing. As a matter of fact, I seem to be doing better. Or maybe it is just my time. Or maybe it's because I have had a stress free easy weekend at home. Or maybe it is only temporary.
I don't know, but I'm going to take it and love every single minute of it.
I'm listening to America's Greatest Hits, since I was reminded how much I adore this band. And here is a good song to leave you with.
http://youtu.be/QYGvKc7Q1PU[/video]]America | Lonely People - YouTube