red! great senior post! bienvenida al mundo de los seniores! good news for modern woman, huh?! i loved reading what you wrote. i remember reading your thread from the beginning (or close to it). you and i have kinda tag-teamed along the bac jaunt, and you've been such marvelous company! you ARE a heroine; your avatar fits 'cause you're also a warrior preistess. your story is an inspiration, especially to single mothers of the world (like me) who want to do right by their children. what a blessing to have come this far, through the gauntlet to the bright side of life, where you can live in the fullness that you are meant to do. hooray!
i'm sorry about the halloween grumps out there. you oughta just come here by my fire and notice the quiet. no lights on front porches. no spooks. no candy. no tricks. it's easy and nice.