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This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

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    This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

    I don't know, Zone. I just felt you were being condescending to me and more than that, I felt creeped out. I won't lie to you, I'm on high alert for creeps. LL, Rudy, many of you, I'll be back to talk with you more when I can.
    This Princess Saved Herself


      This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

      Wait, LL, please don't cry. He's in jail. I'll tell you more when I can. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry about so many things.
      This Princess Saved Herself


        This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

        Red, please don't apologize.:l There is no need.

        Zone- WTF? I guess you assumed that asshole child molester was someone Red met MWO?


          This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

          redhead77;1548234 wrote: I don't know, Zone. I just felt you were being condescending to me and more than that, I felt creeped out. I won't lie to you, I'm on high alert for creeps. LL, Rudy, many of you, I'll be back to talk with you more when I can.
          I'm sorry. I will stay out of your thread. But, I do wish you the best.

          (Geez, now I am a creep for expressing genuine sympathy. I give up.)


            This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

            zone;1548185 wrote: ...
            This comment is absolutely inappropriate for this thread.


            Make no mistake that zone is the biggest creep around, he's been banned as users "dustbin" and "arsenic" the same night for taunting another MWO member with the threat of revealing that user's personal information (identity, address) that was discovered elsewhere on the internet.

            Here's what he had to say as onequart:

            onequart;1466946 wrote: I don't know what you are talking about. It's hard to hide identities on the Internet. I am tired of conspiracy-theorists conflaging all non-bac-enthusiasts into one person. Just for the heck of it, it took me 20 and 30 minutes to find the real names and addresses of 2 of the stalwarts of this forum. Why don't you guys do the same and stop with the conspiracy stuff?
            This piece of work made his latest entrance just as it was announced that Dr. Levin would no longer be able to prescribe baclofen:



            Really hate to muck this thread up with these shit trails ^^^^^, but if you follow each of them, they all lead to the same cankerous

            TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


              This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

              Do not be sorry about anything my friend. Call me when you can. You did everything right as a mother.

              Gosh, you have been through enough!

              Hello to all my friends! I miss you all tremendously but had to get myself straight. Did a pretty damn good job of it! Love and miss you all', it's now up to us to stand by Red.
              I don't bend!

              Love to all of you!

              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

                And thanks Terry for calling them out and putting up the shield she needs!
                The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                  This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

                  Please can you call me? 817-941-4280

                  I don't care who sees it I need to talk to you!

                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                    This Redhead's Baclofen Thread


                    I can come for a few days if you need me?

                    I am so sorry my friend:l

                    We'll get through this.
                    The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                    *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                      This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

                      RudyB;1547590 wrote: hi Dear Red,

                      i am so very sorry for your daughter's horrid experience, and for the pain that it is causing your family. it is great that you took action. may this sick man transform into an enlightened being IN JAIL. may he never touch another child again.

                      stay strong my sister. drinking does not mean you are weak. know that i -and so many others here on this blessed site- are rooting for you. you and your family WILL pull through. trust that.

                      don't beat yourself up over this, please. there is no way you could have predicted his heinous behavior. your daughter will be okay.

                      sending lots of love.


                      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                        This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

                        Rusty;1548244 wrote: Red, please don't apologize.:l There is no need.

                        Zone- WTF? I guess you assumed that asshole child molester was someone Red met MWO?
                        He didn't assume, it's true. Don't get me wrong, it took him well over a year to weasel his way into my life. He'd already weaseled his way into two other womens' lives. I was convinced they were drunk and insane, or both. Not that it's acceptable in any way. Can you imagine? Can you imagine telling the authorities that you met a man online, on a forum for ALCOHOLICS and you let him visit you and your kids??? I'm so fucking ashamed. If this case ever goes to trial, ever becomes public...I worry about it constantly. All I can do is pray that he plea bargains and it never goes that far.
                        This Princess Saved Herself


                          This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

                          Red, so sorry to hear about what's happened and the process you're having to go through now. I know you'll pick yourself back up soon, even if you're drinking a bit here and there. Just please please don't blame yourself at all for any of this--I'm sure it's easy to fall into that trap and re-think everything and question yourself, but you're doing everything exactly right right now. Crazy-mad love and big hugs.


                            This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

                            Thanks to all who have been supportive. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I am going to pick myself up, starting right now. Please, for all of you who are concerned about my daughter and I getting help, we will be starting in counseling tomorrow. I am lucky in that I live in a county that provides many resources for the victims of sexual violence. Counseling was discussed with me on the day of our interviews. When I was too overwhelmed to pick counselors (there are specific ones), they called me the next day and gently pressed that I needed to think about that and soon. They don't let us fall through the cracks.

                            As far as whether he'll be a burden on the tax payers of this country, who knows? I will tell you, I'm not sure that he'll be able to play sick games with the inmates in our prisons. God. Help. Him. It makes me cringe. Sexual predators are treated among the worst, even by the criminals. Maybe he'll even be able to plea bargain. I just hope, if that's the case, that England has a sex offender registration and the same rules we have relating to sex offenders living in society. And while there's no cure, the most important thing is he gets help, and is watched and monitored.

                            Rudy, my heart goes out to you too. When I had to write you to tell you what happened, it was very difficult for me. I know it was more difficult you to read, being that you also have a small child who was exposed to him.

                            Thank you for the offer, LL. I think that we're going to be alright. I know my kids need me to be strong right now. Tomorrow, I'm going to explain to intake counselor how devastated I am and how much I need some help right now. I am actually more concerned about me immediately than my daughter. I am concerned about her for the future, but she will be well taken care of by the professionals. I need the help, and as much as they can offer, NOW.

                            Thank you so much Rusty. I know where to find you if I need to.

                            UKB, I'm not in the right mind to listen to radio broadcasts about this stuff yet. I do appreciate the offer, and maybe some day if you can find it, I'll be ready to listen.

                            Someday, I might be able to explain what happened. Someday, when I understand it more. Yes, I met this man here. No, I'm not stupid. I care more about my kids than you can imagine. I think the fact that we both are on HDB, is the factor that made the difference. It did take him a long time to get into my life. We've known each other online for literally years. What I do regret, is that I didn't listen to my gut more. It was screaming at me, and I told him so. I told him that I couldn't commit, and many other things. For some reason, I couldn't trust him completely. I just didn't know what it was exactly that I couldn't trust. I didn't know it was so bad. He was someone who knew everything about me, and still accepted me. I think that was his way in.

                            Now, I've got to run. They want to come over and take pics today.

                            Much love back at you.

                            This Princess Saved Herself


                              This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

                              Hi Red,

                              just a note to say good luck and love to you and your kids. You will okay. It will take a long time perhaps, but you will all be okay. So glad the support is coming through for you on this.


                                This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

                                There are lots of people who'll accept you as you are Redhead, without doing stuff like this and that gut feeling, yes it's very important but sometimes we ignore it because we can't find anything and think we are daft. Not so.
                                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                                AF date 22/07/13

