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This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

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    This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

    Hi RedT -Nice post and a lot of wisdom. Two words that you mentioned are so perfect: Surrender and Acceptance. Wow, how much better my world becomes when I am able to able to commit to one or both of these. Unfortunately (or, probably fortunately), alcohol led me to understand both of these concepts in ways that probably saved my life. I still have a very difficult time with these unless I am in deep trouble.

    In summary, what I hear you say is that once you have done all that you can do and did your best (whatever best may be), then the outcome is really no longer in your control anyway -so move on. I really would like to learn how to live like this.

    thanks for the post


      This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

      Hi Bebe!

      At work again today, so I can't talk much. Except to say that I'm really happy to know you're okay. You went nearly 2 months without posting. I know I do that too. But some people know me, and if anything happened it would be discovered before 2 months. I would assume, anyway.

      The point is I'm glad you're okay. I've aware that we're all terminal. Right now, I'm more sensitive to it. I guess when I didn't see you post for a while it made me a little alarmed. I would love it if you kept in touch once in a while. Either on here just to drop in, or you can PM or email me. I know you get in those horrible depressions.

      Hi Spirit, gotta run, but thanks for your post. I believe I have more to say in what I was trying to express, but I can't do it now.

      Hugs to both of you.
      This Princess Saved Herself


        This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

        spiritwolf333;1604039 wrote: Hi RedT -Nice post and a lot of wisdom. Two words that you mentioned are so perfect: Surrender and Acceptance. Wow, how much better my world becomes when I am able to able to commit to one or both of these. Unfortunately (or, probably fortunately), alcohol led me to understand both of these concepts in ways that probably saved my life. I still have a very difficult time with these unless I am in deep trouble.

        In summary, what I hear you say is that once you have done all that you can do and did your best (whatever best may be), then the outcome is really no longer in your control anyway -so move on. I really would like to learn how to live like this.

        thanks for the post
        Surrender and Acceptance...Yes, both I believe are very important. Surrender being the one to get to acceptance. I love reading how well you are doing being AF btw, Spirit. It's very inspiring. I think it's difficult for many of us to do either, unless we're going through something difficult. Eventually, we could learn to do it all the time and our life would change exponentially for the positive.

        Here's the thing: The outcome is really always in our control. Think about it, what exactly does the outcome mean? It's our perception of what has happened. It's the feelings we have about the outcome, and maybe some of those feeling even led to the outcome.

        Thank you for telling me my post had a lot of wisdom. I'm glad you felt it did. But, like you, I'm still trying to figure it out. I am a total work in progress at this point. It's one day at a time. I'm no where near the peaceful, joyful, and loving person I plan to be. I wouldn't want you to be worried if I had to post some crap on this thread.

        Bebe, I really am glad you posted. I care about you. :l
        This Princess Saved Herself


          This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

          Hey all,

          Out friend is on the loose tonight. He's bumping threads, and trying to cause chaos and havoc. Please do ignore, and don't let him upset you. This is what he does. He's a very sick alcoholic, who has now tried everything out there (from my understanding), and he doesn't get any better. I understand that would be hell to deal with and live in. Just realize all this when thinking about certain 'trolls'. The important part is knowing this when deciding if you want to post here or not.

          A big shout out to two lovely ladies in my life. One would be Rudy and the other is Taw. Rudy, I would love to see your lovely writing. I miss you! Taw, I miss you too, and do hope you're doing okay. You are in my thoughts regularly, lately. I would love to hear what's happening-even if it's not perfect (or even good).
          This Princess Saved Herself


            This Redhead's Baclofen Thread

            Thanks for both posts red77. Surrender and Acceptance. We have a choice (like it or not) on how we choose to frame an occurrence. Too often I set myself up to be pissed off so that I can have an easy excuse.


              Hi friends,

              I haven't been here in years. Long stories...I'm hoping most are doing well and still out there. Are you all doing well or at least surviving?
              This Princess Saved Herself


                RED!!!! Hi there, lady! I will send you a PM in a bit. I have missed you and thought about you often over the last few years. :hug:


                  Still here. Welcome back. Long time no see.


                    Originally posted by redhead77 View Post
                    Hi friends,

                    I haven't been here in years. Long stories...I'm hoping most are doing well and still out there. Are you all doing well or at least surviving?
                    HiYa Red -thanks for being here -again. I sincerely enjoyed our couple of phone conversations, even though I could not keep up with your intelligence -lol, but true.
                    Please keep posting -we all can learn a lot from you.



                      Originally posted by Wilson1 View Post
                      HiYa Red -thanks for being here -again. I sincerely enjoyed our couple of phone conversations, even though I could not keep up with your intelligence -lol, but true.
                      Please keep posting -we all can learn a lot from you.

                      Hey Red. You won't know Wilson1 btw, he used to go by the name Spirit (wolf/free) in case you got confused.

                      Glad you popped by again.



                        Hi friends,

                        Wilson (Spirit), we've never conversed on the phone. I'm not sure who you're thinking of. Serenity, I am truly happy to see your alive and well. I will respond to your PM tomorrow. Thanks for posting Mike. I'm glad I checked in.


                        This Princess Saved Herself

