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Happy Birthday to Me

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    Happy Birthday to Me

    So I just ordered some Baclofen and it should be arriving right around my birthday 2/25. I ordered some 10 mg and 25 mg so as to not run out. I've never done this before and I intend to go over all of the great info on this site but I was wondering whether there was any established recommendations regarding titrating up. I've seen horror stories and wonder stories and I would like to know how slow to go.

    A bit of background - 40, soon to be 41. Been drinking "alcoholically" for past 4 years and have been concerned about the amounts and bingeing since 1997 or earlier. My primary care doctor suggested I try the ever effective willpower method and has balked at any pharmaceutical interventions. I've been to numerous therapists and their enlightened approach has always been to suggest AA or a 12 step rehab. I'd gotten so desperate that I've begun the process of entering outpatient rehab. Until I discovered this site, specifically the Baclofen stuff. I attended an intake session 2 weeks ago for rehab and in the ensuing time I've read "Heal Thyself" and am very excited about curing the cravings rather than using a spiritual solution that entails endless meetings and self-flagellation about the cravings and defects of character that make me drink. But, I'm scheduled for step 2 of rehab on Wednesday and I'm thinking I'd like to bail. Am I crazy or should I continue rehab and do Bac as well - kind of a 2 pronged approach?

    Happy Birthday to Me


    Many do feel 12 step is about beating yourself up, I never took it that way and look at it as a way to improve how I am in my life. Doesn't remove the cravings however. I think bac is useful in dealing with the cravings, but some things they teach in AA/rehabs can be used alongside that - I also intend to carry on with counselling, as well as looking at the steps in order to move on with my life. Step 1 is a great way to remember why we work on sobriety every day, whether it be reasons why we take baclofen or why we should do everything in our power to prevent going back there. I also know I have 'defects' that affect my daily life, relationships etc that I do want to work on. If only for a more peaceful life! Today I've had to use a few tools learned from other systems in order to stay AF when cravings appeared out of no-where after reaching the switch. They have worked and did get me through the day. Many bash 12-step but I believe it does have it's place and is not a complete waste of time, it's just another tool.


      Happy Birthday to Me

      Thanks UK! So is the "switch" not really a switch then? I seem to see more and more postings that suggest Dr. A's experience to more mytholgical than actual. Is it a question of finding the right dose that cause s these unfortunate forays off the HMS Sobriety?


        Happy Birthday to Me

        Nico;1059807 wrote: Thanks UK! So is the "switch" not really a switch then? I seem to see more and more postings that suggest Dr. A's experience to more mytholgical than actual.
        NO! It is a switch. Those that have trouble after thinking they "hit it" or "use it as a tool" amongst other things to help stay sober more likely than not haven't done this:Nico;1059807 wrote: Is it a question of finding the right dose that cause s these unfortunate forays off the HMS Sobriety?

        I've got to keep my responses on MWO brief these days. I'm sure a lot of people will argue with what I just said but it's just how it is.

        A LOT of people find that that is definitely enough help to enable them to live a comfortable and productive life. That's great! I prefer to be 100% free instead of 90%.

        This is not my opinion, it's the truth. Ask Dr. Levin. You'll be hearing about him shortly if you haven't already...pfft Ask Dr. Ameisen that very question if you ever get the chance.

        To everyone, I will not be responding to responses to this. :sorry:

        UKB, this is NOT directed at you. I've heard 100 people say stuff like that and debate about it and I think that's great (but a waste of time). It has been bugging me for over a year.

        I got your PM nico. I hope you don't mind me responding here. I've got and Rx, but I do trust a few online sites, Goldpharma included.

        If you ever get the chance to go to Burningman do it!!!!!!
        Post switch of course. :H

        edit: I wonder how long I can leave this up before deleting it. I just want you to read it Nico. I just very rarely actually speak in terms like these. I'm just dog tired of all the misinformation and crap floating around here. I'm only one voice though, you'll here many others I'm sure.
        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
        A Forum
        Trolls need not apply


          Happy Birthday to Me

          Hi Nico,

          It is a switch, most definitely. In my case, I went too far below it once I switched, which for me undid the benefit. The fact that I may have to stay at the switch dose doesn't make the switch any less real.

          You are about to be amazed that a problem that grows to define your whole existence can be resolved with a simple pill. Baclofen doesn't solve the problems that booze will have created, but with booze out of the equation, they are suddenly solvable for the first time.

          Quite frankly, I wouldn't bother with any 12 step approach, but that's a personal decision. If you find it's helping, then stick with it. There are some helpful suggestions in the Toolbox thread on this board that you may want to look at. Being AF during baclofen is definitely desirable, just not always practical, so if anything helps, it's worth investigating.

          Good luck!

          I've got to keep my responses on MWO brief these days. I'm sure a lot of people will argue with what I just said but it's just how it is.

          A LOT of people find that that is definitely enough help to enable them to live a comfortable and productive life. That's great! I prefer to be 100% free instead of 90%.

          This is not my opinion, it's the truth. Ask Dr. Levin. You'll be hearing about him shortly if you haven't already...pfft Ask Dr. Ameisen that very question if you ever get the chance.

          To everyone, I will not be responding to responses to this.
          This is hardly conducive to conversation or debate. If you're trying to make a point, this just seems counterproductive.


            Happy Birthday to Me

            I never said there wasn't a switch, there definitely is and things get a heck of a lot better from that point!


              Happy Birthday to Me

              Hiya, Nico.
              Congratulations. I like you already.
              I don't know about the rehab. I'd give a toe at least for 30 days of rest, even now. Spas in AZ are cheaper than rehab though. I can't afford those either, alas.
              The last rehab I went to was a warehouse for those that couldn't be helped. Full of court-ordered sobriety and lots of hard-core street junkies. They're my people too, but I found group therapy incredibly painful. And absolutely terrifying. Especially after we politely applauded the psychopath who 'admitted' gleefully to pistol-whipping someone who overstepped the boundaries.
              But if yours is nicer, then maybe that's the ticket?
              Although, be ware. Alcoholism is not a character defect or a moral failing. Humans have lots of those, even the ones who only drink occasionally. I felt like I was a deranged human being when I left there. I found more comfort in the rooms of AA with people who were there to find long-term sobriety. I'd still be loathe to visit those same rooms, now.

              The switch is real, it's just hard to believe.
              Can't wait to help you celebrate the day you were born. But the REAL birth date is yet to be determined. And THAT is going to be one hell of a celebration around here!
              I'm excited for you, Nico.
              (No more deleting lo0p. You're a granddaddy around here, for all your youth. We need you.)


                Happy Birthday to Me

                wow, great stuff thanks everyone. My question on the switch elicited some emotional responses - hope I didn't upset the apple cart too badly. I guess I have been too indoctrinated into the Recovery/AA mindset to actually truly believe Bac can shut it down rather than just tamp it down a bit. But, I am so freaking excited at this opportunity to finally get it done right.:thumbs:

                Regarding rehab, I'm committed to one more intake session before I commit to a program. I will go in with an open mind and see. I'm looking into outpatient so I can continue to work, but if they recommend something more where work will be affected - that's a problem.

                Gonna check out the dosing threads and the other major info threads. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :heart:



                  Happy Birthday to Me

                  bleep;1059838 wrote: Lo0p,
                  This is hardly conducive to conversation or debate. If you're trying to make a point, this just seems counterproductive.

                  You don't know me and I don't know you, that sucks and I apologize for that. I'm sorry for being brief. I'm sorry for the tone of my posts. I'm sorry for not being able to expound on my thoughts the way I am able to (this pisses me off the most, and others will attest that I can in fact do so, VERY eloquently, with pretty graphs and examples and metaphor to boot).

                  I've got a newborn in the house. It's just me and mys sister and him .A brand new house that I'm still buying things for. Doing dishes, making food, making laundry for 2. I've got a car that may not start every single morning and if it does might not make the drive to work. I've got a job where I don't work every morning, I'm scheduled one day a week but work six, on call, day or night the rest of the time. I MUST keep my body and mind in excellent shape which requires a lot of work (or sleep which I should be getting right now). I barely have the time to think anymore or take care of myself and I CERTAINLY don't have the time to write long eloquent posts that are designed to sidestep arguments and not step on peoples toes!

                  My demon died so very long ago.

                  :hThe ONLY reason I am here is because I love you all!!!:h

                  And because it's fun( I live for the personalities here, you are my people), when I let all the crap roll off of my shoulders instead of confronting it.
                  Nico;1059807 wrote:
                  I seem to see more and more postings that suggest Dr. A's experience to more mytholgical than actual.
                  This one just cut me to the fugging bone. This shit NEEDS to STOP! I know exactly why he said that, it's because people who don't know shit are talking as if they do.

                  I'm sorry but I don't even have the time to apologize anymore.
                  :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                  Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                  Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                  Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                  A Forum
                  Trolls need not apply


                    Happy Birthday to Me

                    Okay, one more apology. I'm sorry Nico. :new: too :H

                    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                    A Forum
                    Trolls need not apply


                      Happy Birthday to Me

                      If you mean me with the shit I KNOW BACLOFEN WORKS AND THERE IS A DEFINITE SWITCH

                      If that is shit then I am sorry but it's what I believe and my posts have been coming across wrong. I'll take a course in written english so I can get my thoughts straight - although these days sometimes I ramble/get muddled because I'm so excited at the effect baclofen is having on me. So apologies if it's all coming out wrong.


                        Happy Birthday to Me

                        Lo0p;1059820 wrote: UKB, this is NOT directed at you. I've heard 100 people say stuff like that and debate about it and I think that's great (but a waste of time). It has been bugging me for over a year.
                        I said it already UKB. Please, please, please I have some really important stuff to do today. :l

                        I've got a special place reserved in my heart just for you. :h I just don't have time to tell you about it!!!!
                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          Happy Birthday to Me


                          I don't want a special place in your heart, I find your attitude patronising - well if it wasn't aimed at me who else on this thread?What other crap is there?

                          I thought I could add to this section again, but appears not without people going on about crap and misinformation.

                          I've reached the switch and believe in it but appears I'm wasting my time posting here.

                          I'll go away.


                            Happy Birthday to Me


                            I find your attitude and words very patronising. This is not helpful on this thread at all.


                              Happy Birthday to Me

                              Lo0p, You are personally responsible for helping me find my solution with baclofen because of your reasoned, thoughtful and kind posts. The rest is just kerfuffle and has no place here, imho.

                              A really good place to start are found on the first few pages of this thread:


                              Also, this is one of my favorites:


                              I know you're reading, though, so you've probably found them!
                              :ls and :h. there is A LOT of :H:H:H here, too.
                              An open mind is a beautiful thing. good on you! Let us know what your perception is, will you? I try to keep mine open, too. Anything we can do to make this journey peaceful and serene is welcome here.

