I am now on 110mg.
Reading all the posts...Some people say there are strong SEs. Some people say there are none.
I am experiencing very strong mood change and other effects. Dizzy , head heavy, very angry, can't finish conversations and sometimes loosing my thoughts. Cant sleep normally, cant achieve the "big O"...
My doc said if I titrate up slowly (adding 10Mg per week) , it will no side effects , but my experience shows its not the case.
After I supposedly hit the "switch" in the hopefully near future :H, will those effects continue for rest of my life? Also , what about unknown effect of long term BAC usage?
It is funny I have a thought : it is better to stop drinking voluntary than be on BAC and have those strange ( and strong too) SE all my life...
Don't want to be sound too pessimistic , just if anyone can summarize the SEs and what to expect.
