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Baclofen cost

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    Baclofen cost


    First post here but have been lurking for sometime. Compared to some I read about on the forums my drinking problems seem very small compared to some but I wouldn't be here if they were not causing my trouble. My drinking is pretty easy to measure as I only drink beer and usually 440ml 5% or 4% cans (UK). At most I'll have 5-6 cans 3-4 nights a week or sometimes nearer 10 at the weekend but feel like hell if I go that far these days. I just can't stomach anymore:yuk:

    I'd don't socialise like when I was younger (when 4-5 day binges were common place but I was young and everyone done it then) so its a sitting at home thing now with me. My problem is I just don't get a good buzz off of alcohol anymore it just seems like a chore and I'm fighting to get it down me. Sometimes I'll get pissed and pour it down the drain but the next night or the one after that, the off sales just seems to draw me in. A common thing for me is to buy an 8 pack, drink 3-4 and get pissed off and pour the rest down the drain only to go and but more probably thr next day or the day after and repeat. I'm no expert but it seems like a mental thing.

    I'd just like to say that I don't drink half as much as I used to but only because as said above I very rarely go out these days drinking. What I've also notices is alcohol is like coffee to me nowadays. If I drink 5-6 beers I'll wake up 3-4 hours latter and thats me up more or less the rest of the night. Really really annoying!

    Anyway I've been rambling a bit now and want to get onto the point of why I came to post. I was first gonna try Naltraxone but I honestly don't think I drink frequently enough for this to work for me. sometimes I might go a week without a beer so I'm thinking you could be talking up to 2 years to see effects from this. Baclofen seems like the real deal from the research I've done but I have a few questions.

    1. I have no chance of getting a script so the Internet is the only way to go.
    2. Cost. I know some might say... hey sure if you have the money to buy beer surely you can buy the Bac. Beleive me ?20 would easily see me through the week for beer with some of the supermarket deals we have over here. 45 cans for ?20!
    3. If I was to gather up enought supply to get me up to the switch I'm now hearing that some people are staying at that point? I just don't have the funds to sustain buying enough Bac to say stay at 200mg+ for how ever long. 5 boxes of Vioridon (250x10mg tablets is just under ?50)

    I'm hoping some one of you or a few have the time to read this as I'd appreciate some feedback. I know a lot of people drink a fair amount more than me (I actually know alot personally but I don't enjoy it anymore and would like to stop but have failed many times)

    Thanks for listening.

    Baclofen cost

    Hi, Flyer!

    We don't have much in common in terms of how much or how often we drink, obviously! :H

    I think your questions are good ones to consider, though, before beginning a course of high-dose-bac treatment.

    It is just as common to be find indifference on *low* doses of bac as it is to have to go to the stratosphere. I'm not sure if being AF affects where one finds indifference, but I do know for sure it makes treatment a heck of a lot easier.

    I also surmise, based on recent and very old posts, that length of abuse and genetics may have as much to do with how high one must go in order to find indifference.

    Someone should be along shortly to fill you in on the costs of ordering from overseas. There is a thread around here that lists the companies that supply and the costs of bac. I would humbly suggest that you have to be willing to invest financially and otherwise in order to be successful with this. That said, there are MANY more people who find resolution at low doses. It's just us stratospheric people who get all the attention!



      Baclofen cost

      Hey thanks for the reply... I have a funny feeling I'd be in the bracket of high dose users. I've dabbled with my fair share of drugs in the past (legal or otherwise) and can usually go pretty high (higher than most) although I don't know how much this would have to do with Bac as I suppose all drugs work on different receptors. I just know anything I've ever tried I could go higher than most. I've drank most of my adult life, for most parts higher amounts than I'm now consuming but its just come to me now than its not for me and no amount of will power can help me. To some my weekly units would probably not raise them much concern. They are over the national guidlines (which are harsh to say the least) but 30-40 UK units to some wouldn't have them panicking.

      Anyway back to the point at hand. As an example I've looked at Goldpharma with cheapest being Vioridon tabl 50x10mg at ?7.19.

      All in with postage and taxes just under ?50 gets me 250 10mg tablets. If for some forsaken reason my switch is say 250mg+... that gets me 10 or less days worth of meds. From what I've also read I'd be better of stock pilling incase of an act of god like say a volcano exploding and air traffic coming to a stand still This could be doable if I though I could start tapering down pretty quickly to somewhere around 100mg as I could afford this. Its just that around ?50 a week I just cannot afford at the moment as I' on a fairly low income and definitely could not see myself staying on 250+mg of a drug for the forseeability future.

      Beleive me this is not a sob story and I truly want to stop drinking I'd just like to hear from anyone with some similar story's


        Baclofen cost

        Welcome Flyer.

        I'm sorry about the length of this post, but the forum won't let me attach an excel file...

        Basically what it shows is what it would cost daily, and in total, if you titrated at 20mg's every 5 days, and had to go to 410mg's to hit your switch. It does end up costing a fair bit, but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind it's worth it. Also, 410mgs is a pretty high switch dose. I've put your cost per pill at US 32 cents.

        Bear in mind that you may be able to get a relatively low dose on prescription anyway, see your doctor and complain of restless leg syndrome, or something like that, and say you want baclofen. It might work, which means a portion can be claimed.

        Good luck with whatever you choose!

        $ per pill 0.32
        mg per pill 10 COST
        $ per mg 0.032
        Day 1 15 0.48
        Day 2 15 0.48
        Day 3 15 0.48
        Day 4 30 0.96
        Day 5 30 0.96
        Day 6 30 0.96
        Day 7 50 1.60
        Day 8 50 1.60
        Day 9 50 1.60
        Day 10 50 1.60
        Day 11 50 1.60
        Day 12 70 2.24
        Day 13 70 2.24
        Day 14 70 2.24
        Day 15 70 2.24
        Day 16 70 2.24
        Day 17 90 2.88
        Day 18 90 2.88
        Day 19 90 2.88
        Day 20 90 2.88
        Day 21 90 2.88
        Day 22 110 3.52
        Day 23 110 3.52
        Day 24 110 3.52
        Day 25 110 3.52
        Day 26 110 3.52
        Day 27 130 4.16
        Day 28 130 4.16
        Day 29 130 4.16
        Day 30 130 4.16
        Day 31 130 4.16
        Day 32 150 4.80
        Day 33 150 4.80
        Day 34 150 4.80
        Day 35 150 4.80
        Day 36 150 4.80
        Day 37 170 5.44
        Day 38 170 5.44
        Day 39 170 5.44
        Day 40 170 5.44
        Day 41 170 5.44
        Day 42 190 6.08
        Day 43 190 6.08
        Day 44 190 6.08
        Day 45 190 6.08
        Day 46 190 6.08
        Day 47 210 6.72
        Day 48 210 6.72
        Day 49 210 6.72
        Day 50 210 6.72
        Day 51 210 6.72
        Day 52 230 7.36
        Day 53 230 7.36
        Day 54 230 7.36
        Day 55 230 7.36
        Day 56 230 7.36
        Day 57 250 8.00
        Day 58 250 8.00
        Day 59 250 8.00
        Day 60 250 8.00
        Day 61 250 8.00
        Day 62 270 8.64
        Day 63 270 8.64
        Day 64 270 8.64
        Day 65 270 8.64
        Day 66 270 8.64
        Day 67 290 9.28
        Day 68 290 9.28
        Day 69 290 9.28
        Day 70 290 9.28
        Day 71 290 9.28
        Day 72 310 9.92
        Day 73 310 9.92
        Day 74 310 9.92
        Day 75 310 9.92
        Day 76 310 9.92
        Day 77 330 10.56
        Day 78 330 10.56
        Day 79 330 10.56
        Day 80 330 10.56
        Day 81 330 10.56
        Day 82 350 11.20
        Day 83 350 11.20
        Day 84 350 11.20
        Day 85 350 11.20
        Day 86 350 11.20
        Day 87 370 11.84
        Day 88 370 11.84
        Day 89 370 11.84
        Day 90 370 11.84
        Day 91 370 11.84
        Day 92 390 12.48
        Day 93 390 12.48
        Day 94 390 12.48
        Day 95 390 12.48
        Day 96 390 12.48
        Day 97 410 13.12
        Day 98 410 13.12
        Day 99 410 13.12
        Day 100 410 13.12



          Baclofen cost

          Also, everyone's problem is relative. If you think it's a problem, then it's a problem. Don't be embarrassed that you don't drink a lot!


            Baclofen cost

            An open-minded addiction specialist here in Australia was willing to prescribe me at least 80 mg per day and said he was willing to go up to 100, so you could possibly find someone to prescribe at least some of it. That could be enough to cut costs for you, so you could afford the extra from other sources.

            Also I found 25 mg or so helpful as a single afternoon dose, and I had been drinking 21 standard drinks a night for a long time. I was sober when I started the bac however, and also using another two medications, so I'm not sure how helpful that dose would be the people in different circumstances.


              Baclofen cost

              Hi flyer...

              You won't know how much baclofen you'll need until the day you hit the so called switch. I psyched myself up for a long and hellish baclofen journey so it came as a complete surprise to find myself ignoring alcohol at a paltry 75mg /day. Before that I'd been on suicidal quantities of booze - easily 100 UK units a week - and my body was telling me in no uncertain terms that it would leave the party without me if I tried another decade of that kind of bullshit. I don't think anyone can accurately predict how much baclofen they'll eventually need. Body mass, druggy habits, sex, yeah I'm sure they come into it, but here's 50 pence and a Mars bar for anyone who can come up with a usable formula....


                Baclofen cost

                Thanks for all the replies guys I do appreciate it. I've actually had a go at the Bac before (well ordered it but never got around to trying it as I knew I couldn't endure the cost if I had to work down from a high dose at the time) Ordering from Goldpharma worked out cheapest, also being in the UK there are no customs involved being in the EU.

                I think my best bet would be to get a few pound up and buy a large bulk amount and take it from there. A low switch would have me over the moon but I recall taking a strip of 10x10mg once, a while back when I had Bac on hand and felt very little in the way of not wanting a drink. I hear of people hardly being able to stand on 30mg. Now I know this means nothing as it takes a while to work up into your system but I do have that feeling I'd be a 200+er deep down. Getting to a high dose and realising it might not be for me would call for a hefty supply to work down also. I think one think I have going for me is I've never been a daily drinker (some 3-4 day partying) and can go a week or 2 without a beer if I REALLY had to.


                  Baclofen cost

                  Hi Flyer

                  My last order (not from Goldpharma) worked out at about 16 pence /10mg (equivalent) so if you went up to 200mg/day that would work out at about ?22 per week. Not dissimilar to what you presently pay for booze. I buy in bulk, which does make a difference shipping costs wise. In the UK we don't pay customs charges for medicine imports, but we do pay VAT. So you need an online pharmacy that doesn't declare the contents or value on the shipping documents. They're more likely to be based outside the EU. Naughty I know, but who gives a fuck.

                  It doesn't matter what drugs you've used in the past or how much you needed to get high, trust me I've done them all and I used to have a crazy (and very expensive) tolerance to E, and unlike Seethepony, who was clearly a light weight :H I used to drink 140-210 units per week, but hit the switch on 150mg.

                  Go for it matey, you know it makes sense.


                  p.s. I don't think taking 10 tabs of bac on one occasion and not getting any response will give you an indication of how much you need on a regular basis.

                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    Baclofen cost

                    Murphyx;1060602 wrote: Hi Flyer

                    My last order (not
                    from Goldpharma) worked out at about 16 pence /10mg (equivalent) so if you went up to 200mg/day that would work out at about ?22 per week. Not dissimilar to what you presently pay for booze. I buy in bulk, which does make a difference shipping costs wise. In the UK we don't pay customs charges for medicine imports, but we do pay VAT. So you need an online pharmacy that doesn't declare the contents or value on the shipping documents. They're more likely to be based outside the EU. Naughty I know, but who gives a fuck.

                    It doesn't matter what drugs you've used in the past or how much you needed to get high, trust me I've done them all and I used to have a crazy (and very expensive) tolerance to E, and unlike Seethepony, who was clearly a light weight :H I used to drink 140-210 units per week, but hit the switch on 150mg.

                    Go for it matey, you know it makes sense.


                    p.s. I don't think taking 10 tabs of bac on one occasion and not getting any response will give you an indication of how much you need on a regular basis.
                    Cheers mate... you've gave me a bit of hope with your post to be honest. Had a similar tolerance to E back in the day. Some of the units you guys were consuming is frightening.


                      Baclofen cost

                      No shit, it used to scare the crap out of me. I think it would have been sooner rather than later that it finished me off. But reading the threads here, I was a definite lightweight compared with some.

                      It makes me sick to the stomach knowing that Baclofen could be saving so many lives but the bastard authorities aren't getting off their arses and doing something about it. If the NHS were providing this drug on a large scale it would cost them just pennies each day for each person they saved.

                      The unexamined life is not worth living


                        Baclofen cost

                        Murphyx;1060630 wrote: No shit, it used to scare the crap out of me. I think it would have been sooner rather than later that it finished me off. But reading the threads here, I was a definite lightweight compared with some.

                        It makes me sick to the stomach knowing that Baclofen could be saving so many lives but the bastard authorities aren't getting off their arses and doing something about it. If the NHS were providing this drug on a large scale it would cost them just pennies each day for each person they saved.
                        Truth mate. I'm from Belfast and the alcohol problem over here is out of hand. Just part of society I suppose. GP's learn in med school what they've been getting tough for decades... give them their 15 minutes and then write them out a script for Valium, Topamax or whatever else they've been taught.. or look up for. Things need to change. Sadly the way the economy is at the moment I can't see people with drug problems being top of that list


                          Baclofen cost

                          Flyer, it's been a week since we last heard from you. I know you probably haven't received your bac yet, but I wanted to make sure you keep posting. When you start taking it give us an update. We want to know how you get on.

                          No lurking allowed!

                          The unexamined life is not worth living

