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Contact Dr. Ameisen

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    Contact Dr. Ameisen

    gratitude;1061078 wrote: ok ne,
    I contacted Dr. Amiesen. asked some ?'s and invited him by MWO to say hello to his supporters.
    then read some of the info on his website bout how no one should take BAC without supervision. aha, no wonder he doesn't come by here I thought to myself. a bunch of rebels that self medicate from online pharmacies. probably wouldn't look good if he were to show up here. I know... I'm a little slow sometimes.
    It's just a shame that most doctors are not willing to supervise.


      Contact Dr. Ameisen

      Both of those things are good thoughts. I have so little time at the moment, it's frustrating me! :goodjob: let us know if that works!

      I agree, Persona, but that is sure to change. And soon. They're here too. Lurking. Watching and listening. Alarmed, to be sure, but paying attention.

      No need for stickies, friends. We are here as a privilege, remember. There are other ways out. No need to even go there. We've got this one and can spread the word, quietly with conviction. Loudly when need be. No need yet, imho. Despite all my shouting! :H

      I leave it to you to determine whether or not the researcher, founder, reason we are all here would like to hear from you. I thought he might and I contacted him. I'm glad I did.

      Please remember that you are likely addressing a future nobel laureate. A brilliant and brave man, at the very least. The people he knows and what he's accomplished put our considerable collective accomplishments to shame. And we are a considerably accomplished, tenacious, intelligent, motivated, bunch, imho. (But there are lots of us in these forums and in the rooms and in rehabs.)
      I'm looking for serenity and a purpose, my friends. I think I've found at least one of them.

      At last count there were 226 hits on this thread in the last 18 hours. There is POWER here. Make no mistake.
      EDIT: oops! 253 hits on this thread in the last 18 hours and a couple of minutes.


        Contact Dr. Ameisen

        In relation to UKB's and Longshot's concerns (and others), please read my post at the bottom of Dr. A's message, number 2.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Contact Dr. Ameisen

          beatle and I have agreed that this would be a useful discussion to continue here.

          beatle;1061122 wrote: To me, this and other sentences in his other missive (part 1), clearly indicate that he is suggesting ways for us to help that do not involve him. He never asks us to, or even indicates he wants us to, contact him directly. In fact, it feels like he is distancing himself from us by telling us all he is doing, indicating how busy he is, but that he is kindly sharing with us what is happening, to reassure us, but certainly not looking for input... for that, he refers us to someone else.

          Also, he begins the first message with: (sorry, I still can't manage double quotes)

          "I have adopted a policy to not intervene in forums because these are yours and should remain so. But I thought it might be help stimulate the debate. "

          To me, this is also a message of distancing himself from individual interaction with him, whilst encouraging us to continue. And why shouldn't he? He is a very busy man, and he sees our forum as having a life of its own, and doesn't want to interfere. We are not made to feel he wants our input in any way. Bothering him with PMs and emails wuold be inappropriate and bothersome at best.

          There are other parts of his messages that give this nuance -- a pedagogic update, much needed and very reassuring, but no personal element meant to draw people in individually.

          Now, of course he is a person, and as such, human, and he can expect things without realizing how he should communicate that, he can be disappointed that more people didn't contact him after his long messages (probably not so easy for him to write in English).

          (Now if you say he has to write in English all the time, he is an internationally renowned doctor submitting papers in English to journals all over the world, then you would be forgetting that he has editors for those kinds of things, while this message came directly from him... from his heart, and he wouldn't have editors for a personal message.)

          And being human, he can also change his mind, or regret not being more inviting, or just not understand how come people got the feeling he didn't want direct contact. (because maybe he didn't want it before, but he does now?)

          The whole point of this post is to show that at no point does Dr. encourage us to contact him personally, and while certain "take the bull by the horns" people like Neva Eva have had the guts to do it, and then, to her (and our) surprise was answered and in fact engaged in a dialog with him, most of us would hesitate because of the reasons given above (the content of his messages and how he expresses himself together with our reluctance to bother the great man, who is, after all THE great leader for us.)

          In fact, I think many people also hesitated to contact Dr. L for similar reasons, and, as mentioned by many here, they didn't want to inundate him with calls. There was never even any talk about fees, at first, and people indicated he did this out of the good of his heart (which I still believe he does -- he just understandably needs to be compensated for the huge amount of time he gives to us).

          ...another long-winded repetitive, probably incomprehensible post.:sigh:


            Contact Dr. Ameisen

            neva eva;1061143 wrote: You are absolutely right on all counts, beatle.

            I admired him for his lack of direct involvement, and lauded him for it on many occasions on these boards. There is their oath, of course, that makes it impossible to give medical advice without medical treatment of a patient.
            There are many, many other reasons for doctors to stay in the background and learn from this just as we are. Or keep an eye on erroneous information that may affect their patient's well being.

            I've changed my mind, obviously, in this instance. For many reasons. Some of which I've shared. I stand by that.
            I welcome the dialogue, though, too. I tend to decide on a course of action that is not always the most positive one, but tends to be expedient. Or feels that way. There are many ways to share the information, to communicate with people about this, that I haven't thought of yet.
            Can we move these posts to the other thread so as to keep the dialogue rolling in one place? Or is this a better place?
            EDIT: I agree with everything except that beatle's post was long winded or rambling. These thoughts are extremely important and valid.


              Contact Dr. Ameisen

              Neva, in the post of mine that you moved to this thread (as we agreed), the post is lacking the Ameisen quote that I refer to (that was quoted at the top of my post on the Ameisen message thread).

              Dr Olivier Ameisen;830641 wrote: If I may make a suggestion, I believe that it would probably be most productive for you (and for them) to contact the French forum that has become very well structured and organized... The name of the forum is: ?€œalcool et baclofene?€?: Alcool et baclofene and the forum is Baclofene The person you should contact is ?€œAnuck?€? because he is fluent in English. His email address is: Also, in France, an association ?€œAubes?€? Baclofene has been created. Its members are patients who are already cured or in the process, as well as general practitioners and psychiatrists who I have personally trained to prescribe baclofen for alcoholism and who obtain around 90% cure rate. On the website ?€œalcool et baclofene?€?, one physician responds to all patients?€™ questions.
              I think that is important to put things in context... in that he specifically referred us elsewhere, and never offered himself, never encouraged us to get in contact. It was, by all appearances, an attempt to distance himself from us. And there were other similar statements in his 2 messages. That was my point.

              I agree that he will probably be a Noble Laureate in the next 10 years -- hopefully it will be sooner, rather than later, because the later it is, the more lives ruined and lost, and the sooner it is, of course the opposite.

              And it's also possible that he quite simply changed his strategy or tactics when he saw how serious and comprehensive our "experiment" was, and regretted keeping his distance earlier, after seeing this groundswell of bac users sharing information and experiences exploding.

              Not much for us to do but PM/email him with our appreciations (AND our questions!), and see where it goes from here.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Contact Dr. Ameisen

                I'm not sure what his public stance is. All I know is halfway through reading his book, I sent him a PM thanking him because I was so excited. I didn't expect a response at all since his 2 messages do give the impression that he is "above the fray." But he responded right away and gave me his e-mail and said I could update him on my progress. To me that seems like he wants to be involved and know what's going on, but that he's not going to post in the forums and hijack them. IMO only.


                  Contact Dr. Ameisen

                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Contact Dr. Ameisen

                    I just sent this on to Dr. Ameisen:

                    Hello Dr. Ameisen,

                    I am a patient of Dr. Levin's. I reached indifference last Monday. It was truly as though a light switch had been flipped off. I was an alcoholic one day, and the next day I was cured. I was (and am) absolutely incredulous.

                    I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, "Thank you." Your bravery in discovering Bac's anti-addiction properties has saved me from an inevitable alcoholic death. I am still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I have become "disease free." And yet, it is true.

                    Once again, thank you.

