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Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

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    Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

    My final descent into the alcohol pit began/coincided with insomnia. My psych gave me 300 mg seroquel, after which I slept 18 hours. When I woke up, I knew that, if I could sleep every night, I could go AF. I proceeded to do so with AA and all the other conventional tools.

    After 3 years I relapsed - nothing that I had done before worked - and found this site and baclofen. I was one of the lucky ones, maybe because I had been AF for a good long time and drinking again for only 5 months??? Baclofen stopped my alcoholic drinking from day 1.

    Anyway, about sleep . . . I had reduced my seroquel dosage to 50 mg/night and never stopped taking it. I eventually went up to 180 mg baclofen/day, and occasionally increased the seroquel to 100 mg, but only a few nights. Maybe I'm psychotic (seroquel is an anti-psychotic that is prescribed off-label for sleep), but for whatever reason, it's been the perfect med for me to take in conjunction with baclofen. I never had/have somnolence, nor have I lost any sleep.

    Just my $.02 worth of experience. Since I started the bac by ordering online, I have no idea if a physician would even prescribe the two together. We are all so different, so there's clearly no one answer, but seroquel has been the answer to insomnia for me.

    And by the way, it is so awesome to see so many people hanging in there and getting liberated!!! Thank you Dr. Ameisen, and thank you everyone posting their experience and clearing the trail for those yet to come!! :l
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

      Interesting bit about the Seroquel there. I had considered taking it for sleep, but I've read that it's got a "moderate" warning level with the Bac (the usual CNS suppression warning). I always found that Seroquel knocked me the eff out, no matter what. I don't have a whole lot of trouble falling asleep on Bac (except for the horrible "electric shock" twitches right as I'm falling asleep), but I do find myself waking up every 2-3 hours to pee. I wonder if Seroquel would make me pee myself in my sleep?


        Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

        Something very strange has happened to my sleep. At first I thought it was just insomnia, but it's been quite a while now and it's still happening.

        I sleep in 2 hour bursts, which is quite a common SE of baclofen, but I only need 2, or sometimes 3 of these bursts a day. There is no tiredness, I actually feel refreshed, on either 4 or 6 hours sleep.

        It seems baclofen has reduced the amount of sleep I require to function. I recently changed my dose quite significantly, the effect remained in place.

        This is a different side effect than most people seem to have experienced, has anyone else noticed baclofen doing this?


          Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

          Well I get the 2 hour sleep sessions and usually only get 2 or 3 of them per night, but I'm still pretty knackered when I wake up. Not as knackered as I would have been on 8 hours following a piss up though. It's difficult to remember how much sleep I needed before drunkeness became my way of life.

          The unexamined life is not worth living


            Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

            Yeah Bleep, I get the exact same thing. Wake up like clockwork every 2-3 hours during the night and then go straight back to sleep again.

            No problems getting to sleep at night and don't feel all that tired when waking up, despite the interupted sleep. The one thing I do know though is I feel a thousand times better on that than a 12 hour drunken slumber.


              Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

              I was the same, bleep. When I was on a higher dose that interrupted my sleep, I would sleep in bursts. The funny thing is that I would wake up feeling grumpy, from waking up so much during the night. I was prepared to feel like complete ass all day, but I never did. I felt fully rested and functional (well, until the afternoon somnolence kicked in, but that happens for me with bac on some level even with a good night's sleep!).
              Better Living Through Chemistry

              Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

              Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

                I wake up a lot too. Now historically I've a problem with eating in the night - I've always had vivid dreams/nightmares, I'll jerk awake and often charge off in distress to find something to eat. This is not dependent on whether I've had enough, more than enough or not enough food during the day. It is pure reaction to emotion. Anyway now I'm jerking awake more often because of the Baclofen, well I'm automatically charging off even more.

                I had hoped the Baclofen would help relieve this anxiety, and help with my comfort eating. So far I'm only worse!


                  Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

                  Thanks for the responses. I hope this lasts forever, 4 hours is a long time extra to have, to do absolutely anything in. I could see it being a real bummer if I was tired though.

                  I've looked it up online, and there a few famous people in history who were refreshed at 4 hours, so clearly it's enough for some. Apparently it's a genetic thing, but this is definitely chemical.

                  Fingers crossed that it, like indifference, live on forever.


                    Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread


                    I sleep also far. I sleep deep in a shorter time so it seems to make up for any time lost. I, like Bleep, feel that 4 to 6 hours of "good' sleep is enough. Another good remedy for me is "MidNite", a Natural remedy found at stores here; it contains Melotinin, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and Lavender.


                    The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                    *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                      Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

                      I haven't read through the whole thread, but if seroquel wasn't mentioned, it should be. There are lots of pros and cons to that medication, but it has been the only thing that has helped some people (I'm pretty sure it was the solution for Longshot, for instance.) Generally, I think benzo (xanax) is the most effective, but also switching up sleep medications seems to work. Careful with taking any of this stuff, of course. Do your homework, ask questions, keep an open mind. Sleep is really a number one priority, in terms of health, both mental and physical! (Not an opinion! It's Fact. No sleep will mess a girl up! And boys, too! :H)


                        Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

                        Dangit Reggie.

                        Put that back!!!


                          Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

                          Yes, I have used seroquel. It can work although I would never take more than 25mg of it. It concerns me a lot lately. I have read horror stories on it.

                          It's an antipsychotic. Looks like something that Holmes character was on at his hearing. Gives some that feeling of thorazine the next day.

                          I think xanax is good for falling asleep but it is more of a anxyiolitic than a hypnotic like nitrazepam which is also longer lasting.

                          All this stuff worries me though because of the rebound effects. Try sleeping without it once you become dependent on these things.

                          Antihistamines work well sometimes but have those hangover effects.


                            Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

                            Are you concerned by what you read, or by what you experience, Cos?

                            I think I probably had some initial "hangover" from seroquel, but at the time, sleeping was a much better option than drinking. It may be kinda' like bac . . . the side effects go away after a few days. I do know that I can sleep without it, but since not sleeping was closely linked with leaving over a decade of simple sobriety to fall into a wine bottle, I'm far more comfortable taking 50 mg seroquel every night than pushing an edge I already know I can't handle.

                            And Cos, I teach yoga and meditation. And direct a non-profit agency. And organize seminars and workshops for national and international teachers. And, oh yeah, last week I helped put together financing for an oil and gas company whose name will soon become well known. And I keep my own house and rental property, manage my own finances, keep myself fed - even pretty extraordinarily healthy. I took myself dancing last week so I could hear my good friend play piano. He won some money on a bet that I was no older than 30. I'm 56. Maybe getting enough sleep makes me look younger? And I'm certain my students would notice if I look drugged.

                            Somewhere on some board a former NFL player who has been in the TBI (traumatic brain injury) studies that are happening for those guys now, said that seroquel has saved his life. And that, under laboratory measurements, it gives the most "natural" sleep patterns of anything. Maybe you could find that and read it, along with the scary stuff - absolutely none of which has happened for me, or for a good friend that also takes it.

                            I really am compassionate about the sleep thing. It totally sucks. I was extremely fortunate with seroquel AND baclofen, and I have no idea why they both have worked with very, very minimal side effects for me.

                            I sure hope you find a way to not only sleep, but to come out of the concern, worry and fear. They'll keep you awake, ya' know?
                            "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                              Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

                              Well, actually I used seroquel last night. Slept like a baby. Think I could have slept another couple hours.
                              Don't want to rely on benzos dailys and antihistamines are a drag too.

                              I've read a lot of horror stories about seroquel when people wanted to get off it. I also worry we are messing with things that are beyond our understanding that's all. I mean I don't sit here and think of thigs to worry about but brain chemistry is not a human standpoint.

                              I am not just talking about seroquel either. So many of the drugs we use have phrases like "it's not understood why" in other words we don't know how these things work but just the end result is good.

                              I am getting bored with baclofen. I am tired of being tired. I have to supplement energy drinks to keep going. That can't be good. The somnolence is not getting better at all. I also wonder about what all these chems are doing to us.

                              Again, it's not about just seroquel. Most of the folks I read about having seroquel issues were taking a lot and it was prescribed. 25mg is plenty for me to sleep. I went to our "place" for it and they are cheap that's for sure.

                              Sounds like you are doing great which is awesome! I don't touch rentals. Just don't want the hassle. Finishing off my mortgage now so I have to figure out what I want to do when I grow up.


                                Bac Induced Sleep Issues or The Sleep Thread

                                Hey Red, while I am at it. As long as I am still using this med at times when do you best suggest taking it for sleep?

                                I am doing about 40 mins before bed time. That sound right? I realize everyone is different. Just getting some feedback.

                                Most folks don't even like to talk about it on that other forum.

