Thank you very much, Reggie! I wish my switch post could have been 1/10 as articulate and well-written as yours was. :h
Welcome to the other side! Pretty amazingly....normal, isn't it? I've always envisioned the path ending at a bridge, covered in fog. I felt I had to take each step blindly, trusting there was something underneath that would keep me from plummeting. Turns out the bridge was made of lots of little pills! Now we're on the other side, the sun is out and the view is awe inspiring!
Thank you! It really IS normal. And not without a little bit of nostalgia for the days when I could simply wipe out reality after a bad day. Now I have to deal with the bad stuff. I suspect that will be good for me.

You were and are an inspiration, from start to finish! (Everyone should be paying very close attention to what and how you reached it, in my opinion.) You made it seem effortless, but we both know that it takes a huge commitment (a little tenacity doesn't hurt.) Fear of dying a miserable alcoholic death is a pretty good motivator, too.

Haha, thanks! I wouldn't call it effortless, but I definitely had an easier ride than many others on here. That said, I didn't want to make a big deal out of any of my SEs, since none of them compared to the worst AL SEs I had learned to live with. When things did get bad for me, I tended to not post for a while.
Ne/Neva Eva;1062316 wrote:
I love you very much, so glad we've been on this ride together. (and just between you and me, I'd have been very put out if you had gotten there before me, and I was sure you were going to!)
susiesmum;1062558 wrote: You are all inspirational! Even if at this point in time it's just 'mum' being inspired!!
"Susie" will get here, Im sure. Had to write a message to try out my avatar. Appreciate you all.
redhead77;1062561 wrote: Awe Seeking. I am so happy for you. Sorry, I didn't post this sooner, but I've been working the last couple of days. I hope you stay on these threads for a bit so we can follow you. I can't wait for the day that I can post this.