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Check in for the daily bac ride!

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    Check in for the daily bac ride!

    (Let's try this again, shall we?)

    I hope you'll find a buddy, it's two to a car and helps to have someone to hold your hand or shout for joy with you along the way.

    Good morning (afternoon/evening!)

    For the newbies: MWO 101, or the things that used to confound me.
    There are a couple of options for posting when you're logged on. You can use the 'quote' button to quote another's post. This button will quote the entire post. You can then go in and delete the parts you don't want to quote, keeping what is relevant to your train of thought. But make sure you don't delete the ellipses "[ ]" because they are what keep the quote in tact. (Maybe lo0p will come along and put in some pix. I don't know how to do that yet. I imagine he's still asleep, though!)

    Then you can cut/copy the post and go to a new screen, where you want to drop in the quote. Hit reply, paste the quote in the new box and you're off and running!

    The 'edit' button is my best friend. I try very hard not to delete anything anymore, but I feel completely liberated knowing that I can correct spelling, grammar, or add a thought at any time! I'm eternally grateful for the edit button.

    It was another sober night in the Ne household. I'm almost used to it! But it still makes me smile with teeth to write it 'out loud'! I'm looking forward to a lazy-ish Sunday in pajamas reading, reading, reading.
    Hope it's a great Sunday for you!

    Check in for the daily bac ride!

    More MWO suggestions!
    You can use the Quick Links button to subscribe to a thread, which means that you will be notified when there are responses to it.
    You can use the User CP button to allow email notification when that thread is updated. That way I always know when there is a reply, who wrote it and what they wrote. I don't miss replies to conversations I've participated in.

    Yes, I know, I am a hopeless MWO nerd. With altogether too much time on my hands, apparently!


      Check in for the daily bac ride!

      NEVA DIVA!!! Good morning, lovely one! What a wonderful post, and how I need it. I have tried to use, quotes, thank you, but didn't know how until now. Thank you. Now I won't have to take "Remedial Thread Usage 001." You sound so positive and I am proud and happy for you. Have a very relaxing AF Sunday.


        Check in for the daily bac ride!

        HA! Love that, Rusty. Thanks for the laugh.

        How goes the studying?

        someone posted a lovely link and then removed it, but I'm going to repost it because I really enjoyed it.[/video]]YouTube - Beethoven Symphony No. 9 - Verdi tuning (part 2)
        I'm not really sure how to do that either, but the link is to Beethoven Symphony No. 9, verdi. Still listening to it actually!
        Oh! It worked! I am a MWO clipping/cutting/pasting ninja!


          Check in for the daily bac ride!

          Hi Neevs,

          Well, I haven't formally begun the studying...but today is the day...I had to seriously focus on developing a daily SCHEDULE for studying that would leave time for working out, traveling/driving, flying, etc....hand therapy, thanks to Bac (HAHAAHHAH!!:H Just kidding! Love this thread...and hope we can all meet up in Chicago in the fall. I'm off to the gym!


            Check in for the daily bac ride!

            Thanks for this Ne. I never knew you could be notified when someone updates their thread. Much needed info for us nontechies. Enjoy your lazy Sunday.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              Check in for the daily bac ride!

              Here! Barely though. Day 483 for me, and it's gonna be a busy one!! Bye for now!
              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
              A Forum
              Trolls need not apply


                Check in for the daily bac ride!

                I'm in! Got through 5 days of effortless sobriety, with two sad, lonely, unloved, unwanted beers still sulking in the back of my refrigerator.

                Got a big day planned, including my first time running in a month (!), a clean house, a visit to a sick friend (and a big jar of kombucha to offer her). Maybe a trip to the dog park.


                  Check in for the daily bac ride!


                  "Edit" and following a thread, you wrote everything I needed to know as well. As time goes on (in a good way!) the spelling is becoming challenging ops:

                  Many Thanks,

                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                    Check in for the daily bac ride!

                    _serenity_;1063242 wrote: I'm in! Got through 5 days of effortless sobriety, with two sad, lonely, unloved, unwanted beers still sulking in the back of my refrigerator.

                    Got a big day planned, including my first time running in a month (!), a clean house, a visit to a sick friend (and a big jar of kombucha to offer her). Maybe a trip to the dog park.
                    First of all, congrats on the 5 days, serenity!! Secondly, you make your own kombucha?! I'm so jealous. I've always wanted to try that. Here I am stuck paying almost $4 a bottle over at Whole Foods for it now. So damn good though!

                    As for me, doing great. Even though I'm aiming to mod, I haven't even thought about drinking since I had 1 beer 2 weeks ago. Didn't even want that, but was in a weird place mentally/emotionally and went with habit to keep myself from getting too deep into my own head. The 180 switch definitely seems to have STUCK! Today I'm titrating down to 100, still doing 10mgs down every 2 days. And it's been working great. The good SEs are all consistently sticking around! I've got a theory on that, but it'll be for another thread, and needs to be tested out first.

                    Caught up on chores today, since I had a lazy day yesterday and am now heading over to my best friend's house to hang out and then go watch a movie. Hope everyone else is having a good Sunday!
                    Better Living Through Chemistry

                    Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                    Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                      Check in for the daily bac ride!

                      Hello all, internet has been down all weekend for me, so a lot to catch up on.

                      One more tip - increase your browser to 40 posts per page, makes reading threads much easier...


                        Check in for the daily bac ride!

                        Morning, (here) fellow bac-ers. (bac-ees? bacsters? hmmm. will have to give that some thought.)
                        Week is off to a good start, with 40mg of bac down the hatch and lots of coffee in the pot.

                        How was the run, Serenity?
                        We missed you Bleep.
                        Rusty, your day was off to a good start! Are you trying to channel one of the ultra-skinny girls for the meet up in October? (I like food, thank you very much!)
                        Is, as ever you are a bright light!
                        beatle, I'm guessing you're off the plane and ready to 'play' around here?

                        Newbie information: A "bump" on a thread means that the person has nothing new to add to the thread but that the person thought it relevant so wanted to bump it to the top of the list. Some of us with slower internet connections really don't like bumps because you can't tell if it's a bump or if someone has added something important to an important thread. (Like the consolidated baclofen thread, which is a must read imho.) Maybe putting bump in the title would clarify?

                        I've got my annual review this week, or next at the latest. I'm very excited about it which is just effin' funny. I'm hoping my boss has a short memory. (She does! Yay!) And will reflect only on the last couple of months and not the previous 9 or so when I was hungover/bac'd out or, yikes, both! I want a raise! Which is also v. funny!

                        Hope it's a good day/afternoon/evening for you all.
                        :ls and love to you!


                          Check in for the daily bac ride!

                          Good news for me today. I was in the exact same situation that caused me to be in the weird mental/emotional mindset as before, and I had ZERO desire to grab a drink. I came home and made some green tea. Now I think I'll grab some dinner and maybe take a bath.
                          Better Living Through Chemistry

                          Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

                          Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


                            Check in for the daily bac ride!

                            Whooo Hooo Iso!!!! Now, that's what I'm talking about
                            Indifference is in your future with Baclofen. It works!

                            My frustration with Baclofen, which is shared by Dr. Oliver Ameisen, is that because Baclofen is an off patent medication there is no profit motive for drug companies to support clinical trials that would demonstrate its efficacy in treating addiction.


                              Check in for the daily bac ride!

                              So glad, Is. I think it was Low who told me that he had to experience every single thing he'd always done with a drink sober, after his switch, in order to prove it to himself that he was really indifferent.
                              He kept beer in the fridge, played in the pubs, got really, really angry, sad, content, bored... All sober. He told me recently that he doesn't even recognize the drunk person anymore. It's like it wasn't him.

                              I can't wait for that day. Sounds like you're well on your way!

