Keep on keeping on Beatle and I'll see you in soberland soon!
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Daily dosing record - beatle
Daily dosing record - beatle
ignominious;1124368 wrote: Near but not arrived!
Keep on keeping on Beatle and I'll see you in soberland soon!Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Daily dosing record - beatle
I actually mentioned that I was drinking last night and every night. Yesterday was the first day in 2-3 weeks I haven't had anything to drink during the day (out of necessity) -- and the revelation was that I didn't miss it. So I will def keep that up. Which is an improvement, for sure.
I need to taper down, and that is what I am trying to do atm. It still takes a lot of willpower, and I guess I have to accept it. I thought I would hit the switch without going AF (Dr. L said so, and several others on here have experienced that), but I hear the message more and more on here that you should go AF for a few days to get the full effect of bac.
I don't know if I can do that, though. Go AF, I mean, because at this point the cravings and triggers are too much.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Daily dosing record - beatle
Reggie;1124533 wrote: I think you are very close Beatle..think about that!!! Drink Free!!!! concentrate on that does helpto focus on that ..just sayin
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Daily dosing record - beatle
God, Reggie, I totally disagree. Beatle has been on bac for how long? Wouldn;t you think that any sane intelligent person would just call it quits and try something else? I tried Campral for three months, now i am going to give naltrexone a go. You know, commen sense approach /pro active stuff. Sorry Beatle, but you really are , either, stupid, which, i know you aren;t, or you are just not for real in your wish to be sober.
Either way, you give ME, no hope to try Baclofen at all. Yes, I have been drinking tonight, but yes I have a prescription for naltrexone tomorrow which I will give my best shot.
Daily dosing record - beatle
Missy, you can be a real knucklehead. the only reason, the ONLY reason you won't try bac is because you're frightened and you like your fear better than you like the ONLY thing that will find you healthy. Back off here, sister. This is not a place for you to post that shit. Especially drunk.
Make no mistake. I'm watching avidly now.
Beatle, follow the laughter babe. you got this.
Daily dosing record - beatle
Hay-zeus, Reg. Come on, now. Missy is drunk, by her own admission. She has a habit of posting outrageous stuff when she's drunk. And she's angry and disappointed and ashamed. And she will continue to be so until she takes action and arrests her disease, because that IS the disease.
Don't let the disease chase you off. The rest is too real.
:l and :h Reggie
And missy, hugs to you too, my sister. Just not here.
Daily dosing record - beatle
Well, belly up, buddy. If beatle can do it, WE can do it. And lordamighty, that chick has got some cajones.
(belly up might not be the right thing to say, exactly. Here in the USofA it means pull up to the bar. Like, "Belly up to the bar, mate, and have a drink on me." Which makes me laugh.)
oop! i'm in class. Professor is bac. Must go pay attention to cells!
Daily dosing record - beatle
Reggie;1124579 wrote: I know that.Ne.. bit of a wuss.I am ... i hate conflict.... good to see ya ne ..big huggs to you..and GO GO Beatle we are all with you!!!!
But that's beside the point...
I actually wanted to say :goodjob: for not deleting your posts :H:H:HI'll do whatever it takes
AF 21/08/2009
Daily dosing record - beatle
Ne, that was a pretty viscious post. Especially saying that bac was the only thing that was going to make me healthy ?? I don't think that way Karen. I think we have our own way of making choices for ourselves. My fear about baclofen is my fear to have, end of story. I will not,nor be dictated to about which drug I choose to help with my problem with alcohol. and as you seem to feel you can promote a particular drug here on an open forum, then i think it is my right to question such. I fear for Beatle and I was only asking, if, after all this time.......18months or so....that may be judicious for her, to question its efficacy for her. What is so threatening about that for you? In any other medical field it would be a non brainer.
And i will be watching you too. How sad xxx
Daily dosing record - beatle
Abby, how long are we going to have to put up with your shit? Seriously, I don't care how drunk you are, you're completely obnoxious and just plain nasty. Why? What's the point? You must know by now that baclofen works, so why are you so determined not to use it? Do you actually enjoy being the way you are?
The unexamined life is not worth living
Daily dosing record - beatle
Please. Have mercy. On me. But also on beatle. Mostly for beatle.
Super High Dose Bac is no joke. It's physically and mentally exhausting. I was full of self-doubt and recrimination. I was scared. It's lonely.
Would you tell a cancer patient to give up on chemo? A kidney patient to give up on dialysis? Do you understand the harm you are committing? If you knew you would never have said it. Drunkenness is no excuse, Missy.
I've gone to bat for you many, many times. Too many, apparently. If you want a drunken brawl, let's move it out of here. PM is fine. You also have my email addy and my phone number I think. But here's the thing. I'm exhausted, too. I'm spent. Kaput. I have a long full day ahead of me yet, and I've been up since 2am dealing with my own stuff.
Please, I know you to be a decent person. Just take it off of beatle's thread, please.
Daily dosing record - beatle
Reggie, I am speechless. That song is a treasure. I needed that more than you know. thank you. Please, please, I try very, very hard not to be antagonistic ever again if you'll stay and play.
Congrats on sobriety and on 90mg as a stable dose. That's very reasonable!!!congrats.
another high light? I got an A on my first quiz. In biology, no less. yay, Ne.
The sun is shining. I'm expecting a visit from a special friend a week from today. It'll be the first of many, I hope, from a MWOer. I know that Oz is a long way from Topeka, or in my case Virginia, but you never know, Reg. How do you feel about stinky cheese?
I'm just going to give it all a little more time. To settle down. Thanks, Reg.
Alright, I'm really and truly outta here for a while. Gotta study.
Daily dosing record - beatle
Dear Murph, I didn't think I was being obnoxious or nasty questioning beatles quest with baclofen. I do find it offensivethat both you and ne have brought up the fact that i have been drinking.................its almost like the judgement of AA. Ne has sent the most caring messages to me privately. This is just a most obnoxious double entendre ever. I don't know if Baclfofen works Murph. //full stop...don't know if it works on a long term basis......and anyone who says so is kidding themselves. I hope it does, I really do. But the thing that really shits me off the most is people like you who seem to just go along on one road. I just could not get over the fact that Ne said I say totally outrageous things when I have been drinking (then send me a totally different private message the same day). I just can't get over the total bullshit. I got a real shock reading your message. What do you want? I don't really care whether Baclofen, Naltrexone,Campral or whatever works to keep people sober but, shit,I get angry when people say one way is the only way. So yes Murph, I have been drinking but yes I feel I am far more honest then you and your Mrs Murph, who is really a figment of your imagination. God there is so no loyalty here apart from ""bac takers""