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Daily dosing record - beatle
Daily dosing record - beatle
beatle;1126653 wrote: Why can't I be more like Tip?
Yep, you're funny alright :H:H:HI'll do whatever it takes
AF 21/08/2009
Daily dosing record - beatle
tiptronic_ct;1126893 wrote: Let me get this right. You want to be more like a bald(-ish) 41 y/o guy who smokes 30 - 40 Camel Filters a day, never ever exercises, is addicted to chocolate, has to be reminded to take his supplements and is disappointed at his parenting skills because he hasn't been able to teach his children to swear properly?
Yep, you're funny alright :H:H:HYour time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Daily dosing record - beatle
Actually, tip, the only thing we have in common is our disappointment in our parenting skills. And even there we diverge. I have not failed in teaching my kids to swear properly. I'm quite proud of how I have managed this parenting skill.
My subtly, well-developed approach of reserving swear words for times when they are absolutely necessary -- thereby increasing their impact -- has reaped wonderful results in the form of children who know it's ok to swear in the proper context to make their point all the more important.
OK, that's a load of rubbish. Although it's somewhat true, it is healthily balanced by their father's propensity to use the F word at any moment that he is even slightly miffed or frustrated.
Which is all the time in traffic. Which is almost all the time.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Daily dosing record - beatle
RudyB;1126821 wrote: you have so much character.
same back at you, Rudy.
RudyB;1126821 wrote: beatle, i loved the way you stood up to misssssyA. i don't mean to re-enliven negativity that we're better off forgetting, but i haven't been on here in a minute and i am compelled to respond to it. you wrote with such eloquence and got straight to the point, without extra punches or sparing any. it's good to keep these threads a safe place, and for lurkers who might be shy to post, i hope that it's encouraging to read that nastiness will not be tolerated. so thank you and :goodjob:!
Same back at you again. And many thanks for that. Very many.
RudyB;1126821 wrote: wow! your native language is japanese! how is that? did you grow up in japan? when did you start speaking english? and, how many children do you have? are you still with their father? (i'm sure i've missed tons on this thread; pick and choose the ?'s you address, no hard feelings about those unanswered.)
No, on the Japenese -- don't know exactly how you came to that, probably one of my poor attempts at the humour I am always striving to achieve, but, sadly, much like that fruition (or lack thereof) SE, it seems to elude me -- only occurring very occasionally and sporadically (but when it does, well, it's like ... fruition).
Sorry that I am being flippant here, but the truth is that I am too tired and lazy to go back and find that post so I can explain it. And my short-term memory fails me, thank you very much, bac, and Al.
However, I am indeed fluent in Japanese, have lived in Japan for many years, taught Japanese at the university level, just one of the multitudinous special things and accomplishments I have managed to quash, and then forget, in my 10 years of being a full-time drunk.
(I'm not sure if that was intended to be a humorous post, a soul-baring one, or an exercise in self-confidence. A little of each, I guess.)
RudyB;1126821 wrote: the flat tire and broken fridge you mention struck a chord with me.
For normal people with normal brains, the process of dealing with things would be no-brainers. For me, they were big brainers, and being able to deal with them was like a gift from heaven.
RudyB;1126821 wrote: but i, like you, can handle it all because of bac. like you, i noticed immediate improvements in my life upon taking bac, and i'll never regret a single miligram of its ingestion.
1) because the improvement started with the first day; and 2) Because of all the good people here -- real live people, despite the internet interface gate -- who have been through it, lived through it, and feel compelled to help others through it.
I'm a wannabe tip, Ne, bleep, Ig, Murph (well, not sure about the wannabe status for him... even though he is a vegetarian, and a sort of hippie, sort of bald, all plusses in my book, AND he is the funniest man on earth... but still not sure about the wannabe category), and many others, too many to name them all.
ok, off to bed, to sleep perchance to dream. Well, the dreaming happens no matter what, that’s a no-brainer, sleeping or waking ☺
I choose sleeping.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Daily dosing record - beatle
I just bought a mega-sized dream-catcher to hang over my bed. My dreams have always been on the mystical side, but since bac they're un-freakin'-believable. And unvelievably realistic. Kind of like "Inception." I'm dreaming, I know I'm dreaming and I can sometimes alter the dream, but they are so vivid and reflect so much of what is actually happening in my life I have to wake up every morning and figure out what bed I'm in, where it is, and occasionally with whom. That never actually changes but my dreams have me doing some serious sleeping around! Then I have to figure out what day it is and what I need to do. Good thing I did a lot of psychedelics in the olden days!
Dream catchers are a Native American tradition that are supposed to filter out any negative energy that comes through dreams. I saw one in a truck-stop, probably made in China even though I live in the heart of Native American country, and figured what the heck. I'll let you know how it goes. I figure it's no more :nutso: than all the stuff I've gone through taking bac!!"Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir
Daily dosing record - beatle
beatle;1126969 wrote:
I'm a wannabe tip, Ne, bleep, Ig, Murph (well, not sure about the wannabe status for him... even though he is a vegetarian, and a sort of hippie, sort of bald, all plusses in my book, AND he is the funniest man on earth... but still not sure about the wannabe category)
The unexamined life is not worth living
Daily dosing record - beatle
Murphyx;1127089 wrote: Ahhhh, I'm a wannabe Beatle. Not really, I was just saying that to try and fit in with all the group huggy, mutual appreciation stuff that's going on in this thread. Really I couldn't give a crap about all that; I'm just here for shits and spite of the vegetarian hippie aspect, which were very attractive, especially in an aging man
And I'm not quite sure I could deal with the pressure of being the world's funniest man (and I'm not sure I'm a wannabe aging, overweight, out-of-shape man, anyway.:H).
Whereas you might be a wannabe young, hot and nubile, in-shape woman with a full head of thick, auburn hair and the libido to match.(and please -- no snide comments about the fruition challenges:upset
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
Daily dosing record - beatle
funny people. and smart. huggie wuggies.
bleep, no me digas! don't tell me this shit about the water filter. ten yrs ago i bought one for 17 hundred us. it was for shit. now, i have good water and i'm happy. and arent' you in zimbabwaaay, where the us dollar goes a lot futher, i suppose? anyway, no me digas! don't tell me cause it's too late and i don't wanna know and i'm just friggin happy to have clean water. at one point my ex (during the marriage) had almost 300k in cash (from an inheritance and selling a house). he had ripped apart my kitchen and never finished fixing it, because his building arrived and he had to built it. couldn't take the extra day to finish his job in our home. he had that much money, which he could've invested and become rich, but instead he neglected his family. (no clean water; no new furnace, current one being a dinosaur; no paint job on this house with 20 yr old paint; no finished kitchen; no fixed garage door. you get the picture.) instead he neglected his family to build a building that he uses (still) for 4 hours a week! a 2400 sq foot building -with NO office for me, in spite of my request!- is what i've got, shat on my property like a huge insult.
ooops, this isn't my thread, sorry. went on a ramble there. bleep, i don't wanna discuss the water filter, dear. i'm thrilled that as a single working mother i can afford to buy it. and drink my water without fear. but thanks for the thought. (and nobody offered me anything cheaper in the area.) ... okay, okay, what's the name of that filter?
pardon the hijack.
Daily dosing record - beatle
beatle;1127161 wrote: you might be a wannabe young, hot and nubile, in-shape woman with a full head of thick, auburn hair and the libido to match.(and please -- no snide comments about the fruition challenges:upset
Hmmmmm, while being a hot and nubile young chick would have it's advantages, showers being a lot more fun being one of them, there are loads of drawbacks about being a girly. I don't think I could really deal with all the sexist crap you lot get from men. I'd probably end up a lesbian. Actually, I look very masculine, men aren't interested in having sex with me and I have a lot of body hair so I'm practically a lesbian as it is. There may be more to it. I'm not sure.
beatle;1127161 wrote: Murphy, it is rather transparent that you're just saying that because I was wavering about whether or not I wanted to be a wannabe Murphy. Now I know for sure I'm not a wannabe spite of the vegetarian hippie aspect, which were very attractive, especially in an aging man
And I'm not quite sure I could deal with the pressure of being the world's funniest man (and I'm not sure I'm a wannabe aging, overweight, out-of-shape man, anyway.:H).
Now I'm all upset. I'm not that old. 45 isn't that old is it? And although I may be over-weight and out of shape, I'm dieting and exercising like a crazy thing. I'm losing weight, losing fat and gaining muscle. I've got a lot to do to wipe out these years of self-abuse and neglect, but I'm working on it.
Bollocks, I've just remembered I had a birthday a couple of weeks ago; I'm actually 46. I've aged a whole year in the space of 1 minute. Now I really am upset. I'm going to lie down in a dark room and cry my fat, unfit heart out, just as soon as I ask Rudy why the fuck she has to filter her tap water.
The unexamined life is not worth living
Daily dosing record - beatle
bleep, i know, it's true about the bottled water. i didn't watch the video (yet), but i know that bottled water is less regulated than most tap water. and all that plastic, tossed into the landfills, leaching its poison into what we (some of we, usually not me) drink. eee-ghads!
Daily dosing record - beatle
Murphyx;1127228 wrote: Hmmmmm, while being a hot and nubile young chick would have it's advantages, showers being a lot more fun being one of them, there are loads of drawbacks about being a girly. I don't think I could really deal with all the sexist crap you lot get from men. I'd probably end up a lesbian. Actually, I look very masculine, men aren't interested in having sex with me and I have a lot of body hair so I'm practically a lesbian as it is. There may be more to it. I'm not sure.
Now I'm all upset. I'm not that old. 45 isn't that old is it? And although I may be over-weight and out of shape, I'm dieting and exercising like a crazy thing. I'm losing weight, losing fat and gaining muscle. I've got a lot to do to wipe out these years of self-abuse and neglect, but I'm working on it.
Bollocks, I've just remembered I had a birthday a couple of weeks ago; I'm actually 46. I've aged a whole year in the space of 1 minute. Now I really am upset. I'm going to lie down in a dark room and cry my fat, unfit heart out, just as soon as I ask Rudy why the fuck she has to filter her tap water.
Murphyx;1127229 wrote: Rudy, why the fuck do you have to filter your tap water?
Aged a whole year in the space of a minute? :H you're only as old as you want to be, or something. whatever. We're old, dude. Still hot. Still... you get the picture. And the bottom line is that we've got some years to actually DO something now. hopefully.Taking showers is not very exciting, dunno why you think it would make a difference.
I've got a whole lot for you beatle, but it'll have to wait for the pre-dawn hours for my full attention.
We filter our water because we're neurotic. I mean smart. We filter our water for the same reasons that we hire dog-sitters. We want to do the right thing. And it just might be that there is a lot of crap in our water. I live a block from one of the most polluted water ways in the country. Hard to believe that stuff isn't getting into the drinking supply, you know? Or that the chemicals they use to treat it aren't doing the same damage that my ciggie habit is...Slowly killing us.
It's for the same reason that you don't eat lots of things, come to think of it.
Ok. bac to the usual programming.
ps. i'm pretty sure there is not much correlation between what you can buy in Zim vs. what you can buy here, you know?
Daily dosing record - beatle
because, murph, it's full of iron and manganese and other crap. sulfur. it tastes and smells like shit and it stains everything. i'm always afraid to take my white clothes out of the washer, cause half the time they have orange blotches on them. all of the appliances dealing w water are orange and functioning at a sub-standard level. my hair, it's weighted down with minerals. nothing gets clean. and i wonder if i'm getting weird mineral deposits in unknown corners of my bod' cause of this strange brew i've been drinking that might pass as water in some regions. not here. that's why.