Official hijack:
The devil is in the details. Or something! :H
I think maybe you (we) forget what it's like to be new here. I remember finding these threads, the Progress or Success, threads, and wondering why they just stopped. Frankly I assumed that all of those people just fell by the wayside and started drinking again, or worse. That's what happens to alcoholics, right? Brief success, a lot of celebration for a week, a month, 90 days, etc... And then, BOOM! They have a drink, return to square one and the dreaded white chip, full of remorse and self-recrimination, and start the fight all over again.
I think it's important to note the successes, continue the progress, mark the time, if you will. For all of us. I know that even we, those that are indifferent to alcohol, have doubts, concerns, frustrations. It does me good to remember all of those that are doing well. Abstinent, moderate, whatever. That doesn't matter. Not drinking against one's will? THAT matters. And that is still uncharted territory, even though it doesn't seem like it for those that have been around for a while.
A new member is a good example... Don't you wish that we had an example of a former cocaine addict to refer him to? Someone we could say, "Hey, look! It's been done!" But likely, if he chooses to take baclofen, he'll be the first. And then there WILL be an example. We need lots and lots and lots of examples. Don't you think?
So. Tip. There, or here, or anywhere, can we please have your story? Something I can look at and remind myself, "Hey, look, it has been done!" Don't underestimate the power of progress for the likes of Ne.
I'm going to ask Lo0p, too, to post on there, that he is still, indeed, indifferent, and drinks when, how and if he wants. Sheesh. That's simply amazing, isn't it? Why do you grandfathers in the group think your story is not important? Is it because you are so damn old you've forgotten what it's like to be new???
I called you out big and bold so even though you can't *see* very well without your glasses, you'll still notice your name! Hopefully.
Just askin. Not going to be mortally wounded if you just don't wanna... I get it. um. No. I don't. But still love you.
Sorry, beatle-bug, for the digression. I'll catch up with you later.
xo peeps.
