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Daily dosing record - beatle

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    Daily dosing record - beatle

    bleep;1133437 wrote: Well, it's a bit corny, but you gotta do whatever it takes, don't you? Nobody has died from too much baclofen. It is a safe drug.
    Are you saying my signature is corny???
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Daily dosing record - beatle

      Reggie;1133449 wrote: Loop My point is... there is a point ( tautology) at which point a drug does not work!!!!! ..we have to face that matter how high the dose is may not do what we expect it to do

      Just sayin

      and i dont think Baclofen is immune from this...point
      It is up to Beatle do decide if she's reached a certain point or not.

      I'm kinda with Lo0p & Bleep on this one.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Daily dosing record - beatle

        No Tip, it's actually perfect. It was the "gotta" that got me. I felt decidedly American typing it.

        Reg, it's all good. That's what makes MWO a great place.


          Daily dosing record - beatle

          Sorry, I should have weighed in here sooner... was busy on other threads.

          For me, 400 is much easier than 300 was. It took me months to break through the 300 mark It was so rough every time, that I backed down to the upper 200s, which I finally had become accustomed to.

          (First of all, it is very important that you know that I did not go to Ne’s to do a fast bac titration. We never even discussed it. We wanted to get together quite simply because we felt a strong friendship bond, and we realized this was a unique opportunity (I live in Scandinavia and was in upstate New York at the time), and so we made it happen. Ne urged me with open arms and an open heart to just come. We had been talking about collaborating on writing projects and other things we both felt passionate about, and to get get to know each other even better... and that was really all that was on the agenda. I did hope and expect to also titrate up a bit faster at her house as long as I was there, but that was not the main reason for the visit.)

          I will get back to that story later, in a different post -- it's already mostly written...

          At Ne's house, it took me 2 days to go from 325 to 500, that was a rough night and day after, but really, not scary at all, with someone by my side who has been through it, and who you know will get help if it is an emergency. I felt safe and we bonded even more. I can't help but think this is a way that people could do a fast titration without fear and anxiety. But then again, it would have to be someone you knew very well, who you trusted, and who had been through it, too.

          Ok, and then it took 2 days at 400 that were a little rough -- again, being in the Ne house with another HDBer, and Ne there, made it not too overwhelming. Ne helped me with breathing when panic attacks came, and was always there to calm me down. I should note that most of the time I was not in a panic attack, and during the day, I would have periods during which I was perfectly lucid (or...? Ne can give her perspective on that one)

          On the last day, we worked out a dosage schedule (75-75--75-75-50-50 every 4 hours beginning at 7:30 a.m. and ending at 10:30 p.m.), that seemed to work, and I have been stable at 400 for 6 days. Add to that xanax: .25, .125, .25, and prn.

          As an aside, Dr. Levin always prescribes xanax for anxiety together with baclofen. It is a benzo, and highly addictive, thus scares us alkies...go figure,. Dr. Levin is very busy and if you ask him about it he doesn't want to get into it, he just says that's what he prescribes. Lo0p and Ne (and some other old-timers here) are all for this. Not everyone needs it, though.

          To begin a little earier, I took about a year and a half to get to the low 200s. This was because I "listened" to my body, and backed off when the SEs became "intolerable". i finally get up to the high 200s, with a lot of urging from bleep and Lo0p and a little promplting from many others. I finally managed to break through the 300 barrier and to 300 - 325 (for about 2 weeks), on my own. Then I went up to 375 in one day at Ne's house. The next day I went up to 500, under Ne's (and bleep's guidance from afar -- there may have been others involved on the executive committee...although a lot of the decision-making was made for me, Zim-style) The plan had been for 400-450, but some how we ended up at 500. Ne will probably remember this better than I do.

          Now the next question is where I will go from here... I think this is still dependent on many different factors. And this time I think I will have a little more say in it

          Not that I didn't enjoy letting others take the reins for a while.

          Way more to come...
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Daily dosing record - beatle

            p.s. I will post later about my time at Ne and Ed and Goofy's house, and also about the last week after I left Chez Ne.

            But I am in a much better place than I had ever imagined possible... I have reached some kind of switch, but it's not indifference yet. Or so I think. It could be I will reach it at this level. Who knows? I will post more and others can weigh in with their thoughts.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Daily dosing record - beatle

              Cool Beatle, thanks for the update! You left out the important bit though - how are you feeling toward booze, has it made an impact on your drinking? Indifference still eludes you, obviously, but how much is habit and how much is craving, would you say? I had a tough time distinguishing the two in the initial period following indifference.

              500mg's is a high number, you are starting to venture into areas not many have gone. The 400mg's, if you are taking it consistently, will have had time to adjust in your head, can you feel a difference?

              Bah - sorry, I wrote all of this, and then read your second post in a little more detail. I'll leave it there though, they were my initial thoughts, and perhaps still apply, depending on what you later post.


                Daily dosing record - beatle

                It also goes to show how strange baclofen is - that the SE's at 400mg's are so much more tolerable than those at 300mg's. Odd indeed, but I am glad you are getting a respite from the SE's you described at 300mg's.


                  Daily dosing record - beatle

                  beatle;1133493 wrote: p.s. I will post later about my time at Ne and Ed and Goofy's house, and also about the last week after I left Chez Ne.

                  But I am in a much better place than I had ever imagined possible... I have reached some kind of switch, but it's not indifference yet. Or so I think. It could be I will reach it at this level. Who knows? I will post more and others can weigh in with their thoughts.
                  WELL? I'm waiting.....

                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    Daily dosing record - beatle

                    hi beatle
                    i just read that you are taking lamictal... could it be possible that baclofen doesn't work well with this medicine maybe if you could try to titrate it down a bit and see if there is a difference?
                    did you ever thougt about it????


                      Daily dosing record - beatle

                      Oh and btw...

                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        Daily dosing record - beatle

                        Reggie;1133441 wrote: its like taking high dose laxetive until ya shit ya self to death
                        You crack me up Reg. I've never heard you be so, well, graphic, gentle soul that you are.

                        It was a great image. Or not. I choose to retain it as a great image because, although I didn't used to be a fan of scatological humour, my preteen son has definitely accustomed me to it, and that was one of the better ones. It will set the bar high for him, and perhaps it will improve his sense of humour. I hope so.:H
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Daily dosing record - beatle

                          How's this one... I'm awake at 3:00 a.m. because my husband made a big fart in bed. I started laughing. He said "why are you laughing?" I said "because we always used to say sorry when we farted in bed, even if we thought the other one one was asleep. I think that's funny." He retorted: "Well it doesn't feel funny to me. I have terrible heartburn." I said, "oh, I'm sorry", he said: "And now I will spew all over the bed if you don't find the heartburn medicine." I spit out the water I was drinking, it was so hilarious. He didn't find it hilarious at all, however. And here I thought he had a good sense of humour. (He'll probably think it was funny in the morning, though. Or maybe not. I choose to continue to think it is funny. But I will try to be more tactful in the morning. I will really try.
                          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                            Daily dosing record - beatle

                            There is definitely more to this particular process than a number, imho. There is dosing schedule and consistency, and some other things thrown in. (sleep! sleep! sleep!!!)

                            I would never suggest out of hand that people just head up, up, up. Just wouldn't do it.

                            I would also not put anyone at risk, at all, ever, by suggesting something I considered unsafe.

                            I would never ever, not ever, make an executive decision about what someone else should or shouldn't do, unless the circumstances were very dire.

                            This was not a dire circumstance. Beatle was on her game, making the decisions, the whole way. (I was going to say on her toes, but she was decidedly clumsy, at some points. :H Which actually isn't so funny, ya' know?)

                            I just wanted to state it for the official record before someone decided we were... something.

                            We were also not ever in a closet together, for the other record. :H Right out there in the open, holding hands for all to see. It really was a lovely weekend. I'm still very bummed that a thunderstorm caused the cancellation of the fireworks. But it was sleep time anyway.

                            And is again, for an Ed and a Ne.


                              Daily dosing record - beatle

                              Good night, sweet beatle. Turn off the beloved matching Mac and go get some zzzzz's.

                              You've earned 'em.


                                Daily dosing record - beatle

                                Also, wanted to state, ftor, that I have a large store of xanax that I do not take, despite the fact that some around here think it would do me good.

                                Every time I take it, it knocks me out and I wake up a little woozy. Simply doesn't work for me. But it sure does work for the ones it works for. (With a plan, and a schedule... just sayin.)

                                And I'm just sayin because it, like all addictive things, and lots of other things, makes me nervous. Don't go taking a bunch of it, ya'll and finding yourself all messed up, okay? :l

