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Is baclofen the new AA?

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    Is baclofen the new AA?

    PbarE;1065129 wrote: This was definitely a spoof, and I am glad the majority of you took it that way. I just wanted to create a little lively debate between naps. (I am up to 180 mgs per day and I am nodding off all over the place). I was going to personally retort to a few comments, but I really don’t have the energy or alertness.

    However, on a serious note, there were a couple of passages in Dr. A’s book, which are repeated on his web site, that really touched my soul. When asked about his attitude towards AA, the good doctor said, “Profound gratitude and admiration…. Without AA I might not have survived until I found an effective medication in baclofen.”

    He also said, “…treating addiction with baclofen does not spell the end of rehab, (and) twelve-step programs like AA and NA... To the contrary, it will make all these programs more effective.”

    I think he is absolutely right. And in a perfect world, the 12 step community would embrace baclofen as the missing piece it needs to effect full recovery. However, that is not going to happen unless some “baclofytes” are willing to step outside their comfort zone.

    That is why I have made the decision that once I hit the switch and reach a state of indifference, I am going to go into the local rooms of AA and NA and talk about the medical miracle that saved my ass.

    We all know what is likely to happen. I will get cussed out, cut-off, and accused of not “really being sober”. I will be told that baclofen is an “outside issue” and that the group “does not engage in controversy.”

    So why would I be willing to become an outcast and a pariah?

    First of all, there are people in those meetings who need to hear about baclofen. Granted, I will be scorned, shamed and snubbed by 90% of them, but there will always be a handful of folks who are beaten down and desperate. They need people like us to bring them some hope.

    Isn’t that exactly what Dr. A did for us? I don’t know about ya’ll, but I was ready to eat a bullet when I stumbled across this answer. I was hopeless. His book changed all that.

    I cannot even imagine the amount of courage it took for Dr. A to publish his initial case study and disclose his alcoholism to his peers. He really put himself out there for folks like us. If he was willing to risk it all, the least I can do is tell my fellow sufferers about his findings.

    This is an entirely personal decision, and what is right for me is not necessarily right for you. I respect everyone’s right to choose their own path.

    I am starting to nod off again, so I better climb down off this soapbox before I fall of it.
    This is why I feel a bit sick when I hear people saying they "hate" AA. AA was formed at a time when the treatment for alcoholism was to either throw you in the nut house, or give up completely and let you die. AA came up with a system that gave some hope and support. In doing so it saved many lives and rehabs have kept me going giving me some respite. AA members give their time for mostly no reward, manning phones in their spare time etc. Remember when it first started out and for the majority of it's existence people didn't have the internet. So the groups brought people together. They will reject Baclofen until they see it working. Why?because addicts are known to get addicted to all sorts of alternatives including drugs, medication, gambling etc and they will want to be absolutely sure before accepting it. Whilst that is on one hadn frustrating, it's also a good thing because they can't afford to go along with every 'method' that comes along. That would be dangerous and possibly cause chaos. Remember ECT?That appeared to be a fantastic new idea to help with a whole range of illnesses. Good job that one didn't become the be all and end all. They are quite right to be wary in a way since they aren't a pharamacy and to associate themselves with a drug could also be wrong - one of the unique ways in which they work is that they don't affiliate themselves with other bodies which could start to make them into a commercial product.

    I also agree with his thoughts regards Baclofen making rehab more effective. A lot of people use alcohol to hide behind. Whilst Baclofen removes a lot of the anxiety it doesn't answer all questions for quite a few people. It does however make it easier to start living a whole new approach to life, and firstly by eliminating the need for alcohol.


      Is baclofen the new AA?

      Good post UK


        Is baclofen the new AA?


        I cannot deny that I grew to resent AA. I think that was essentially cos I just knew it wasn't working for me - i also saw many others fail and as a result I had no confidence in it. My cravigs/addiction would always talk me right outta there! I think Bac plus AA could be amazing for those who still want that support network - imagine what an efective double bill that could be! I have no problem with the religious part of it. In fact, I am a stern believer in God who meditates daily(unless I am off on one...eeek) and concentrates on remaining connected and in touch with life Energy/God. I work hard at this but mainly I really enjoy it. However, it was not enough to stave off my relapses. I am confident that BAC is the missing piece in the jigsaw for me. I am confident it will give me the foundation to practice my spiritual beliefs, my relationships, my work etc witout CONSTANT interruption and essentially going to hell and back every week or so. AA, I respect the people who have got sober there. I really do. It's incredibly courageous. But as DR A himself said, AA and meditation and all the rest of it, could not keep him sober. For many of us, that will NOT cut it. Hello BAC!
        I think combining them all would be great. I will, if successful on BAC, definitely be putting myself out there to do anything I can to introduce fellow sufferers to BAC and this will include for sure sitting around in meetings and talking about it and my experience openly. even if it helps one person in that room, its totally worth it for all the dodgy looks and 'get the f*ck out of here' looks that will dominate.
        Anyway, rambling as ever.
        Good day all.
        I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


          Is baclofen the new AA?

          Color me humorless. It happens.
          Thanks for the laugh, tho I arrived late.
          I love and loathe AA. So much wisdom weighed down by so many petty agendas. The women I've met there, the ones I've been attracted to, if you will, were both profound AND full of humor. A lot like what I've found here at mwo. And the wisdom of the book is that it has truisms for all human beings, and is a way out of the mind-fuck that is active alcoholism. Doesn't treat the disease though.

          I look forward to reaching out in that venue, actually. I know that sobriety matters more than anything though. When I first got on here I followed the thoughts of those that were sober and seemed happy about it. I learned that in AA. Misery loves company, but misery still sucks, you know?

          Thanks for letting me 'share' and for not making me feel foolish for being so damn literal.


            Is baclofen the new AA?

            Ne/Neva Eva;1065293 wrote: I love and loathe AA. So much wisdom weighed down by so many petty agendas. The women I've met there, the ones I've been attracted to, if you will, were both profound AND full of humor. A lot like what I've found here at mwo. And the wisdom of the book is that it has truisms for all human beings, and is a way out of the mind-fuck that is active alcoholism. Doesn't treat the disease though.
            Beautifully said. When you put it like that, I realize this is exactly how I feel about AA - only I didn't realize that was how I felt. Does that make sense or is my sleep deprieved brain churning out a bunch of mush?
            Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
            - Jacob August Riis


              Is baclofen the new AA?

              bleep;1065185 wrote: Hi PbarE,

              I've decided to do the same thing. I'm just giving it a bit of time between the switch and my first share so I can talk about it with a bit of confidence. I'll let you know how it goes.
              Thank you for saying that - I need to wait a bit as well instead of charging in there. More time = more credibility.
              Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
              - Jacob August Riis


                Is baclofen the new AA?

                What a great thread, even though tongue in cheek ( I think)

                My experiences on this site may well mirror my experiences in AA.

                I use Campral and have had amazing success with it. I feel inhibited to talk about it because it would seem that baclofen is the only way to go . Have seen no threads at all about Campral since I joined this site. There has also been some really derogatory remarks about newbies being labelled as "old birds" and "mosquitos in a Jar" not really being up date about the "latest fix for alcoholism" There are also so many cliques on this site. Drama queens, smart arses and down right attention seekers. I actually love the fact that people have found an answer to obtain abstinence but I still remember standing in a corner at an AA meeting listening to so called experts on how to abstain and totally ignoring the newbies whilst they discussed their dreary drunk stories.For me, it was a total disaster story. Very few came over to me , they were far too interested in themselves and feasting on their own disasters and personal stories.

                Soooo I guess what started out as a tongue in cheek similarity to AA I have found similarities that are not so tongue in cheek. Cliques, ridiculing of people "who do not do the bac trip", ie AA "my way or the highway". Little cross over between those who "know best" and acceptance of those who "don't".

                I have no doubt whatsover that Baclofen is going to be the answer to so many peoples answer to this terrible affliction we have but hey people so did AA.

                Lets not go the same way of spreading the message that it does.


                  Is baclofen the new AA?

                  I use Campral and have had amazing success with it. I feel inhibited to talk about it because it would seem that baclofen is the only way to go
                  I haven't read every thread on here.. haven't noticed much negativity on this forum so far.. I'm sure some must exist as we are all real people in rough situations... might cause the occassional incivility..

                  If Campral is working for you, that's great! Everyone is different and there is no one drug, even Bac, that will work for everyone.

                  I'm not terribly familiar with all the options.. I came across Bac looking for something I could get online as an alternative to Valium for the withdrawl syndrome.. It sounded awesome, since it might take care of the root cause of my excessive drinking (anxiety), maybe help with my insomnia, and if I'm real lucky might even help my chronic back pain.. The idea of taking something like 'antabuse' didn't sound appealing (I think that's the one makes you puke if you drink... ).

                  You might consider starting your own thread.. 'My success with Campral' or something, I'm sure most people are curious about different options, especially if they haven't yet committed to a specific treatment choice.


                    Is baclofen the new AA?

                    First time here. Have a question. I recently was prescribed backlofen for a severe lower back spasm. It worked great along with hydrocodone for the spasm. I smoke cigarettes and have issues with alcohol. The second day on bac I notice that I have no desire to smoke cigarettes or use alcohol. I'm very relaxed and sleep like a baby. I look up backlofen online and read Dr. Ameisen's story. Very impressed. Long story short I go to my shrink with info re: Ameisen and backlofen and she has never heard of this particular off label usage. She won't prescribe it as she knows nothing about this off label usage. She confers with an addiction specialist - same response. Call another shrink I went to school with - same thing. I think bac may be exactly what I need. So how do I find a Doc who will prescribe this for me other than lying to them (saying I need it for muscle spasms)? I live in Kansas City. Any help would be appreciated.


                      Is baclofen the new AA?

                      Hi Hook, and welcome.

                      It generally isn't well known amongst the medical fraternity. There are a couple of doctors who prescribe it - look for a thread called "Doctors who prescribe baclofen" (search will throw it up straight away) and take it from there.

                      There is also the option of ordering it online, several members here have done it that way from start to finish.

                      Some people respond very favourably to low doses, you appear to be one of them! Great stuff.

                      Good luck.


                        Is baclofen the new AA?

                        So how do I find a Doc who will prescribe this for me other than lying to them (saying I need it for muscle spasms)?
                        That's a problem many of us have.. As Bleep said, many of us order it online.. Goldpharma seems to be the fastest shipping and lowest price.


                          Is baclofen the new AA?

                          missyabby1;1065363 wrote: I use Campral and have had amazing success with it. I feel inhibited to talk about it because it would seem that baclofen is the only way to go . Have seen no threads at all about Campral since I joined this site
                          I had some success with Campral quite a few years ago, and managed to stay sober for about 2 months while taking it. It's hard to say whether some of that success was simple determination, but the Campral did seem to reduce cravings somewhat. I was not drinking when taking it, and have heard that it doesn't work too well at all if a person gets back to regular drinking while on it. I took it immediately following a Valium-assisted detox.

                          I can't really say that Campral "failed" for me, since I stopped taking it regularly, out of sheer laziness rather than any problems with it. I did notice that emotional instability increased when I stopped taking it as prescribed, so maybe it really was doing something for my state of mind while sober.

                          I'd say keep taking it since it's helping you, and maybe start a thread about it.


                            Is baclofen the new AA?

                            Hi, hookspin and :welcome:

                            You're story is a good one!
                            Do not despair if you can't find a doctor right away. i think the key might be to get them to prescribe it for the muscle issue, or within the FDA guidelines of up to 80mg/day. Both of which are completely reasonable. Even your psychiatrist shouldn't have a problem with this.
                            I would suggest asking him/her to look up the lancet article by Dr. Ameisen. Also purchasing and reading the book, which is clearly annotated with the research behind baclofen, would help.
                            good luck, hope you'll keep us posted.


                              Is baclofen the new AA?

                              Welcome, Hook!

                              Ne offers some solid advice. Just this week, I got a doctor to prescribe high dose bac for me. I struck out on the first two.

                              I went into the visit prepared. I laid down facts, figures and gave him the name of other docs who follow this protocol. I aloso gave him a copy of Dr. A's book. It seems a shrink, addictionologist or neurologist would be most likely to do this for you. In a place as big as KC, you should be able to find one.
                              Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
                              - Jacob August Riis


                                Is baclofen the new AA?

                                missyabby1;1065363 wrote: What a great thread, even though tongue in cheek ( I think)

                                My experiences on this site may well mirror my experiences in AA.

                                I use Campral and have had amazing success with it. I feel inhibited to talk about it because it would seem that baclofen is the only way to go . Have seen no threads at all about Campral since I joined this site. There has also been some really derogatory remarks about newbies being labelled as "old birds" and "mosquitos in a Jar" not really being up date about the "latest fix for alcoholism" There are also so many cliques on this site. Drama queens, smart arses and down right attention seekers. I actually love the fact that people have found an answer to obtain abstinence but I still remember standing in a corner at an AA meeting listening to so called experts on how to abstain and totally ignoring the newbies whilst they discussed their dreary drunk stories.For me, it was a total disaster story. Very few came over to me , they were far too interested in themselves and feasting on their own disasters and personal stories.

                                Soooo I guess what started out as a tongue in cheek similarity to AA I have found similarities that are not so tongue in cheek. Cliques, ridiculing of people "who do not do the bac trip", ie AA "my way or the highway". Little cross over between those who "know best" and acceptance of those who "don't".

                                I have no doubt whatsover that Baclofen is going to be the answer to so many peoples answer to this terrible affliction we have but hey people so did AA.

                                Lets not go the same way of spreading the message that it does.

                                Look, what's all this about smart arses and attention seekers...and not welcoming people. We haven't tarred and feathered anyone for at least a month.

                                And... we recently adopted a Lady Gaga song as our anthem: Luv, Luv, Luv, we want your Luv.

                                So, cut it out with the negativity or we'll be round yours with a bucket of tar and a pillow.



                                Olivier Ameisen

                                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"

