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My Bac Journey started today

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    My Bac Journey started today

    Another very chilled AF day, 100 mg of the Bac to the good and enjoying a bit of painting and Peplowski.....Nice[/video]]YouTube - Pretend - Ken Peplowski
    I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


      My Bac Journey started today

      Hey all

      Been a while since I posted....things all cool. AF days on 100mg Bac going really well and finding that easy, sadly I am still struggling when I attempt to drink, despite taking up to 100mg Nal.. I know it can take a while to really start working but i am getting more and more inclined just to stick AF quite frankly - sure, I'd love to be able to have a drink but am noticing more and more that when 'I do, its as if I open the door to the dark side and my behaviour is just becoming more and more obnoxious and crazy quite frankly! Once i start, dspite promises I'll only have 3 or 4 tonght etc etc, I am off into the land of the debauched before u know it. So, I think I am gonna bite the bullet and just stick it out AF. I know thats easier said than done but at least I know now, that with the BAc on hand and a good regime of meditation, I can do it - and quite frankly, I am far happier all in all when living this way. Just too much goes wrong when I start drinking!!! I fear there may be more slips and more attempts to 'have another go' but I am certainly moving ever closer to a final decision on this. I think at some point if improvemets are not happening when u do pick up, you have to make a sacrifice - anyway, I feel good about it, suspected this wd likley be the end result but all in all, just good to know I have a method of making it possible. Cheers to Bac, cheers to the support here and have a happy Easter.
      Cheers, C
      I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


        My Bac Journey started today


        Most of us come to the realization that moderation is not possible. We have done many changes to our brain chemistry that is not easily reversed.

        My understanding is the Nal can take many months to have an affect. If you don't have many months, you can't use Nal. As a matter of fact, most people who start Nal start off really well, called the honeymoon period, and then their drinking ramps right back up. It then takes a long time before Nal starts working. Have you visited thesinclairmethod web site? You can read about Nal's affect there. Several people have posted their progress and you can see what I am talking about.

        In my case, I ordered Nal purely for if I relapse. I am hoping that I never have to take a single one. I want AF. I need to be AF for myself, my family, my life.

        Personally, I think AF is better than moderation. That way there is no mental chatter. You just know a drink is not an option. Much easier than thinking, I can have three or four, and then taking off.

        I am very proud of you for coming to that realization so early in your search. Some of us have taken years to get there.

        And yes, Bac rocks!!

        AF April 9, 2016


          My Bac Journey started today


          Cheers Cindi
          I think you are right...I just can't afford to take many months waiting for something that may or may not work....the truth is i have always been a binger, its just right there in my make up, when i drink, i wanna drink until the cows come home.....the reality of having a couple glasses of wine just aint gonna happen i don't think, whats the point! AF is no easy ride i know and I know that I am gonna be so damn tempted, the boredom will kick in etc etc etc but i guess thats the challenge we have to face. At least its worth the effort, I just feel I am running outta lives and I gotta take this thing seriously now. The whole thing is a f*Cker but I look around at so many people I know, they all drink to such excess, they may be ok with that, but its just too detrimental to my lifestyle, I am ruining too many relationships etc so its a bitter pill to swallow, but its gotta be a better life than all this constant trying and failing!!
          I wish you all the best too, take care
          I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


            My Bac Journey started today

            Good to see you back here Charlieboy. Yes I know I personally cannot moderate, I simply can't see the point in one or two drinks. That's not why I drink, I drink to get spannered asap. Remainder of the time there isn't a problem, yeah the boredom can be there and I guess it's about being grateful for it all.


              My Bac Journey started today

              Hey all
              Hope all well
              Well, amazing revelations for me last you may well know, i am very into my spirituality and meditation etc and am doing the atma kriya next weekend which takes you deep into the world of meditation...i have always felt personally this is the route out, the answer to all problems...blah blah, anyway...i'm fiddling about on the internet and find this...


              Read what they gotta say about addiction!! fascinating! Its pretty out there to say the least but i have been following their recommendations...chanting 'Sree Gurudev Datta' and generally follwoing a spiritual life....asking god(i call God but really it just means the universe/life its NOt relgion, its spirituality) to remove the black energies(ghosts/ancestors that latch onto us) that create addictions etc etc(u can rerad it all on here) and man.....have i felt good this week....

              I know this is a WEIRD post !! I am not trying to shove spirituality down anyones necks but just wanted to share it

              I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                My Bac Journey started today

                I'd say the drugs have made you weird, but you've pretty much stopped them, so it must just be you.

                Good to hear from you Charlie, hows the Naltrexone/baclofen combo working for you these days?

                Will look at that link...


                  My Bac Journey started today


                  Things are good mate - taking 80-100 bac a day and take a nal if I am gonna drink....swore off drinking but then came out here to belgium all week to record with the lads and that was never gonna happen! Been doing alot of the stuff from the link too....been drinking very little and no probs so all good
                  Hope all well your end
                  I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                    My Bac Journey started today

                    I appreciate the link, and the thoughts, Charlieboy.

                    I was wondering about this:
                    I AM AN ADDICT. I need to see this every day on my signature to remind myself as I always deny it once I get a few days into recovering from a binge. Once day this signature will read:- I AM NO LONGER AN ADDICT. I HAVE MY LIFE BACK WITHOUT CONSTANT SETBACKS AND WITHOUT BEING SABOTAGED BY MY UNCONTROLLABLE ADDICT. I AM CURED. BACLOFEN SAVED MY LIFE.

                    What say you?



                      My Bac Journey started today

                      Ne/Neva Eva;1106643 wrote: I appreciate the link, and the thoughts, Charlieboy.

                      I was wondering about this:
                      I AM AN ADDICT. I need to see this every day on my signature to remind myself as I always deny it once I get a few days into recovering from a binge. Once day this signature will read:- I AM NO LONGER AN ADDICT. I HAVE MY LIFE BACK WITHOUT CONSTANT SETBACKS AND WITHOUT BEING SABOTAGED BY MY UNCONTROLLABLE ADDICT. I AM CURED. BACLOFEN SAVED MY LIFE.

                      What say you?

                      What say your?

                      Because we cae.

                      AF April 9, 2016

