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My Bac Journey started today

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    My Bac Journey started today


    Hey Nev
    things are good, 200 mg yesterday(where i will now stay for a few days). Was headed to country but my Mum decided she wanted a lift down this morning and stayed in London, met some friends and had some drinks. Was gonna be AF but am so keen to 'test the waters' at the mo cos I feeling so much more in control, its bizarre! Sure enough, had the equivalent of 4-5 pints over a 4-5 hr period, merry, went home at 2am...met a nice girl , drank two pints of water before bed and got up this morning and drove my mum to the country. No silly bender. No bad hangover. No shots last night. Just stuck to the beers, stayed in control. All in all, thats very encouraging for me, really feeling around 200mg that I have the ability to make decisions about my alcohol intake if i do decide to drink, rather than the other way round...
    I had set out to do 30 days AF which I have certainly not succeeded in but at the same time, massively encouraged about the way i handled drinking this week. It feels different. It's also apparent to me how crap I am at staying AF! Alcohol still has a big allure to me and 'makes a night out', makes it more fun etc etc....this is something I am still working on and am starting a course in vedic meditation on Tuesday which I am very excited about(already do alot of meditation but wanna take it to next level) and am focussing in the long term to take my bac dosage higher and to keep working towards my goal of being a very moderate drinker.
    200 feel good but in next ten days or so, I wd like to take it to 250 and see how I feel there. Definitely feeling some big improvements recently
    Cheers, hope all well
    I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


      My Bac Journey started today

      Day 28

      200 mg back yesterday spread evenly throughout day
      AF day
      Will head up to 220 on Monday probably
      Seeing 'magic doctor' tmw for an audit of my physical shape, that'll be interesting eek
      I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


        My Bac Journey started today

        Day 29

        20 x 10 mg = 200 mg
        One Sol beer after a long and productive day in the studio
        I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


          My Bac Journey started today


          Day 30
          200 mg spread throughout day
          I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


            My Bac Journey started today

            Hiya, Charlie.

            So, you're awfully quiet in some respects. Inquiring minds want to know some things:

            Are you the one holding the pen in your av or the one about to be written on? :H

            Is it not pretty AMAZING that you have remained AF more often than not??? Or are you a binger and this is no big deal? And nothing else to play with that might send you down the rabbit hole? Wow.

            How was the magic doctor visit? Are you healthy? Why's he magic?

            When and how are you going up and it's very unusual to have so little mention of the SEs. Whassup with that? (ha!)

            What sort of music do you make?

            How's the meditation going and why vedic?

            Do tell. Please.



              My Bac Journey started today

              Yes. What Ne said.

              Otherwise, glad it's going smoothly for you.


                My Bac Journey started today


                Hey Nev/Bleep,

                Hope you're well

                after a bunch of headless demented fruitcake rantings a couple weeks ago I thought it may be best for everyone if I laid off the long winded posts....hence the short but sharp recent entries....but be more than happy to answer your questions of course and will update more fully from here on in..

                Are you the one holding the pen in your av or the one about to be written on?

                I am holding the pen and writing my name on her jubblies. Thats the kind of classy guy I am :H

                Is it not pretty AMAZING that you have remained AF more often than not??? Or are you a binger and this is no big deal? And nothing else to play with that might send you down the rabbit hole? Wow.

                I am a binger! So AF days in the past have usually been quite easy for a while as I recover. Its when I take that first drink that things usually kick off, not necc the first night, but pretty quickly..and I am in hell before you can say 'Fuck'. so, whats so encouraging about last week is that I went out drinking without embarking on a bender. Even had AF days or days with a drink or two peppered in the middle. Thats UNUSUAL! And bloody encouraging. I'm at 200mg at the mo and have noticed that my fears around alcohol(and what may happen to me)are largely gone. In other words, I feel I have the ability to exercise control. I am sticking at 200mg for a few days but do intend to take it up further.

                How was the magic doctor visit? Are you healthy? Why's he magic?

                Thanks for asking. Saw two doctors yesterday, one straight down the line GP and my 'magic doctor' who is a genius. She can test every organ on the spot and specialises in rebuilding your body from the ground up and achieving optimum health. Once you get there, she can take it even further, giving you specialist supplements to halt the ageing process(if you wanna go down that route) and she professes to be able to prevent any cancer or major illnesses. Once she has built you up, it all becomes about preventative medicine. her name is Fiona Gross and here is her website Fiona Gross ~ Clinical Homeopath ~ Allergy & Energy Medicine Specialist she is based in Finchley and I strongly recommend her.
                Anyway, my liver and stomach aren't exactly in wonderful condition to say the least but certainly not beyond repair. A host of potions and pills, the names of which I have never heard before, are arriving today. In a month my liver will be strong enough to go to stage 2 and over time, following her protocol, it will be the liver of a non drinking non smoking monk who lives in a unpolluted island and eats fruit, nuts and seeds and fresh fish for every meal..... As I mentioned, I strongly recommend her! Everything else will fall into place health wise. Have always believed its worth keeping an eye on these things, preventative medicine is defo the way forward. No point in trying to do something when its already too late. Clearly, getting everything better is gonna be dependent on me not going on benders every week of my life. I am feeling more confident than ever that this hellishness is behind me....which brings me on to...

                How's the meditation going and why vedic?

                I love meditation. It keeps me connected to God or life energy or whatever you wanna call it. It's excellent for stress, well being, feeling of peace and joy, makes you look 10 years younger and generally means you are more creative, happier in job, relationships and life in general. You are literally connecting to life energy which IMO, is what everyone should be doing. Its non-religious, so no weirdness there, and would make everyone's lives a lot better. One day, my goal is to open The Big Smile, a free drop in centre(funded by philanthropists, local charities, governments)where people can learn about meditation, simple spiritual practices, living in the Now etc etc. I would love to see this spread throughout major cities in the UK and the world! Gotta have big dreams right!
                Anyway, my booze and drug hell has been a nightmare for all this cos going on a bender doesn't exactly render you up for a meditation session....I cannot wait for the time when I have balance and consistency in my life so that I can actually knuckle down to these things properly and without interruption, not to mention relationships, family, career etc etc etc!
                Vedic Meditation looks very interesting and is based on a personal mantra which you practise every morning and evening for 20 minutes. I am going to the intro talk tonight so will let you know how it goes.

                When and how are you going up and it's very unusual to have so little mention of the SEs. Whassup with that? (ha!)

                mmm, well I have not got away with SE's thats for sure. In fact, I have had blocked ears and bad headaches and a general feeling of discomfort and terrible disorentiation for almost 2 weeks now. I finally went to see a GP yesterday. Viral infection toppped up with a bacterial infection. Glands are up. Sinuses all over the place, fluid in the ears. Antibiotics prescribed. I was concerned for a while that I may have damaged my brain when I jumped up to 220 from 100 in that mad, stupid day a couple weeks ago. That week was a mess, no sleep for days so its no surprise I came down with ilness. Its nice to know its not BAC related and that I will be better very soon. It hasn't been a great deal of fun.
                Other than that, I find I am ok during the day. I neck the pills in small doses(no more than 20mg at a time) throughout the day and that's gotta help. However, if i lie down to close my eyes, I go into these mental deep sleeps which are very dosorientating and I usually wake up very suddenly not really knowing whats going on. My sleep at night is very disturbed. I am racking up 7-8 hours which is good but it usually involves lots of waking up every hour. As soon as I close my eyes, have very weird thoughts, visualisations, have that E feeling buzz in my head alot but not in a partic pleasant way. Think that;s got something to do with my blocked ears...

                What sort of music do you make?

                I'm in a indie rock/pop band - radio friendly but credible and cool ! I am the singer and write alot of the stuff. We are off to Belgium this weekend to record our first 3 singles(first one due in early Sept/late Aug) with Ed Buller, who has done very well, so we are frickin excited! When its done, will upload it on here if anyone fancies a spin!

                Bleep, Nev, still there? Wakey wakey!! :H

                Hope all well, glad all good your end. Read all the posts on here even if I tend not to reply. Just wanted to ease off for a while
                I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                  My Bac Journey started today

                  I'm in a indie rock/pop band - radio friendly but credible and cool ! I am the singer and write alot of the stuff. We are off to Belgium this weekend to record our first 3 singles(first one due in early Sept/late Aug) with Ed Buller, who has done very well, so we are frickin excited! When its done, will upload it on here if anyone fancies a spin!
                  I fancy a spin. :-)

                  Glad to hear you are doing well. I know this is tough and you are doing it. Fighting for your life, actually. People like you give me hope.

                  In the meantime, I hope your new singles take off like hotcakes, as we say in the USA.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    My Bac Journey started today

                    Still here, CB. Always, it seems. And it's almost 6am, so I've been up for two hours!

                    Glad you're taking pre-emptive health steps. I did a good deal of that, too. Mostly to make sure my body wasn't completely falling apart. (it's not! yay!) I also was v. worried about what I'd done when I took a flying leap into the bac-abyss. So far so good on that front.

                    I for sure fancy a spin, if what that means is listening to the music you perform. My fave is singer/songwriter indie stuff. Interspersed with angry, expletive-filled rap. I like the juxtaposition.

                    Keep posting. For two reasons. I'm frustrated with the other stuff. (selfish, I know.) and it's all relevant.

                    Seriously glad you've avoided the benders. Seriously hope that remains true... I think it will.


                      My Bac Journey started today


                      thanks girls! Will get em over for a spin as soon as!
                      glad to hear all well your end too
                      have a good day
                      I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                        My Bac Journey started today

                        Yup, still here.

                        Seems like your head has stayed screwed on and is facing the right direction as well, which is always a bonus. For sure I'd like a listen, send it our way once you've done it.

                        Good news indeed that benders have been avoided - is it about the time to go on one? At this level of baclofen some control should be kicking in. Saying that, until you have reached indifference, a bender is still a possibility, so don't let it break your heart if it happens.

                        You sound like you actually be a very healthy individual once you've sorted this out. 10 points!


                          My Bac Journey started today

                          cheers Bleep

                          cheers mate, how you been keeping bud?
                          I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                            My Bac Journey started today

                            All good this side, thanks! Cruising along on my 30 day AF stint, going well. Easier than it should be, to be honest. Continually surprised by the change that baclofen has made in my life. To do something like this on a whim, that before would have been a major bloody commitment...

                            You know what I mean though - I'm sure you can start to feel your brain changing. It's amazing stuff.


                              My Bac Journey started today

                              excelent mate! congrats. 200 mg today, one pint of lager. Had to make an emergency appointment at chiropractor tho, my headaches/blocked ear/general feeling f*ckin odd was getting too much...been like that for 2 weeks since the mad bender/went up to 220....being told i have virus/bacterial infection and the chiro just unlocked a whole load of mega blockages/loads of loud cracks etc.....he said i looked like i was on acid, massively dilated pupils...said it must be the virus but i suspect it may be the bac...not quite sure whats going on yet, defo feeling a little better and just gonna see how i feel in next couple days...still have course of anti biotics to finish etc but whatever is going on, whether its viral infection/bad neck(from Bac sleep) or simply being caused by the Bac i am just not 100% sure yet.....
                              anyways, my brain is defo changing....booze has just become something i have a drink of....normally......maybe thats cos i am feeling odd and don;t wanna drink more, who knows....i suspect i am very close to the switch.....
                              Will keep u posted..been an odd couple of weeks on a physical level thats for damn sure!
                              I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                                My Bac Journey started today

                                I would say it's the baclofen mostly. There were times I looked like I was tripping, really weird eyes, slightly deranged expression, the whole thing. Having a nice viral infection at the same time can only help the look, I'm sure!

