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New forum about baclofen
New forum about baclofen
anonymity;1073292 wrote: I do want to say who I am but I don't want to do it in public since I'm a 24 year old student from the Netherlands. If you have facebook or something just PM me and I'll chat with you over there to show you who I am.* * *
New forum about baclofen
TracyA;1073304 wrote: I don't want you to either!!! Very bad, unwise thing to do. I was just pointing out that you had shared very little about yourself, your journey, how baclofen fits into it - that kind of thing.
New forum about baclofen
Tracy, I don't know if I am convinced. Time will tell, I suppose. From where I sit, another baclofen forum can't be a bad thing, particularly one devoted to baclofen.
Anonymity did post his switch story, I can't remember where though.
Anon - the forum appears to be down. What's up?
New forum about baclofen
hello Anonimity
English is not my first language either, and right now, because of debilitating SE, I'm not writing a lot, either here or on the French forum where I should be doing some translation for members of MWO...but I 'm really having a hard time..can't even follow a tv show..
I really like the scientific part of your forum. As we have a thread on "how to convinve your GP to prescribe bac", would be very useful for us to have that translated into French so that patients can go to their GPs with the right stuff.
I also like the idea of your having threads to check what bac does on other issues than alcohoolims.
When I started googling to get some info on bac, I came across Dr Phill's website and really disliked it. Sounded more manipulative than humanitarian to me. I'm afraid you might scare people away with that kind of references.
New forum about baclofen
bleep;1073459 wrote: Hmmmm.
Tracy, I don't know if I am convinced. Time will tell, I suppose. From where I sit, another baclofen forum can't be a bad thing, particularly one devoted to baclofen.
Anonymity did post his switch story, I can't remember where though.
Anon - the forum appears to be down. What's up?
I posted my switch story but it was more like a psychosis drug trip, I don't think it's good if people read it. Do you?
New forum about baclofen
Florieanne;1073465 wrote: hello Anonimity
English is not my first language either, and right now, because of debilitating SE, I'm not writing a lot, either here or on the French forum where I should be doing some translation for members of MWO...but I 'm really having a hard time..can't even follow a tv show..
I really like the scientific part of your forum. As we have a thread on "how to convinve your GP to prescribe bac", would be very useful for us to have that translated into French so that patients can go to their GPs with the right stuff.
I also like the idea of your having threads to check what bac does on other issues than alcohoolims.
When I started googling to get some info on bac, I came across Dr Phill's website and really disliked it. Sounded more manipulative than humanitarian to me. I'm afraid you might scare people away with that kind of references.
New forum about baclofen
anonymity;1073491 wrote: I changed to phpbb, an open source forum. vBulletin was way to difficult to set things up with, with phpbb it works better.
I posted my switch story but it was more like a psychosis drug trip, I don't think it's good if people read it. Do you?
I think every story is valid. /some are clearly not the way to go, but until there is a defined path to follow, it doesn't hurt to read them all. Someone reading it should be able to tell whether or not it's a path they want to follow.
Just my $0.02
New forum about baclofen
bleep;1073459 wrote: Hmmmm.
Tracy, I don't know if I am convinced. Time will tell, I suppose.
Thanks, anon.
I'll visit your site later and spend more time there. The one time I peeped in, the first thing I saw was . . . yeah. I'm glad you are doing this.* * *
New forum about baclofen
bleep;1073499 wrote: Ah, it's working now, cool.
I think every story is valid. /some are clearly not the way to go, but until there is a defined path to follow, it doesn't hurt to read them all. Someone reading it should be able to tell whether or not it's a path they want to follow.
Just my $0.02
New forum about baclofen
TracyA;1073500 wrote: I'm pretty convinced actually that anon is who he says he is. I'm very happy to be convinced of that!
Thanks, anon.
I'll visit your site later and spend more time there. The one time I peeped in, the first thing I saw was . . . yeah. I'm glad you are doing this.
New forum about baclofen
Whew! What a relief! The last update I got was a little tense.
Anonymity, thank you so much for what you are attempting to do. It's going to take a while. That's the nature of the beast. (ha! pun intended)
I am in. (meaning I'm fully supportive and looking forward to being a participant in the new site) It's something I have wished and longed for: A site dedicated to all things bac. (No offense Otter. Yours is full of great info, too. Speaking of which, anonymity, have you met Otter? He's got more info/experience about bac than most.)
As to the other person. His time would be well spent cleaning up his own site etc... before he ventures into new territory. Who knows what anyone's intentions are? I can't blame anyone for making this their life's mission. It has certainly become mine, it looks like.Anonymity, it looks like it's become yours too.
THAT said, I am rather tenacious about finding out about people's intentions and sussing out their motives. Also about keeping things safe and sane and kind for people just venturing into the bac-world. Not trying to play "director" in this play. Just trying to play nice, you know?
As to your story, I'm glad you're going to re-post it Anon. it's important to foster understanding. And a disclaimer is a good idea too. When and if Lo0p finally decides to post his, I'm sure he'll smother it in red ink and big fonts saying, "Do NOT try this at home!" :H
Florie, I haven't told you how great I think what you're doing is. It's great. Thank you. Hang in there. Not being able to do the most mindless tasks is a little onerous, I know. Typing and posting was never an issue for me, obviously. :H The rest, like counting out 16 pills to take for the day? I couldn't do it sometimes. Yikes!
:h people.
ps, anon, I see that you edited that post, but just so you know, I am very nervous about my own (or anyone's) words/thoughts/ideas from here being used elsewhere. Copyright or no. I'm sure you understand, right?
New forum about baclofen
anonymity;1073283 wrote: And by the way:
You know that there is NO copyright on public forums? Thats part one.
(This is also for you, Ne)
I believe anything you personally write is copyrighted, just by the fact that you wrote it. This includes blogs and forums, as I understand it. Your words are your words if you put them down in writing.
This is from
U.S. Copyright Office - Copyright in General (FAQ)
When is my work protected?
Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.
Do I have to register with your office to be protected?
No. In general, registration is voluntary. Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work. See Circular 1, Copyright Basics, section “Copyright Registration.”
As for the sharing of written (copyrighted) material, I believe you are always required to contain the source when referring to other material. If you take somebody's material and put it out there as your own, that is a breach of copyright (even if it has not been copyrighted, with a ? next to it.) What the other posts may be referring to is the sharing of outside written material on a blog or forum. Many sources of written material are happy to have their material disseminated, and require only identification (and hopefully a link) of where the source came from. Assuming this is the case, I don’t think we have much to worry about sharing information on this forum, nor about writing your own original text.… unless someone can correct me.
Perhaps to draw attention to the fact that your material is your material, which legally isn’t necessary, all you have to do is type ? after it. I believe this is not an official process you have to follow for each and every post… might get rather silly and off-putting. It is your material anyway. Again, this is just what I understand to be the case… please correct me if I am mistaken.Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005
New forum about baclofen
Anon, if you are into the SEO stuff, you probably know that if you make a site map and submit it to the search engines, it makes it much easier for them to suss out what the site is about. I can give you a log in to download a site mapper if it would be helpful.
Beatle, your understanding looks right to me. The exceptions can come into play online depending on the forum and what you agree to when you join. At a university for instance (maybe even yours, Anon), any individual's own posts automatically become the property of the college (at least that's true here). That includes anything that a student my post and anything that a professor might post (including curriculum, lesson plans, Powerpoints, etc.). I had one professor who was quite ticked off about the whole setup.* * *