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Baclofen - and tiredness

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    Baclofen - and tiredness

    Hi All,

    I have like a lot of people it seems been lingering in the backround for a while, watching and reading and not posting, although it seems like posting would be very helpful.

    I titrated up carefully to about 120 - 130 mgs on bac. And, I cannot get past that. It is simply making me too tired. Has anyone else had this and how did you deal with it?

    I have been taking 40 in the morning and about 50 in the afternoon and then 40 again before bed, per Dr. L's recommendation. Perhaps I should take my doses more times throughout the day, instead of grouping them together the way that I do. I have just been getting so tired around 4:00 each day, after I take my second dose. I want to go up because I feel bac starting to work (even though I havn't the magical switch yet), but I am can't do so due to almost falling asleep at the office at around 4:00 or so. Any thoughts? Has anyone else this almost debiliating sleepiness and how did you deal with it?

    Many thanks in advance!!

    Baclofen - and tiredness

    Hey rose, welcome.

    I would begin by breaking your dose up into more often, but smaller doses. You will still get somnolent, but perhaps not as bad.

    Walking around a bit helps, even if it's just around your desk once or twice. I really struggle if I just sit. Just pretend to tie your shoelace or something, anything to get out of your seat for a second.

    Coffee, obviously helps, but not that much.

    Piracetam has been advised, but I can't get hold of it here, so can't say as to it's efficacy. Would love to try it though.

    There's more, but I'm a bit pressed for time - if nobody else chimes in I'll try and come back later.

    Good luck!


      Baclofen - and tiredness

      Oh, forgot to add - I found posting to be very helpful, both in a general sense, and for specific questions such as yours.


        Baclofen - and tiredness

        I'm on a similar dose but never take more than 25mg in one dose apart from at bedtime when I might take 25mg an hour before bed, and 10 mg once in bed. I find 25mg every 4 hours starting when you wake makes for a good even dosing.


          Baclofen - and tiredness

          Hey, wild.
          I would humbly suggest taking it more frequently in smaller doses, as well. (Not a doc, just a suggestion, etc...) 3 hours apart is a good number to start with and you can tweak it to fit your own needs.

          I now take 1/2 my normal dose in the early afternoon because by 4pm I was so excruciatingly tired. That has helped tremendously. However, if I miss my late afternoon dose then minor craving sets in.

          I avoided adding supplements or any other medications in, it didn't work for me and I found that other issues arose from trying to combat this particularly onerous SE.
          Also, in my limited experience (being just me!) staying at the same dose did not lessen the SEs. Going up lessened the SEs. Though fatigue was always around!:upset:
          Good luck!


            Baclofen - and tiredness

            Its best to keep the baclofen at a constant level in your blood stream for it to work efficiently. Breaking it down into smaller doses evenly spread apart is the best way to do this.

            The somnolence effect is usuly when your blood has more baclofen flowing with it. I would suggest delaying your afternoon dose until 5 o'clock or whatever time you knock off work. Then take the evening dose as late as possible.
            Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12

