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Dr Ameisen's Titration Schedule

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    Dr Ameisen's Titration Schedule

    I've been trying to locate the exact schedule Dr OA has in his book. Can someone please supply it. (I dont have my copy of the book at present). (She's started the journey!) Many thanks.

    Dr Ameisen's Titration Schedule

    Excellent news!

    He had been on bac for awhile, but continued to binge if memory serves. The following is taken from the book:

    "To give my baclofen protocol a fresh start, I went down to a low dose of 30 milligrams and added 20 milligrams every third day, allowing an additional 20-40 milligrams to deal with heightened craving for alcohol or a spike in my stress level. Because my alcohol cravings were always worse int he afternoon and evening, I divided the baclofen into three unequal doses, taking less in the mornings and more later in the day. I planned to go as high as 300 milligrams a day, assuming there were no limiting side effects."
    The End of My Addiction by Dr. Ameisen, p. 166
    (hardcover edition of the same book, Heal Thyself

    There's more, of course, but not much more detail about the actual titration.

    It took him 37 days to reach 270 milligrams/day. On February 14th he went to a bar in a ski resort and found that he was indifferent to alcohol.

    He indicates that he did not drink at all during this period of time.

    All my best to susie and her mum! Sorry it took me so long!
    :ls and :h


      Dr Ameisen's Titration Schedule




        Dr Ameisen's Titration Schedule

        Thanks karen; you're always on the ball! She has been started at a very lose dose ( 5mgs daily) I think for a few days. She wants to 'get on with it' and as she's not working, can adjust to any SE's. We will get back to her doc. to discuss, but it is good news. I am proud of her. Her computer still down, but she's happy for me to print off relevant posts for now. Sorry I didnt pm you: I'm flat out preparing for family to arrive from overseas tomorrow. I only found she had started this morning.


          Dr Ameisen's Titration Schedule

          I'm so glad you started a thread, and very happy that she's started!

          As to the titration... It's hard to suss out atm.
          My original titration recommendation was this:
          5mg for 3 days
          10mg for 4 days, in two doses of 5 mg
          Adding 20mg every week thereafter.

          I don't actually recommend that, personally.

          But in my very humble opinion I think one could suss out a good plan to move forward with that. Know that it isn't and doesn't have to be an exact science.

          I hope she'll see some cessation right away, but if that's not the case, don't despair!

          I'm looking forward to *meeting* her when she's ready.
          I hope it's a good visit!
          ps. pms are just a bonus. the real action is right here!
          EDIT: I have some pretty strong opinions about the whole 'just getting on with it' approach to titration. Suffice it to say, it's not exactly the easiest route. imho, of course


            Dr Ameisen's Titration Schedule

            Good luck to her!

            There is some excellent advice to be had in the "Baclofen titration thread," which can be found on these boards. Saying that, I don't think you'll go too far wrong with sticking to OA's dosing schedule, it certainly worked for him! Let her body be the guide, generally, but don't listen too hard to it, or you end up waffling about.

            Also bear in mind that everyone's ideas there are just that, nobody actually knows the best way to go about this.

            All the best.


              Dr Ameisen's Titration Schedule

              Thanks guys. Just to put you in the picture, the doc is prescribing weekly, with daily doses, so she is not doing this on her own. While she can 'tweak' a bit, she doesnt have the flexibility of those of you that have to go it alone, and buy your own. That's why I'm wanting to get as accurate info as possible to doctor. I gave him one schedule, but now can't recall where I got it from. I think it was from Baclofen UK. Anyway, I am sure it will all work out and what really matters is that she HAS taken the plunge, scared as she is. I look forward to the day I retire from here, when she 'signs up'!


                Dr Ameisen's Titration Schedule

                Ah, here it is...


                Take them all with a pinch of salt, but there is some good advice in there.

