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Moms on bac

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    Moms on bac

    Hey there--

    I'm new and I guess I am looking for something I didn't find in my AA meetings ( my particular women's meetings with no cross-talk and lots of beatific smiles all around...I am not AA-bashing, so no offense--if it works for you, it's a good thing).

    I'd like to hear from any moms on here who might also be dealing with the very specific double-triple whammy of shame/guilt/desperation/despair of using AL while starting bac and the very real-time effects it has on our children.

    In my case, my AL problems and starting bac are things I really don't feel able to share with anyone in my world....(I may look like a soccer mom, but I've got this little secret that is taking up all my energy).

    I'm hoping to talk with any of you who have experienced the horrible, unmentionable fact of failing your kids that I feel on a daily basis---starting with resolve in the morning not to drink, but by afternoon, leaning over my child's homework and trying not to breathe alcohol in her face. Once your children are beyond a certain age, it's pretty hard to keep dancing the dance that, oh, mom's just kinda silly sometimes, and very cranky at other times...

    Anyways, starting bac (now on 50 mg) is my last ditch effort---but something I haven't told anyone in my family because they'll think I'm nuts(er). I'd love to hear from any of you who are walking in my shoes (okay, flip-flops) and feel I'm not alone with these shameful shortcomings in the parenting department...

    For me, it's very hard to come up with a realistic sense of where my responsibility to my children begins and ends.

    For background, I have two grown children whom we raised both in Asia and in US, while I was not drinking. Then life took some crazy turns and I started drinking every night while cooking... Then we adopted a daughter in China, now 12, who is currently living with me while I drink a bottle and a half of wine each night, starting from the minute she gets home from school---also at birthday parties, soccer games, swim meets and practically anywhere else there's air.

    The guilt is so overwhelming to me, while I pretend there is nothing wrong...Finally last month, my oldest daughter called to say that she didn't want to have a relationship with me for the time being because she doesn't like what drinking does to me. Big silence. It was the first and only time anyone has confronted me with the big D word (at least she didn't say the big A word). And of course, I never "fessed up" to her in that conversation. Instead, I got off the phone, poured myself some wine, found the bac thread and ordered some bac. Now I am so worried that it's a big pipe dream and that I'm trying to take the easy way out with a magic pill.

    So, if there are any moms out there would care to share the remorse, fear, shame and hopefully, eventually the hope--of their efforts to be AL free through bac, let's start talking here, please!


    Moms on bac

    Don't worry, it's the best thing you have ever did in your life.


      Moms on bac

      I am a single mom of an 8 yr old son! I am all too familiar with those feelings, KT! I have left him twice to go to rehab...I am on bac now, but having some terrible SE's....

      I just got called into a meeting, but nice to meet you KT! let us know how you are doing...
      "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson


        Moms on bac

        Hi Taw--

        What level bac are you on? What are the worst SE's? How does it play out with your son?

        Have to go put 6 empty wine bottles from last 3 nights in the trash, and take another pill before I go pick up my daughter at school...really hope things will change soon, even a little.


          Moms on bac

          Moms on bac and moms on booze. Thanks Konak for starting this thread. A much needed one. I for one feel so much self loathing for drinking and bringing up my children. I have a 9,6, and 2 year old. I truly, love these children more than life itself, yet I still drink. I hope I can stop this madness with bac.
          This Princess Saved Herself


            Moms on bac

            Hi Redhead--I'd seen some of your posts before but had no idea you had three kids under 10! I'm impressed that you have any energy or time to post at all. Where are you at the bac levels?

            I agree about the boozing while bringing up our kids--for me, the guilt about imposing this on them and its invisible effects--I know my daughter buries a lot of feelings and tries to compensate with her perfectionism--these are not coping skills I ever wanted her to learn as a result of my drinking.

            Waking up in the middle of the night and playing out all the ways I may be ruining her a killer. I can always seem to rationalize that my husband is a grown up and already "baked," so he can handle what comes his way. My kids on the other hand, never asked for any of it....

            Tell me how it is for you and any changes you've noticed since bac.

            Guilt is this mother's middle name lately....

            Thanks, KT


              Moms on bac

              KT, All,

              You are not alone. I am a single mom and have a 10 year old daughter and a 19 year old son still at home.
              I am/was the same. Soccer, softball, baseball, bowling, whatever...trying to hide it. My 26 year old called me out on it after Christmas (again) and still I drank, drank, drank........ Until I came back here in January and finally ordered the damn pills!

              Clink, clink, getting those bottles in the trash. I could have wrote your post, all of it!

              One last thing, I am on day 15 of the Bac and what I have consumed in the last 15 days would not equal one of my binges. It does work!
              I have so much to say and will chime in later; I am still at work.

              Bac later,

              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                Moms on bac

                I know. I can only post on certain days, cause I work full time too. Mostly I feel like someone beat me up and spit me out. I'm constantly exhausted. I'm on 50 mg at the moment. Hard to do. I take 30 mg of it at night. 10 while their awake and 20 when they go to bed. The other doses are split up during the day. I don't follow anyone's titration schedule. I'm creating my own.
                This Princess Saved Herself


                  Moms on bac

                  Hi kona,
                  I just want to add here that a lot of folks on here do it with bac. But others who don't use the bac get alcohol free using supplements that reduce craving, the encouragement and support of the people who post here, and various other strategies.
                  If you can get an ample supply of bac and it works for you, fabulous! I hope it works for you.
                  But some of us have tried bac and can't (or I should say) chose not to because of side effects that were not tolerable. I get such bad headaches from even 20 mg of bac that I can't even get through the day without shutting my eyes all the time. I was also depressed and felt nausea. But I am going to go ahead without it anyway. No way could I have dealt with kids!
                  Either way, you have arrived at a place where people understand and will help you reach your goal. If you really want it, you can get it. Good luck!


                    Moms on bac

                    I am still at work but about to leave. Red, I don't know how you do it. And everyone please understand I do not under estimate the se's. Baclofen is just one way to sober up but with due respect, it is a powerful drug.

                    The common factor with this thread is we all agree we need to sober up for our children.
                    This was a great thread for you to start KT; there is power in numbers!


                    *Red, I am splitting my pillls still and am also on my own titrate schedule
                    The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                    *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                      Moms on bac

                      Hi LL--

                      I am so glad to hear from you!

                      I think it's so amazing that your drinking has diminished in 15 days!! Good for you! What levels are you at currently? I am about 10 days in at 50 mg, and no change whatsoever in my AL consumption, but I was not expecting a quick fix. Like everybody here, it took many years to get here, but I can always dream of instant bac gratification.....

                      You and I have a lot in common with the wide age span between kids--mine are 26, 22 and 12...and now that my youngest is approaching teen-hood, (dear God save me!) I know she "knows" and doesn't want to know and round and round we go on the guilt merry-go-round--
                      with me being motivated by wanting to be a fully functioning mom for her and at the same time wanting to drink the "bad mom" to death....

                      For me, having my 26 year old out me was/is the most humiliating, shameful thing I could ever dream of....I think because neither of my parents drank but had employees whom they had to fire because of drinking, that I will forever see drinking through their eyes, as completely unacceptable, especially as a parent--typical black and white thinking.

                      But in terms of judging myself as a parent--I am the harshest judge. Keeping up the appearance of being an okay mom is so exhausting, don't you think? Even though I am playing to an empty stage, my inner voice is always criticizing in the background....

                      I am so glad we can talk about this, LL---thanks for sharing. I hope it helps us all to stay the bac course. KT


                        Moms on bac

                        Hiello, and THANK YOU for starting this thread. I have felt like I'm not "with it" enough to keep up with some of the other threads...they seem to spend a majority of their day on line. I work, I have 2 sons (q16 and 12) and a husband, not to mention the upkeep of a, cleaning, laundry, etc. I a on 50 mg of bac currently, started on Feb 4. I feel the high and dizzy side effect after titrating up. I have been dealing on the side with my MD's...switched from birth control pills to an IUD about a month ago. They told me to keep taking the BCP's for another month. Went to refill them, and the dr/clinic denied them. Ugh. Ok, i'm also on an antidepressant, and last week, scheduled a refill. Hadn't seen movement on it yet, so called the insurance today. Dr. said no. What the???? I've had depression since my teens, multiple suicide attempts, and favorable reaction to tghe antidepressants. Saw my shrink in Sept, so WHY OH WHY would they say no to a refill now? It's like a conspiracy (not, but seems), to make me feel damaged, wrong, unworthy, like I have to FIGHT for a simple med. GOD I HATE THIS!!!


                          Moms on bac

                          Hi Sassy--

                          I don't even like moms who are always "with it"---do you? I am glad you're joining us, who have no answers, but only questions--and a wish to be different, better moms someday....

                          For me, it was hard to put myself in the shoes of people who still get to go out at night!! That was a long long time ago...

                          I so hear you about the SE's and still trying to be functioning! And yes, mixing the hormones, BC pills, antidepressants and coming up with something for dinner---what wonder-mom can do that?

                          What's up with the no refill for antidep?? I don't need to tell you going off an antidep suddenly is asking for disaster. If I were you, I'd find a doc anywhere to refill that ASAP. Cannot live without my Zoloft and never need. We're in the 21st century, I think.

                          Keep writing here please, we need to hear the real deal...


                            Moms on bac

                            Hi Kona,

                            I was browsing the threads this evening and saw yours.

                            I'm on Topa, not Bac but also a mom so I can relate. I have a 12 year old son. I am single.

                            He's only once commented about my drinking. We were on vacation and he noticed that I drank an entire bottle of wine while we were in a hotel room. Oops.

                            I don't know what he thinks other nights.

                            I sometimes wonder if it's the norm for our kids because if that's what they see ever day how would they know that it's not the norm, you know? How would they know that it's not "normal" for parents to drink every night?

                            I'm titrating up and so far I haven't noticed a difference but I've just started on a higher dose and hope that it will kick in and make me not as interested in drinking.

                            At my last appointment with the new psychiatrist that is prescribing the Topamax she talked to me about the hypnotherapy she does and I have an appointment with her on 3/8 to see if that will also help. I'm feeling kind of hopeful and feel like I have nothing to lose.

                            I can definitely relate to everything you wrote. Looking forward to seeing what other Moms write.
                            Do Your Dream


                              Moms on bac


                              Hi, yes we are very much alike. I have 4 children, boys 26, 22 and 19. My girl is 10.
                              The last 2 have carried the brunt of my disease. I know about the homework thing and I swear that you were talking about me! My 26 year old is like yours...he makes me feel ashamed of myself. I know I will lose him and my granddaughter if I don't get a grip.
                              I am currently on 80mg since day 12 and today is 15. I tried to do 100mg today but my titration schedule is off, but.... I have til midnight in my book! :-)
                              I felt a change in my mind, and/or brain from the start. I am not sure if the brand we take matters; I have heard it really doesn't.
                              My side effects to me, and I believe they are pretty unique to the individual, are tolerable.
                              I have gotten support from so many that I can only believe this is real. I feel it with every fiber of my being. I know a miracle pill right? How can this be? Well it is and I am almost there.
                              My kids are so awed at my progress. I caught my 22 year old over here on our site following it. He is the one that always stood by me, no matter what. He, more than any of them, wants to see me get "well". My 26 year old has been here for the most part but doesn't understand the addiction at all and has been watching it for too long.
                              KT, The past is just that...the past. After my divorce I thought I'd never come back to life..but I have. I would never be here with all of you and fixing my life if I had not gone through all the pain over the last few years.
                              I was always told "NO PAIN, NO GAIN" I am starting to see that in my life, the light REALLY is at the end of the tunnel. And my kids are waiting!

                              We are all in this together!:l

                              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*

