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Moms on bac

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    Moms on bac


    Looks like the race has leveled out now Dear Luscious one. I too am on 120 mg.

    I forgot to tell you that yesterday HS. I do hope that your vacation is going well, considering your son has been sick and your marriage is strained. Are you vacationing in the US, abroad? Or maybe my abroad, is your home?

    Apple, hope you are getting closer to a script. Keep us informed when you start.

    On another thread, a woman brought up an interesting thing that has got my wheels spinning. She brought up pregnancy on this stuff. What if a woman were to get pregnant while taking high dose bac? Thank you, thank you Ally B, for getting us thinking about this and raising a valid concern. I have my theories, but theories aren't enough as far a fetus is concerned. There is just not enough info out there regarding the safety of this drug in pregnancy.

    One would have to titrate off this drug, and at the quickest and safest way possible. Also, you would have to tell your OB since it can't be stopped overnight. The developing fetus would be exposed to some bac, and the OB will need to watch your pregnancy closely, and the pediatrician will need to watch the baby closely. This sounds like more than I would be willing to risk or deal with.

    There are drugs that are prescibed to women in their reproductive years that are absolute no no's to get pregnant on. Accutane is one. It is recommended that a woman is on a very effective method of birth control, if she is sexually active, and taking this drug. Maybe we should treat bac like this? Although, accutane is a class D or X drug and baclofen is a class C. Still. The plan should be, if you want to do this, but are still planning a baby in the future, that you are aware that you will need to have titrated off completely. This is not medical advice, btw. But it should be a concern and something to think about for us women.

    Bac to being a Mom on this stuff. Things are still a tad rocky around here. Working on being consistant, and letting them learn that Mom now does what she says she's going to do. Whether they like it or not. It's an exhausting process, but I feel really positive about it.

    Still working on hitting the switch. Drinking is improved but I haven't crossed the finish line yet. I have 2 boys starting baseball and a women's support group that starts next week, so I will have even more evenings that drinking either gets postponed, or not done at all. Yay! I figure bac is a tool, but the more I set up my evenings with non drinking activities the better.

    So that's enough for one morning. How is everyone else faring?
    This Princess Saved Herself


      Moms on bac

      I think I've mentioned previously that I love this thread, but as I don't have kids, I am happy to just be voyeuristic...
      I have thought frequently about the pregnancy thing. For those of you that haven't reached the happy-SE of extremely heightened libido, please plan for it. It's rather consuming and there were several occasions when I thought that I really should have been using more than one form of BC. seriously.

      I also wanted to suggest that there are many reasons that people stop posting. The last update that I remember was that K's husband was arriving and she'd previously mentioned that he had NO idea that she'd ordered meds online from overseas. Or even the extent of her concern. I know what my reaction would be if I were faced with that info without any background info!!! Perhaps it involves some rest time in a peaceful place away from the booze, you know?
      I hope I'm not over-stepping.


        Moms on bac

        Isolde lives in FL and has a doctor to prescribe. She's not a mom and not on here much, in general...

        You could send her a private message? I'll also let her know to check in with you. Lots of other options, I didn't notice if other people offered them.



          Moms on bac

          Jeez, sorry. Apple there are a lot of threads on here about titration and some about affordable options. And there is a doctor that will prescribe no matter where or who you are.

          And I look like a soccer mom too, though without the Honda Pilot full of kids! ha! And NO ONE in my real life knows my secrets... booze or bac. It's an awfully big burden, but one well-shared here on MWO.


            Moms on bac

            Don't know if you were talking to me...but no sick son, he is just in trouble, will explain later. And no husband :-) or :-( or :-)...That's a tricky one
            Catch you later 7:55 here at work and got to get going!
            In the states, hot as heck here in Texas; suppose to be 91 today!

            Thanks for giving this thread life!
            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


              Moms on bac

              Lady, I had written that without separating who I was addressing. I was talking to you and then HS (Hopeful). I fixed it.

              Ne, you are always welcome here. Sometimes the moms might be discussing not just something related to mothers but also to women. Pregnancy, is a concern for all premenopausal women on bac. I pm'd Apple with some info about the doc. If she lives in FL, Isolde's doc may be an even better option. Thanks for that my friend.

              I know that people leave and get busy. Many different reasons to not be here. We'll carry on Kona's spirit until she's ready to come bac. I still greatly appreciate what she started here. I would have never had the foresight to do it, and I really needed this. I think lots of us did.

              Okay, time to get off here and make myself useful. Have a good day ladies!
              This Princess Saved Herself


                Moms on bac

                Hi Ladies,
                I wish I was keeping up with this board a little better. I'm barely reading two pages before I run out of time.
                My son has late-stage or chronic lyme. Believe it or not, it's a controversial and political disease that we've had to seek out a controversial doctor willing to prescribe antibiotics "off label" -- sound familiar?
                There's a ton of information out there, and if you're so inclined either watch the excerpts of or you can buy it on itunes. Lyme is multi-systemic condition meaning that it attacks any healthy tissue in your body, including your brain. Unfortunately, the medical community is in denial and it's very difficult to treat and cure. Right now my son has debilitating pain, sensitivity to light among other things and this is an improvement from a month or so ago.
                I remain on Bac but did go out to dinner with hubby last night and had wine. As usual, that didn't go to well but I'm pleading with him to just work on our friendship.
                I think we can all get well, and be better mothers and friends on Bac. I know that when I'm committed to this program, I feel so much better. It's just been difficult to focus on me when well, you're a mother. We think it's always right to put our kids first, and it is but if we don't cure ourselves, we can't help them. Nothing brings this into clearer perspective than having your child become sick.
                Anyway, I do love this board and will try to keep up.


                  Moms on bac

                  Hi Jen,

                  I had heard of chronic lyme but never really understood it. I've never had to. I did start reading about it since you wrote this. I can only imagine how difficult this is for you. Did he start high dose antibiotics? They must not be working, as I read is often the case, since he is still symptomatic?

                  We love to hear updates. The bac is somewhat working it's magic it seems.

                  Keep in touch with us.

                  This Princess Saved Herself


                    Moms on bac

                    Good morning mums,

                    Feel like I have been away for ever. Got sort of knocked off course by a family tragedy that happened about 2 weeks ago, (our second this year). Have been drinking, but not as frequently as in the past. Still, once the bottle is open I keep going back to it until it is finished. However I am determined to beat this thing.

                    I am going to catch up later with all your posts. I have to sort out how my daughter will be getting to and from school this week, as she has broken her foot. (School nurse acts as though a child on crutches is some sort of rare and exotic condition!!!). Anyway I look forward to hearing from all of you. Have a wonderful day!

                    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                    Benjamin Franklin


                      Moms on bac

                      Hi NT!

                      What dose are you taking? Or are you taking bac right now? There's lot's of talk right now regarding the side effects, are you finding them to interfere with your functioning as a Mom? Sorry, to hear about the family trajedy and your daughter's broken foot. I think it is hard for the Mom's to get on here and keep up, which is totally to be expected.

                      Lushy, where are you?? I haven't seen you on the threads in at many days. Hope everything is okay. :h
                      This Princess Saved Herself


                        Moms on bac

                        Hello all. Just wanted to post that I am at 10 mg. per day and am afraid to go upwards. I keep hearing scary stories about SE's! It may just be in my head, but i think I feel less of a desire to drink even just at the 10 mg. Is it bad to just stay at 10mg. and see what happens? I may just be feeling better b/c I have made the decision to start the divorce process and that is very freeing for me since my husband is a control freak!


                          Moms on bac

                          No, I don't think it's bad. If your doing better, then see where it goes. Maybe some other moms can weight in. I also know about being married to a control freak. My councelor once told me that sometimes if you haven't been abusing alcohol for very long just correcting things like can help you moderate your drinking. Alas, that wasn't the case for me.

                          I know everyone is posting about the sides, but I still think they are better than drinking too much, or at times getting so drunk in the evenings I would worry that something would happen to my kids in an emergency. I am at 140 mg btw, and managing the SE's okay.

                          Everyone responds differently to bac apple. You can always titrate off if it doesn't work. Then again, if you are having great results with 10 mg, you may not need much to "hit the switch". I would say go with your gut, and larger doses of bac are always an option if you decide you need it.
                          This Princess Saved Herself

