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River Pharmacy

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    River Pharmacy

    Ne/Neva Eva;1068158 wrote: Probably unaffiliated with this site.
    Away a while and see . . . not much has changed.

    Ne, if you clink on the link on the ad on this very site, it takes you here:

    I guess whether or not this site and River are affiliated depends on one's definition of the word, but I'm pretty sure that River pays good money to be advertised here (unlike some other folk or most who post to this forum). I doubt a "spam" complaint would be taken seriously, given that River Pharmacy is likely, at least in part, making it possible for you to post here. Given all the crap that goes on here, even in the last week, it took me back a bit to see you call the OP "dirty." Very unNeva.

    Want to give back to the people who make MWO possible? Become a paid member of this site, like I did. Enjoy all the tremendous benefits which include (and are pretty much limited to) having the satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting this site!

    You could report this very post as spam (and the powers-that-be will smirk, like they would if you reported any post promoting River Pharmacy) . . . same dif.

    Sounds like you are rocking otherwise though! Good for you.
    * * *


    ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
    - Vernon Howard


      River Pharmacy

      How can this post be "dirty" when it's promoting a site that already advertises, and probably also pays to advertise on here?


        River Pharmacy

        Bleep, your post reminds me of posting on AA forums. If you say something someone does not like, the response is: And how much sobriety do you have? Where are you on The Steps?. And on and on with those, who purport to know "better than thou" and making assumptions galore (see your own post for examples of such assumptions), hammering away with acidic sarcasm on someone who dared to post an honest message intended only to help.

        How dare they? . . . How dare you? Maybe an apology is in order?
        * * *


        ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
        - Vernon Howard


          River Pharmacy

          Tracy, hi.

          The difference is is that it didn't seem to me that Amy was trying to help, it seemed to me that Amy was trying to drum up business, which I thought was against the TOC's of this site. The difference with an advert is I can choose to click on it, or not. I had read most of Ally's post before deciding it was an advert, so she took me unawares, which I object to.

          If it turns out that I am wrong, then I will feel terrible, and will apologise unreservedly, but why doesn't Amy post some of the other details of what you'll agree is an absolutely amazing journey so that we can decide?

          If I walked into AA, said hi, buy this shampoo, what sort of a reaction would I get there? Any meeting of anything anywhere in the world, really.


            River Pharmacy

            It's dirty because nobody should be pretending to take bac and be a lush, who is trying to promote an online pharmacy. This seems pretty black and white to me. River pharmacy has a huge ad that can't be missed every time I go on this site. If I want to order drugs, I will. I don't need Amy (Bleep, you got her name wrong), to pretend to be something she's not to get business. Quite frankly, it totally turns me off to this particular pharmacy. And Tracy or Traci whatever (I'm not going to take the time to figure it out), you must be MWO royalty as no one has told you to screw off. These people have helped tons. So, if nothing has changed since you've last been on, then maybe that's a sign. Bleep and Ne the advertising is bullshit. No one is owed an apology. And I will be more than happy to pay money directly to this website. I just don't want bullshit advertising thrown in my face.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              River Pharmacy

              Thanks, amended.

              Agree 100% with your post red.


                River Pharmacy

                The thread is still here, Amy is still here. I flagged all of her posts, so it can't be spam.
                I have often wondered how it is that we can use this site, for free, with very little interference. I would support, I suppose, anything that helps keep it afloat. So long as we can call a duck a duck.

                This is what smarts:
                Topsy-Turvy-Tracy;1068350 wrote: Away a while and see . . . not much has changed.

                ... it took me back a bit to see you call the OP "dirty." Very unNeva.
                hmmm. Have I become what I used to lament? Food for thought.

                I'll leave this thread with this:

                HI TRACY! Nice to see you back. I hope you're well. I think that these threads are different now, but obviously my perspective has changed a great deal.
                Best to you, and to MWO, which has given me life and friends and a world I couldn't have imagined.


                  River Pharmacy

                  Neva, Bleep, Red,

                  I agree 100%.. And I read both of their threads...Funny how they just came bac !!!!!!!!!
                  You guys (bacafriends) said it better than I ever could!


                  p.s. Are you giving "lush" a bad rap? oh, never mind it does mean "drunkard"
                  The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                  *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                    River Pharmacy

                    LadyLush;1068653 wrote: Are you giving "lush" a bad rap? oh, never mind it does mean "drunkard"
                    OhNO, oh lushous one. Saucy and sassy are right up my alley. :H


                      River Pharmacy

                      redhead77;1068494 wrote: Quite frankly, it totally turns me off to this particular pharmacy.
                      I would feel a bit turned-off too, were I as certain as you are of what you are accusing.

                      And Tracy or Traci whatever (I'm not going to take the time to figure it out), you must be MWO royalty as no one has told you to screw off.
                      I have been told to fuck off, both royally and not, numerous times on this site. I'm just not very obedient!

                      These people have helped tons. So, if nothing has changed since you've last been on, then maybe that's a sign. Bleep and Ne the advertising is bullshit. No one is owed an apology. And I will be more than happy to pay money directly to this website. I just don't want bullshit advertising thrown in my face.
                      I'm not going to argue about whether or not it was advertising, since you seem convinced and I remain skeptical. Perhaps I'll ring up Debbie today and ask her. Did it seem to you that the invitation to call a specific person has a ring of "been there, done that" about it? Seems so to me, but the problem dealing with internet pharmacies is real. Here's a chippy little site that is not terribly helpful but interesting to browse and sure to reinforce paranoia:

             | WOT Reputation Scorecard | WOT (Web of Trust)

                      A quick trip to Tijuana would be just the ticket for me, were it not for those pesky drug cartel wars!

                      Of course, I think this forum is worthwhile (obviously, or I wouldn't be here).
                      * * *


                      ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                      - Vernon Howard


                        River Pharmacy

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1068602 wrote:
                        hmmm. Have I become what I used to lament? Food for thought.
                        I wouldn't say that, but it seemed a bit out of character. But you do seem to have come flying out of your shell. Bravo on that, on sobriety, on happiness and all.
                        * * *


                        ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                        - Vernon Howard


                          River Pharmacy

                 has better prices.....if anyone cares
                          I get my antabuse from them...
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            River Pharmacy

                            how the heck are you girlfriend????
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              River Pharmacy

                              Hey, MB. I'm a dang sight better than the last time we spoke! My NP advised against Antabuse because the generic form of it was, like, "cancelled" or something and the price skyrocketed. How can that happen?

                              She suggested Flagyl, which is dirt cheap. She assured me that I would be in agony with stomach cramps and vomiting if I drank on it. Unfortunately, it pretty much had that effect when I hadn't had a drink in a few days. Now all I have to do is look at the bottle to start retching.

                              Tried Zoloft too for depression. That stuff works really well at 100 mg, but the runs were incredible and didn't let up even after being on the stuff for a month. While it made an unhappy time much easier, I don't have the kind of life where I can always be 50 feet from the nearest toilet . . . or the kind of life where I don't dare fart. How's that for more than you ever wanted to know?

                              Onward, through the bog though. Congrats on the job! I love your avatar. Hugs to you.
                              * * *


                              ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                              - Vernon Howard


                                River Pharmacy

                                Topsy-Turvy-Tracy;1068678 wrote:

                                I'm not going to argue about whether or not it was advertising, since you seem convinced and I remain skeptical.
                                Check the original poster?s other posts. She has ten posts and they all mention river pharmacy.

                                Whether or not this thread is removed might determine where I will post in the future. By posting here we are benefitting this company. An active forum will significantly increase a website's rankings in search engines (google). Every time you and I post, we are helping them to sell supplements and self-hypnosis cds. But if they allow forum trolling and spamming by paid advertisers, I'd rather go somewhere else. The community of baclofen users will grow exponentially after the double blind study is completed and the word starts to get out more widely. Do we really want the future of that community controlled by a company selling products that will become increasingly irrelevant as the word gets out that there is an actual cure? It's very early in the game. I've decided to continue this rant in the thread about a new forum for baclofen.

                                Thanks for listening.

                                Stan... Edo Stan... "shaken, not stirred"

                                Started baclofen on February 16th. Now at 210mg divided into six doses per day. You do the math.

