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Newbies Nest! for bac

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    Newbies Nest! for bac

    Hey all!
    Again, ruby, you inspire me, and the things you're doing to fill your sober time make me all the more excited for my sobriety!
    Evey, thanks for remembering the comments about my boss! I don't think I ever compared him to House, but he is that evil, if significantly less intelligent. And a hell of a lot less sexy. (Yes, I do have a little House crush.) What were your muscle and nerve problems? Have they improved? I have a pre-existing muscle condition that the bac seemed to help, but when I had to go down, I had a terrible attack. That concerns me. Awesome job not drinking (for the most part) since going down! Is that still working out for you, and do you plan to go down further?
    "Yet someday this will have an end
    All choices made or choice resigned,
    And in your face the literal eye
    Trace little of your history,
    Nor ever piece the tale entire
    Of villages that had to burn
    And playgrounds of the will destroyed
    Before you could be safe from time
    And gather in your brow and air
    The stillness of antiquity."

    From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


      Newbies Nest! for bac

      Ruby IS an inspiration, isn't she?
      WCL, there are so many things that I have wanted to pick up on about what you've shared. Starting with the Eminem connection lo those many weeks ago. 18 hours a day is not enough time. Suffice it to say I'm reading this thread and my thoughts are often with all of you throughout my day.

      Which is why I'm posting, even though I'm already an hour late.

      I have been having terrible headaches for a couple of weeks now. Almost constantly. Pressure from temple to jaw.
      Ed and I have imposed Greek Austerity Measures on our budget until I get motivated to find a job. (Very unmotivated to do that, don't mind not spending money. :H poor Ed.)
      Anyway, I'm so cheap I didn't buy my allergy med until it went on sale AND I had a coupon for it. I started taking it yesterday. Guess what? The headache that I was CONVINCED, absolutely certain, without a doubt, was related to baclofen? Gone. I only realized it just now when I went to take my vitamins and realized I didn't need an analgesic.
      All that is to say, Evey, that you may want to look into that SE you're having. It sounds a lot like an SE, but it might not be. If it isn't then you oughta have it looked at, no? If it is, well the solution is pretty simple and you've already touched on it. Up and down until you find the equilibrium. It's there to be found, ftr.

      Love to you all!
      Hang in WCL, seems that you're next!
      OH! and the others? I hope you'll post your thoughts in the Sweet Success thread. And Zephra and Facade, WHAT are YOU doing??? Miss you both.


        Newbies Nest! for bac

        Hello WCL! Short for time. The problems were not caused by Baclofen. There was another medication that I was taking for sleep when the problems arose. I only took the other medication for 3 weeks and have been off of it for at least 2 weeks. My body now has an increased dependency on Baclofen, needing it several times during the night to help ease the symptoms. The other medication has known side effects regarding the muscles and that may have caused an increased reliance on the Baclofen simply because the two were being taken at the same?

        Will post another time to explain the symptoms.


          Newbies Nest! for bac

          Hello WCL! Short for time. The problems were not caused by Baclofen. There was another medication that I was taking for sleep when the problems arose. I only took the other medication for 3 weeks and have been off of it for at least 2 weeks. There is now an increased dependency on Baclofen, needing it several times during the night to help ease the symptoms. The decrease was an attempt to make my body less reliant upon Baclofen. The other medication has known side effects regarding the muscles and that may have caused an increased reliance on the Baclofen simply because the two were being taken at the same time?

          Will post another time to explain the symptoms. This wasn't caused by bac and cannot see it happening to anyone else.


            Newbies Nest! for bac

            hey gals! such a nice comfy thread, this. thanks for staying posted. and i'm glad i can be some kind of inspiration for the likes of you.

            windy, i was thinking of you and our chat about mary karr and books in general. whatcha reading these days? i was thinking of turning into some hemingway, just for kicks and classics and words well-strung together. and to tap into another alcoholic mind by proxy. i've just gotten 'healing without freud or prozac', have just read the intro but i think might be fascinating. if not, i'll shelf it; i am not of the mind that you HAVE TO finish what you've started. not in the least. you finish what you WANT to finish. also reading some erotic fiction ('fever and slow hand', a compilation that is lovely and tittilating), and 'the warrior diet'.

            anywhoot, hope all's well on this holiday of patriotism. love this country where individuals can be such, especially if they're white and male. tee hee.

            sweet day, all!
            xo rudy


              Newbies Nest! for bac

              Evey;1141468 wrote: ...There is now an increased dependency on Baclofen, needing it several times during the night to help ease the symptoms. The decrease was an attempt to make my body less reliant upon Baclofen.
              hmmmm. That's a little concerning, Evey. Simply because lack of sleep increases fatigue which increases difficulty with cognitive stuff and other SEs. Not trying to put you on the spot, not by any stretch. Just wanting to make sure you're good for the long haul!

              Ruby. funny. lol.

              WCL, you were in my thoughts when I woke this morning. Not sure why. Usually that indicates, no matter what the thoughts are, that someone is doing well and plugging along and having a gay ol' time. Hope that's the case!

              xo to all three of you!


                Newbies Nest! for bac

                At this point, I am getting 8 hours of sleep plus other periods of rest in the evening. Sleep only plays into things due to the lack of movement from lying down for extended periods of time.

                Rudy, Have been meaning to thank you for all of your insight into finding things to do after you are sober. You are inspiring, as WCL commented.


                  Newbies Nest! for bac

                  Gotcha. I'm glad.
                  Also glad you've sussed it out! I know you mentioned it, and I overlooked it, too.


                    Newbies Nest! for bac

                    hey gals, just checkin' in. back from my 6th row and boy does it strike a chord deep within me.

                    what do you do that does such a thing, or comes close? we gotta pay attention to that stuff. it helps in oh so many ways.

                    i'm of to my 8 (i hope) hours of zzz's.

                    xo sweet dreams.
                    ruby dee


                      Newbies Nest! for bac

                      you too!

                      xo bac


                        Newbies Nest! for bac

                        Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I find that this tends to happen when I have the most to say. I just need time to think it all out. That said, I don't have much time now, so I definitely won't be able to say all I want to. Anyhow...
                        Ne, thanks for thinking of me! I have been jamming some Em lately. "Drug Ballad" is always awesome: "that's the sound of a bottle when it's hollow, when you swallow it all, wallow in your sorrow, and tomorrow you're probably gonna wanna do it again. Shit, what's a little spinal fluid between you and a friend?" And "Not Afraid" is the best pro-recovery song ever. Makes me teary.
                        Ruby, I finally finished "Executioner's Song" and began reading a book of Charles Bukowski short stories. Probably a strange choice for someone trying to get sober, but...(Flashback to me in my early 20's entering a free detox center. They took away my book of Bukowski poetry, but let me keep Anne Sexton. Hmmmmmm.) Now I'm reading a trashy true crime book, but I don't know if I'll stick with it, since I just bought 7 books from the resale shop. Lemme know how the healing without Freud or Prozac book goes. Sounds like it could be really interesting. And erotic fiction? You saucy lady! Just gave my boyfriend "Leaving Las Vegas," which is an awesome, if incredibly depressing book.
                        About the boyfriend. He's not really been cutting back with me all that much, and I'm feeling very angry and resentful. I think he's snuck drinks a couple of times when we had extra in the house. I think I'm gonna have a big talk with him soon and explain that this is a deal-breaker for me. I'm gonna get my shit together with or without him.
                        Also, received some bad news about my dad's cancer. Won't say much about it now, just that I'm really upset.
                        Evey, I hope you're doing ok. Are you still going down on the bac? And what were your muscular symptoms?
                        I'm doing ok at 175mg. Still a bit nauseous. The dizziness can be hard too, but I've found, as others have said, that my fine motor skills are fine. And, ne, the increased sense of smell is a bitch, especially with the nausea. More on that later.
                        Didn't say nearly everything I wanted to, but really wanted to check in with you guys. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts, as all of you are in mine!
                        "Yet someday this will have an end
                        All choices made or choice resigned,
                        And in your face the literal eye
                        Trace little of your history,
                        Nor ever piece the tale entire
                        Of villages that had to burn
                        And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                        Before you could be safe from time
                        And gather in your brow and air
                        The stillness of antiquity."

                        From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                          Newbies Nest! for bac

                          heya windy.

                          i'm about to go down for a nap, so i'll say more later. jsut wanted to say hi and im' sorry to hear about your dad.

                          xo z,


                            Newbies Nest! for bac

                            Hello WCL, PM Sent.


                              Newbies Nest! for bac

                              Evey;1146803 wrote: Hello WCL, PM Sent.
                              What's up with that?

                              Hi, WCL. How are you?

                              (Hi, Evey, too!)



                                Newbies Nest! for bac

                                Ne/Neva Eva;1146804 wrote: pffft.
                                What's up with that?
                                Hahahahahaha! The PM Queen get's miffed!

                                I'm just assuming from the lack of posts that everyone is swimming along very nicely.

