Hi all!
Well I feel obligated to get this thread bac to the top.
I originally started Bac on February 14th and was doing quite well. I gave in to my alcoholic side and slowly slid back down that oh so slippery slope. I was up to almost 180 but had not hit my "switch". I was feeling so good but my "other" side wanted to test me again.:tempted:
It sucked, it absolutely sucked to be dragged down into that person again. But for me, I needed that one last time to be absolutely sure this road is the one to take; it is.
I have been titrating back up because during the drinking I was sporadic in my doses.
Bac for me is the way to go. It takes the darkness away and has given me hope I have never dreamed possible. The anxiety with drinking is gone again. I am back up to 100 to 120 mg again. I have not had a drink in 6 days and I feel like I have the world back on my side again. Some drink along the way and are successful, I know I can't. But that is me and however you get there, just get there.
My side effects are minimal but being alcohol free helps with that.
Anyway, everyone has an opinion so listen to them all. Hang on to those that help you along the way and listen and just feel YOUR way.
I would not be here still and again if I had not had the help and support of many on here. Bad seeds are very rare in these parts so follow your instincts and good luck to us all!
Newbies come on and join the ride!