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Newbies Nest! for bac

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    Newbies Nest! for bac

    Hello, just wanted to check in...

    Last night, I ran out of alcohol and want to push down my desire to drink. I took the 90mg that I had been taking for the past few days and slowly added four 10mg pills until I got to 130. I was okay until I went to sleep-it wasn't too bad, a few somewhat scary SEs, but I wouldn't recommend adding that many in one night.

    Anyway, so tonight I took 110mg. I actually stopped at the store tonight and picked up wine and cider drinks. The cider drinks were definitely not a smart purchase, the kind of drink that doesn't really allow you to fully comprehend that you are drinking AL. I came home and was thinking that I set myself up for failure. I started to drink one, noticed it wasn't really going down so I put it into the refrigerator. I got a call from a friend who is usually drinking when I talk to her (even though she doesn't always mention it) and I am usally drinking as well. I got that same bottle out, took a sip, looked at it, put in back in the fridge. I normally would have easily drank a few of these by this time. I even heard her making her drink, but my bottle still stayed in the fridge and that is where it remains.

    So Friday night, 1 open beer bottle size of one of my favorite drinks sits in my fridge and that's all that I drank! I just looked at it, thought about finishing the remainder and just put it back.


      Newbies Nest! for bac

      Hello, just wanted to check in...

      Last night, I ran out of alcohol and want to push down my desire to drink. I took the 90mg that I had been taking for the past few days and slowly added four 10mg pills until I got to 130. I was okay until I went to sleep-it wasn't too bad, a few somewhat scary SEs, but I wouldn't recommend adding that many in one night.

      Anyway, so tonight I took 110mg. I actually stopped at the store tonight and picked up wine and cider drinks. The cider drinks were definitely not a smart purchase, the kind of drink that doesn't really allow you to fully comprehend that you are drinking AL. I came home and was thinking that I set myself up for failure. I started to drink one, noticed it wasn't really going down so I put it into the refrigerator. I got a call from a friend who is usually drinking when I talk to her (even though she doesn't always mention it) and I am usally drinking as well. I got that same bottle out, took a sip, looked at it, put in back in the fridge. I normally would have easily drank a few of these by this time. I even heard her making her drink, but my bottle still stayed in the fridge and that is where it remains. :yay:

      So Friday night, 1 open beer bottle size of one of my favorite drinks sits in my fridge and that's all that I drank! I just looked at it, thought about finishing the remainder and just put it back.


        Newbies Nest! for bac

        Hello, just wanted to check in...

        Last night, I ran out of alcohol (only had enough for about a glass and a half of wine) and wanted to push down my desire to drink. I took the 90mg that I had been taking for the past few days and slowly added four 10mg pills until I got to 130. I was okay until I went to sleep-it wasn't too bad but I experienced a few SEs, I wouldn't recommend adding that many in one night.

        Anyway, so tonight I took 110mg. I stopped at the store tonight and picked up wine and cider drinks. I started to drink one of the cider drinks, noticed it wasn't really going down so I put it into the refrigerator. I got a call from a friend who is usually drinking when I talk to her (even though she doesn't always or usually mention it) and I am usally drinking as well. I got that same bottle out, took a sip, looked at it, put in back in the fridge. I normally would have easily drank a few of these by this time. I even heard her making her drink, but my bottle still stayed in the fridge and that is where it remains. :yay:

        So Friday night, 1 open beer bottle size of one of my favorite drinks sits in my fridge and that's all that I drank! I just looked at it, thought about finishing the remainder and just put it back.


          Newbies Nest! for bac

          Hello, just wanted to check in...

          Last night, I ran out of alcohol (only had enough for about a glass and a half of wine) and wanted to push down my desire to drink. I took the 90mg that I had been taking for the past few days and slowly added four 10mg pills until I got to 130. I was okay until I went to sleep-it wasn't too bad but I experienced a few SEs, I wouldn't recommend adding that many in one night.

          Anyway, so tonight I took 110mg. I stopped at the store tonight and picked up wine and cider drinks. I started to drink one of the cider drinks, noticed it wasn't really going down so I put it into the refrigerator. I got a call from a friend who is usually drinking when I talk to her (even though she doesn't always or usually mention it) and I am usally drinking as well. I got that same bottle out, took a sip, looked at it, put in back in the fridge. I normally would have easily drank a few of these by this time.

          My bottle still stayed in the fridge and that is where it remains. :yay:

          So Friday night, 1 open beer bottle size of one of my favorite drinks sits in my fridge and that's all that I drank! I just looked at it, thought about finishing the remainder and just put it back.


            Newbies Nest! for bac

            Evey, that's great to hear! The indifference seems to happen in stages, until it's suddenly there in full force.

            I can see how suddenly jumping from 90 to 130 could be disconcerting, but you seem to have a handle on that. How fast are you planning on going up?


              Newbies Nest! for bac



              That's such a promising step. And it feels soooo good, doesn't it?

              It was really hard for me to avoid taking jumps in doses as well. It didn't really matter that I'd read repeatedly that it wasn't really conducive to a good night's sleep. Or worse!

              It was particularly difficult when I noticed that it was helping, but I still wanted a drink. I can SO relate to that. Glad you were able to bump it up pretty significantly and maintain the course! (Meaning going from 90 to 110... Not the dive into 130 territory. )

              Keep it up! YAY!


                Newbies Nest! for bac

                I am just new here and would be intrested to know about baclofen, i drink every night but not always getting drunk,i am male.but i would like to stop compleatly,i hope to use this with what ever else i can use,aa,other sites etc
                i dont want to get involved in any arguments or personal insults as i have read here latly,thanks just want some help


                  Newbies Nest! for bac

                  Hiya Lost and Found!


                  There is a lot of information about bac to be found here, for sure. I'm not sure how best to direct you, though.

                  The science and research can be found on the first page of this thread:


                  I found that comforting in the beginning.

                  I also think that Dr. Ameisen's book, Heal Thyself is a good place to start.

                  Where you are and what you're interested in doing relating to bac would be helpful. (just a general idea! As in, will you be ordering online, or are you looking for a doctor? That's a good start!)

                  Glad you're here and that you decided to post!



                    Newbies Nest! for bac

                    have a doctor but i dont know nothing about taking medicin,i will read as much as i cam thanks,is it really a cure


                      Newbies Nest! for bac

                      Whether or not it's a cure is hotly debated. And will be for some time, I'm sure.

                      I'll share with you that I have tried many, many things to combat my alcoholism with no great success.

                      I have achieved sobriety with baclofen, and with complete cessation of craving. The only time I really think about alcohol is when I'm reading about it on here, or trying to figure out what to do with myself now that I don't have any desire to get drunk!

                      It's a wonderful experience. I hope it works as well for you. It does for many of us!

                      Glad you've got a doc. Read the science, and share it with him/her. Also, you or your doc can call on Dr. L for information and guidance, which he offers freely to physicians and possibly at some cost to patients. (but also, maybe without cost!) Someone'll pm you the info, but if not, send me a message and I'll do it. As usual, I'm LATE! and gotta run

                      Reading is a good start. Trying to avoid the kerfuffle (contentious or pointless digressions) is also a good idea. Sounds like you're on the right track!


                        Newbies Nest! for bac

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1089454 wrote:

                        It was particularly difficult when I noticed that it was helping, but I still wanted a drink. I can SO relate to that.
                        Ne what dose were you on when you felt that way?

                        At that time do you think the desire to drink was still a physical craving or a psychological thing?


                          Newbies Nest! for bac

                          I don't know Chi, and I don't think it was static.

                          The first time I recall a 'good' reaction to bac was around 120-140mg but I was with family over Thanksgiving. (Easy for me not to drink, they don't know I've been drinking for the last 5 years.)

                          I also distinctly remember realizing that I didn't have the white-hot-burning-need for AL at some point relatively low, maybe around ~200.

                          I never looked for indifference, I was always looking for a 'switch'. That was a misnomer for me, and not at all what happened. It was a decision to stop drinking, because I knew I didn't have to anymore. Lo and behold it was easy, easier each day, though it was never a challenge. Now it's effortless.

                          I could, would because I miss being completely entertained while doing nothing, but hate the stuff...
                          I wish I'd looked for it earlier in my ride! It's pretty fantastic to be here!

                          How're you doing?


                            Newbies Nest! for bac

                            Hi L&F, welcome.

                            Like Ne, I had tried a number of different ways to stop drinking, none of them successfully, until baclofen. I find not drinking on baclofen to be a natural and easy thing to do.

                            The best thing to do is to read some of the threads around here to familiarise yourself with baclofen, and then see if you have any questions after that.

                            Good luck.


                              Newbies Nest! for bac

                              Ne/Neva Eva;1089662 wrote: I don't know Chi, and I don't think it was static.

                              The first time I recall a 'good' reaction to bac was around 120-140mg but I was with family over Thanksgiving. (Easy for me not to drink, they don't know I've been drinking for the last 5 years.)

                              I also distinctly remember realizing that I didn't have the white-hot-burning-need for AL at some point relatively low, maybe around ~200.

                              I never looked for indifference, I was always looking for a 'switch'. That was a misnomer for me, and not at all what happened. It was a decision to stop drinking, because I knew I didn't have to anymore. Lo and behold it was easy, easier each day, though it was never a challenge. Now it's effortless.

                              I could, would because I miss being completely entertained while doing nothing, but hate the stuff...
                              I wish I'd looked for it earlier in my ride! It's pretty fantastic to be here!

                              How're you doing?
                              Better and better, thanks for asking

                              I've been at 100mg-110mg and I'm thinking of staying here for awhile while I deal with the psychological stuff. For me that is replacing AL time with more productive things. My physical cravings are very suppressed. Last night I forced a third beer.... then thought how stupid is that?? I was just bored being by myself... then I got an ice tea which tasted much better and found some stuff to watch on TV, surfed the net and went to bed glad knowing I would not be hung over.

                              What is your maintenance dose now? I remain confused as to how and why people can taper back down to low doses and remain AF. Is it possible they could have gone AF on the lower dose to begin with? I don't know, that is why I am staying at 110 for now. Any thoughts on that?


                                Newbies Nest! for bac

                                bleep;1089310 wrote: How fast are you planning on going up?
                                I think I am going to stay at this amount for at least a week. Then I plan on going up by only 10 mg and staying at that dose for about a week.

                                I had only planned on going up by 10mg every few days. I went up by so much because I knew it would make me more comfortable about being home without wine at 7pm.

                                It's starting to mess with my sleep and my spouse is noticing that I am waking up. I have always had sleeping issues though. I wake up somewhat frequently but I can go back to sleep pretty easily and I don't feel tired during the day. I am going to look for something to take for sleep, I just don't want to become dependent on it.

                                [QUOTE=Ne/Neva Eva;1089662]I could, would because I miss being completely entertained while doing nothing, but hate the stuff...

                                I totally feel you on that!

