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Newbies Nest! for bac

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    Newbies Nest! for bac

    So much for multiple quoting, lol...


      Newbies Nest! for bac

      bleep;1089310 wrote: How fast are you planning on going up?
      I think I am going to stay at this amount for at least a week. Then I plan on going up by only 10 mg and staying at that dose for about a week.

      I had only planned on going up by 10mg every few days. I went up by so much because I knew it would make me more comfortable about being home without wine at 7pm.

      It's starting to mess with my sleep more. I have always had sleeping issues though. I wake up somewhat frequently but I can go back to sleep pretty easily and I don't feel tired during the day. My spouse is noticing that I am waking up and I don't want to keep waking him up and I also would like to sleep more restfully. I am sure that cutting back as much as I am on alcohol is also playing into this. I am going to look for something to take for sleep, I just don't want to become dependent on it.

      [QUOTE=Ne/Neva Eva;1089662]
      I could, would because I miss being completely entertained while doing nothing, but hate the stuff... QUOTE]

      I totally feel you on that!


        Newbies Nest! for bac

        At the higher doses, it definitely messes with your sleep. At one point I was napping for two hours, then napping again for two hours a little later, and that was me for 24 hours. Didn't make me tired though. Even now, I am quite happy with the six hours I get. So be prepared for a version of that. I actually really enjoy all the extra waking hours I have been given.

        Does your spouse know you are taking baclofen?

        A gentle titration is probably the way to go. There's been a lot of debate about this, and no answer has risen out of it, so each person is best served by doing it their way, in the end.


          Newbies Nest! for bac

          My spouse does know that I am taking Baclofen. He had a few concerns at first, but was generally supportive and has become more supportive after seeing the results. He is just very cautious of me not getting sleep due to my past problems of trying to function on little sleep. I try to explain to him that I go right back to sleep and overall I am not up that much, part of is I am experiencing shoulder pain and part of it just getting up due to drinking water. I don't really tell him that my mind is running a little at night during the periods of half sleep. I do feel great though, I don't feel tired at all and I don't feel synthetically amped, just kind of normal-it's hard to explain, but I am sure you understand.

          I think because I had a little run of getting good sleep, he is forgetting that I have a general pattern of always waking up in the night. I just don't want him to ride me about the waking up and bring up the bac when he is doing it. It's always been like this. I feel bad if I am waking him up, but he hasn't really mentioned that.


            Newbies Nest! for bac

            Hah, I also get shoulder pains. Mine is from sleeping in one position the whole night. Although baclofen interrupts my sleep, the sleep it gives me seem to be of a very high quality. Not moving during sleep is a consequence of this. I try to be very aware of the position I am in when I go to sleep so as to minimise this effect. Crossing legs over each other, lying on one shoulder, etc. are all out.

            My wife has gotten used to me sneaking out of bed at all hours. We have a small child, so she does the same anyway, so luckily it's not an issue. At certain doses, I used to wake up doing all sorts of really strange things, luckily that has passed and now I just wake up and quietly leave the room.

            I love the effect that baclofen has had on my sleep - I have always resented the time I have to sleep, and it has now been dramatically reduced, and I feel more awake than ever. Being WIDE awake at 3 in the morning is fantastic.


              Newbies Nest! for bac

              i havent had adrink since thursday, dont know wether i will take meds,bit freightened really also and i am justnew but with all your fighting maybe that from your medicine,i willtry another way 1st or maybe both,thanks to the people who helped me.


                Newbies Nest! for bac

                Hey L&F, we have bumped into each other on another thread as well. I wouldn't read too much into the squabbles, it's just group dynamics playing themselves out. I think in any large group of people there will be spats, it's just unfortunate that you happen to have come along right in the middle of one!

                Congratulations on not drinking, do you feel better? What approaches have you tried so far to stop?


                  Newbies Nest! for bac

                  thanks bleep,

                  i just stoped going through bad withdrawel,i am drinking water and trying to eat,there was another person who said yesterday that he just stoped and dident use any thing,like to do it that way,no it must be very hard but,he seemed a nice person,like u.


                    Newbies Nest! for bac

                    Hi all, I have just started Bac last week. My plan is to go very slow with multiple dosing. I ordered over the internet and do not have a Dr. I live by myself and my job involves some driving. I live in Canada and my last internet order arrived in 17 days.

                    I plan to have a stash put it away in case I have to come off of bac or if start to run out. I will also carry info on me about bac withdrawl and keep it up dated to how much I am on.

                    I am going slow because I have higher blood pressure and a touch of sleep apnea.

                    I am also focused on quitting smoking and I am hoping that bac will help with that.

                    I am a bit afraid and might be going for the big guns (bac) right off the bat. I have never tried another method to quit drinking. I am not into using my will power to quit at this point. I am using Bac to take away the desire. I would like to drink like a normal person a glass with dinner etc.

                    All the best in your Bac adventure.


                      Newbies Nest! for bac

                      Hey Zephra, I have already replied in another thread to you, so I won't wish you luck again.

                      I would like to say - watch out for the driving. Is it long distance driving, or lots of short hops? Distance driving will be challenging on the higher doses. A lot of people look to other supplements to counteract the effects of baclofen in this regard, notably Piracetam, which helps concentration, but I still wouldn't like to go on a long drive.

                      I definitely noticed a decreased desire to smoke, but mostly at the higher doses. Foolishly didn't act on it though.

                      I see nothing wrong with going with baclofen right off from the start. Saves having to work your way through all the others. I regard baclofen as the ultimate weapon in the war against addiction, and is what I would recommend that people start on straight away.

                      I can't help myself - best of luck with your journey Zephra.


                        Newbies Nest! for bac

                        Hi Bleep, been following your bac adventure, thanks. I drive lots of short distances. I will look into the Piracetam. I don't go to Dr.'s or ever take any drugs so this is wierd for me. I am hoping the bac will help me with anxiety also. Thanks for the good wishes.


                          Newbies Nest! for bac

                          Heya Zephra! :welcome:

                          Bac is truly incredible! I never thought it would be this easy to be where I am right now.

                          It has really helped with my anxiety tremendously. Hopefully, you will see some relief from your anxiety.

                          Good luck to you!


                            Newbies Nest! for bac

                            Thanks Evey, I am looking forward to this bac adventure. It was the possiblity of anxiety reduction that sold me. Hell I did not even realize till I came on these boards that anxiety is partly the reason I drink.


                              Newbies Nest! for bac

                              Z, I hear you. Taking pills so often was a very foreign adventure for me as well. It soon becomes routine though.

                              The short distances should be fine, I also do lots of little drives, and those are no problem Because I went too fast, there were times when I thought I shouldn't have been behind a wheel, but if you are sensible about the whole thing, you should be okay.

                              Like you I had no idea that there was an anxiety driving my drinking, until one day on baclofen it was suddenly gone. It was a very strange feeling!


                                Newbies Nest! for bac

                                Morning, friends.

                                Evey, glad you're having such positive results! yay! koko! I'm glad too, that your husband is aware and supportive. That helped me a great deal. (when he actually was supportive!)

                                Z, hiya, and welcome! You've given this course of treatment a lot of forethought and planning. Congratulations! You'll have to manage the things you've mentioned, of course. I found it useful to dose up on Fridays, so that I had 3 full days of increased dose before I had to return to daily life on Monday. I hope you can find a way to navigate any SEs that come from a new level by taking some time to adjust to it before you have to drive, or anything else!

                                I'm off before I get drawn into the virtual abyss and find that another couple of hours has slipped away! I hope it's a really good day for you all!

