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Newbies Nest! for bac

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    Newbies Nest! for bac

    wcl, good to hear from you. i'm gonna post a bunch of short msgs, as i don't trust my computer at the mo, so bear with me here.

    good for you for you first night af in close to a year! hooray for you! that's awesome!!!!!


      Newbies Nest! for bac

      Hey Windy, was wondering what happened! Good to hear you are ok. You'll really want to avoid running out of baclofen once you have been on it for a more than a couple of months, I believe the withdrawal can be horrible!

      Congratulations on your AF night!


        Newbies Nest! for bac

        ...thought that last note should stand on its own.

        family can be great, huh?! glad yours was for you. i, myself, am so unbelievably blessed with my family. i have an older sis and a younger bro w whom i have great, wonderful relationships. on any level i can relate with them. my mom is deeply spiritual, and our conversations are always from the heart, supportive, and meaningful. my dad is also, in his own way, a very spiritual guy, and he has several decades' history working in the law field, so he is proving to be an uncanny asset in my current divorce. so, i fully appreciate when anyone ever suggests to me that they have had a nice time with their family.


          Newbies Nest! for bac

          yeah, bleep. i was gonna ask, windy, what dose were you on when you had to drop it 'cause you ran out? sounds dreadful. i freaked when i thought i might be a half-day without my bac. how did you handle that one?! ...running out of bac and those two other things. ! ...don't let that happen again, woman! it can't be good for you. i'm guessing your body can take it, but your mind... !ay dios!

          ok, i gotta make an order w btw: great site to order stuff and pay no shipping. all kinda stuff, from face cream to garbage bags. stuff for the house that you oft have to trek all over a big store to find. free shipping! sorry, foreigners -term loosely employed, meaning: anyone not in the us- this site probably won't help you!

          and so i was saying, some music (probably jarabe de palo ~ stick syrup), and a basic household chore: ordering supplies.

          sweet dreams all. welcome back WCL. good to re-enliven this thread!

          stay strong.
          besos. rudyb


            Newbies Nest! for bac

            Good to see you WCL!

            I was wondering where you were. Kinda short for time now. I hope that you had a good visit with your family. Good to hear that your mood has improved.

            Way to go on the AF day!! Gives you a feeling of hope.

            Glad to hear that you are okay.


              Newbies Nest! for bac

              Good to see you WCL!

              I was wondering where you were. Kinda short for time now, but just wanted to say hello. I hope that you had a good visit with your family. Good to hear that your mood has improved.

              Way to go on the AF day!! Gives you a feeling of hope.


                Newbies Nest! for bac

                Good to see you WCL!

                I was wondering where you were. Kinda short for time now but I wanted to say hello. I hope that you had a nice visit with your family. Good to hear that your mood has improved.

                Way to go on the AF day!! Gives you a feeling of hope.


                  Newbies Nest! for bac

                  Rudy, as I understand it, the dose you are on isn't the crucial factor. It is the time you are on baclofen that matters most. A few of months at 20mg's and you are supposed to taper off gradually rather than just stop.

                  Evey, how well are you?


                    Newbies Nest! for bac

                    Hi All

                    Oh, I'm just going to do it - I apologise from going gushy on you guys but ?.. !

                    YOU ARE ALL THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE I HAVE EVER HAD THE PRIVELAGE OF READING !!! (doesn't write quite right but what the.... you get the idea !) (I must tell you Ne, Bleep, Murph, Ig, Tigger and all the other regular posters it feels really weird writing this. kind of having a voyeuristic moment, been lurking for so long I feel I have sort of gotten to know you without you even knowing I'm here, promise I've only ever thought good things)

                    Without all of you at MWO I would still be hopeless, depressed and filled with self loathing etc etc etc .

                    Quick background : I am a 40 year old female living in South Africa (yup, where politics is our daily soap opera). I discovered MWO about a year ago when I had pretty much hit rock bottom. I was in despair and quite ready to murder the next doctor who told me to simply stop drinking, join the AA and life would be rosy forever. Then I discovered the Meds thread and bac and .............

                    I must also say a HUGE THANK YOU to Tigger, without him I would never had the courage to try Bac and would never had found an online pharmacy which actually delivered here (YOU ROCK dude)

                    I haven't hit my switch yet (only at 50mg) but I can already feel a difference. Perhaps one of the most significant differences is that I now have hope. Hope that I can overcome this terrible, debilitating disease that has haunted me for the past 15 years.

                    Please don't ever stop posting, you have been my pillar of strength for the past year.


                      Newbies Nest! for bac

                      Welcome aboard, Facade! Nice to meet you. A good gush always makes me smile. Both giving and receiving. You're welcome and thank you!

                      Tigger was my safe place for many, many months. And the gentle Tip was also a great resource. But I LOOOOOVE Tigger and his journeys. (Can't imagine what inspired that thought, but oy it was inspired!)

                      YOU rock btw. Ordering bac online? Actually taking it? And then posting? Took me eons to accomplish those things...

                      Zoom zoomity zoom, Facade. Hope it's a nice evening for you.
                      (I thought the US had a lock on stupid politics/politicos. Then I found MyWayOut and realized it's a worldwide problem. We ALL need a way out of that morass. Have you heard about Representative Weiner? He's a good butt for all jokes, atm. :H)


                        Newbies Nest! for bac

                        Hi other newbies. Welcome bac WCL. Missed you a lot.
                        Evey. Whatever sister. You wouldn't feel that way if you posted about it. You're on my list. :H
                        I'm just popping around these days... It'll be up to you to keep the ball rolling. (hint-hinty-hint.)
                        Lots and lots and oodles of love.


                          Newbies Nest! for bac

                          Hey Facade, welcome.

                          Great to have you aboard! It's nice to see another pisshead from our part of the world climbing in. You are lucky that the pharmacies are still getting baclofen through, the SA generic baclofen costs the most amazing amount of money. I'm sure Tigger has told you about it. I moaned to someone about it and they had the cheek to go "well think of what you used to spend on wine!" Never, not on my finest bender, have I spent $45 a day on wine!

                          Your post left a big smile on my face, thanks for that. How are you finding 50mg's, and how are you titrating?

                          Best of luck!


                            Newbies Nest! for bac

                            I guess I am a newbie to this site...So, hello everyone:goodjob:.

                            I am 51 years old and have been an alcoholic since the day I was born. Honestly, I think I genetically programed to become an alcoholic. Whatever, those are the cards God gave me and the card I have to play.

                            I started taking baclofen March 8, 2011. After doing a pretty good internet search on different drugs, I had narrowed it down to either naltrexone or baclofen. I didn't like the idea of continuing to drink with naltrexone, so I decided to go with the bac. And I am glad that I did!:yay:

                            So, over the past 3 months I have been titrating up from 15mg/day to my current dosage of 250mg/day. And I am about to go the the prize this weekend; indifference. I am prepared to go to 300 or more in an effort to reach indifference and to get this crazy pill popping frenzy over with.

                            That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. :illbeback:


                              Newbies Nest! for bac

                              Facade, where have you been? We've been waiting for you. What took you so long?

                              Facade;1128615 wrote: I must tell you Ne, Bleep, Murph, Ig, Tigger and all the other regular posters it feels really weird writing this. kind of having a voyeuristic moment
                              There's nothing wrong with voyeuristic moments facade, just as long as you pull your trousers up if you see the police coming. They can get awfully funny about that sort of thing. Trust me!

                              BTW, I love your screenname:
                              Facade: An outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality.
                              We do what we gotta do, eh? :l

                              The unexamined life is not worth living


                                Newbies Nest! for bac

                                Welcome, Facade and TimberTim!!
                                Facade, having been a long time lurker, I felt the same way you did. When I finally got up the nerve to post for the first time, and senior members replied, I felt like my favorite rockstars were talking to me. It was, and still is, an incredible feeling. So, remember that, oldtimers. There's way more people than just the ones who post that you inspire and motivate. Glad you're here, Facade!
                                TimerTim, sounds like you're past the toughest stuff with the bac. Congrats, and I hope you hit your switch soon!
                                Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement. It means the world to me. Got home after posting last to discover my baclofen had arrived! Yay! So now it's up, up, and away! To answer your questions, I wasn't at a very high dose, I think it was 90mg. I realized I was not going to be able to maintain that dosage unless my next shipment came quick, so I tapered down. So, it really wasn't that dramatic. More discouraging than anything. Gonna order more tomorrow.
                                Thanks for the congrats on a day AF! My boyfriend asked why I didn't just stay sober after that. Good question. Maybe because I knew he'd be drinking and he wouldn't try to stop me. I've depended a lot in the past on controlling boyfriends to curb my drinking, and this one refuses to tell me what to do. I know that's good, but finally taking responsibility for my own actions is hard.
                                I think I'll probably go up pretty quickly on the bac. I seem to tolerate it well, which is good, I just hope it doesn't mean I'll need an insanely high dosage to hit my switch. Work should be pretty chill until the 16th. We'll see how much I can go up before then. Question: is slow titration solely to minimize s.e.s, or does it effect the way the bac works? Well, sad to say, I am gonna drink again tonight, though slightly less. Thanks again, everyone, for being here. Hope I'll someday be one of you senior members talking us newbies through this journey.
                                "Yet someday this will have an end
                                All choices made or choice resigned,
                                And in your face the literal eye
                                Trace little of your history,
                                Nor ever piece the tale entire
                                Of villages that had to burn
                                And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                                Before you could be safe from time
                                And gather in your brow and air
                                The stillness of antiquity."

                                From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich

