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Newbies Nest! for bac

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    Newbies Nest! for bac

    Hi Evey, I had to give the bac up, could not cope with the pain in my knee's and the swelling. Started to worry about my kidneys. I am going to try and find a family Dr. and see how my body is doing and then try again.

    I again will have to put a sign on my phone, "DO NOT TALK ON THE PHONE WHEN DRUNK", so yes I am back to feeling like shit about myself. I am trying to drink only every 2nd day. z


      Newbies Nest! for bac

      Ah shit, sorry to hear it Z. I hope you are able to find a way out of this mess. Naltrexone helps a lot of people, have you considered that?

      Evey, the SE's should fade with time. I went through a period of feeling absolutely normal, which in itself quite strange after being baclofened for so long! Then I started playing with my dose, and that bought the SE's back, but regularising your dose over a decent period should remove the majority of the SE's. One thing I noticed was that going up for a few days, then dropping back to my normal dose also helped to "flatten" the SE's. Going up can be a daunting thought, but think about it if nothing seems to help. The zoom zoom effect is also a very real effect, hopefully you come across it!


        Newbies Nest! for bac

        Me, too, Z. But I'm really glad you're going to try to get the physical stuff sorted. It worried me a bit for you. V. important to make sure everything is cop-ascetic when embarking on a new med, any new med, if things like that come up.

        Bac'll be here, and we will too.

        I'm very bummed for you about having to continue to struggle with the beasty-b* though. Stay strong, Z. You can and will get the better of her yet.

        Evey, I completely understand where you're coming from about the editing and the insecurity about posting. Will you take my word for it that your posts are coherent, cogent, and relevant. We *get it*. And I see them before you edit them, often. So I really do know that they are just that in their original form.

        I'm so thankful that you are encouraging others! That's really brilliant. And I hear you about the implications of staying on HDB...It can be too much to manage. Just go down slowly, will you? (I think...???) And know that if you feel the craving reemerge you can go bac up pronto, and that the SEs might be more manageable.

        Finally, as bleep said in many fewer words: Going up may be just as effective, if you go down and find a level uncomfortable. Add some bac in, and then go down again slowly. That's what worked for me anyway.


          Newbies Nest! for bac

          WCL, where are you?


            Newbies Nest! for bac

            Hi Bleep and Ne. Yes I am really discouraged about not being able to handle the Bac. I have never had great pain in my body so it was scary, my kidney family problem also freaked me out. After a dr. visit I will try again.

            Bleep, is Nal the one that the good Dr. bad mouthed about causing eye problems? I also use to get watched for gulcoma for 20 yrs. til they realized I just have high pressure with no damage. So am afraid of this too. Just my luck.

            I have had 1 glass of wine already today. I have been able to drink only every 2nd day and am trying to get it to every 3rd day, have not been able to manage that yet.

            I am under a lot of stress at the moment. I am an executor for my Father's Estate with 7 other siblings involved. Can we say nightmare. My Dad died in October and seeing him in the hospital requesting a drink as he lay dieing really got to me. I am also self employed and stressed. It's hard managing a house on your own.

            Okay I am done bitching.

            I want this fucking beast off my back. z


              Newbies Nest! for bac

              hey zeph, bitch away! that's one good thing about this place: people will read it and feel empathy. and sometimes it's the best dumping ground. i don't envy you your position as executor. until recently, my bro was estranged, and i used to think, god, what if dad dies while bro is 'away'? well, he's come back and is again one of my favoirte people. but i can't imagine juggling 7 people's wishes! ay dios! good luck with that.

              also, i wonder about your knees. sounds like you might think it had something to do w the bac, the pain and swelling? i've had hand and foot injuries over the past few months. fourtunately, they are both suddenly mending, but i wonder if taking bac slowed things down a bit.

              i'm hoping you're not being too hard on yourself about the wine. i'm sitting here, after a great morning, having some ale, and, miraculously, not hating myself for it. i'm doing all kinds of other things to support my journey to af, so a couple of ales WILL NOT get the best of me. this is a process, and it takes time. years of behaviors don't disappear instantly, for most of us. but with bac, there's a lot more hope than there used to be. and here at mwo, there's a lot more acceptance than in any other way or place i've ever tried to get the demon offa my back.

              good luck to you. stay strong. you have allies here. thanks for sharing.

              xoxo rudy b


                Newbies Nest! for bac

                yeah, windy, where the feck are you??!!


                  Newbies Nest! for bac

                  ...actually, i love talking w loved ones about what to do for work. i was in that quandry for years and years. it's when a lack of any focus -professional or self-enriching- causes one to focus on bogus time wasters -like train men- that i get annoyed. for years in nyc i had a bff who obsessed over every latest man, and i did somma that myself, and i don't even deal w that anymore, so i don't know why i mention it. except to say: lookie here, i've moved on too, just like all of my bffs.

                  so, that said, i think there's something really inspiring in professional women. so many of us don't get the encouragement -or whatever- that it takes to embark early on a successful life, whatever form that takes. so when i meet a woman whose game is ON, i wonder how she got there.


                    Newbies Nest! for bac

                    Hi Rudy, thank's for the support. I am watching your journey and rooting for you. z


                      Newbies Nest! for bac

                      Hey Z, no the eye one was topa, naltrexone doesn't affect the eyes, that I know of. Quite a few people have had success with naltrexone, there are few threads here about it, check them out. Also, there is a website specifically devoted to it - do a search for "sinclair method" and you should find it.

                      There's more than one way out of this mess, although I've not found a better one than baclofen. Maybe have a break and try again and see if you can manage to avoid the same issues?


                        Newbies Nest! for bac

                        hi folks. sorry, i deleted my last post cause it was supposed to go on my own thread, as it was relevant to what i had just posted there, not here, where it was a weird non sequiter that didn't make sense.

                        z and all, i'm here thinking of YOU! (and my own new twists in the journey.)


                          Newbies Nest! for bac

                          Zephra, Sorry to hear what you have been going through.

                          Fortunately, there is more than one way to go to win the battle. Your willpower is impressive. Being able to go from a daily drinker to drinking every other day isn't easy.

                          Speaking of Nal... Have you checked out the TSM • Index page?

                          I looked at the forum when I was thinking of trying a Bac/Nal combo. Good luck to you whatever you decided to do.

                          Did you ever talk to your spirtual advisors about Bac?

                          Hello WCL (Whenever, I write that for some reason it reminds me of SITC)

                          Where are you?


                            Newbies Nest! for bac

                            Hi Guys, My healer person tested the bac on me and it came out okay. I am going for acupuncture this week for the knee thing. I will have to go too a regualr dr. which I never do to check out the kidneys and liver. This causes me major stress. Why can`t we have Dr.``s on board. I am so sick of being a drunk. z


                              Newbies Nest! for bac

                              Hi, Z. I'm so glad and relieved that you shared the info with your healer. That's great. I'm so happy for you (It was VERY hard for me to tell my doctor and I don't even trust/like her.)

                              I'm also really glad you are going to get the major organs checked out. There are some benefits to medicine, maybe... just sayin. I know we come from all walks, but I'm just really glad you're going. Are you nervous/anxious/angry? Going to the doc makes me angry. And anxious. And nervous. Or it used to...

                              Anyway, even if we had a doctor here (and I suspect we do, lurking) they wouldn't say anything except, "go see the doctor!"

                              I know. I'm sorry for that, too. But you've got one hurdle over... Hang in, Z. Help is on the way.



                                Newbies Nest! for bac


                                Sounds like you are being proactive in wanting to get things assessed.

                                Take the whole problem and start tackling it in parts. Just take it apart and get each piece done one at a time. You are getting some of the health stuff out of the way. Once you get back the results from that, you will have that stressor off of you and you can move on to the next piece of the puzzle.

