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European countries with OTC Bac?

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    European countries with OTC Bac?

    We are currently finding it very difficult to get baclofen into Ireland, even when posted from other EU countries through Goldpharma. So we're going to have to find an alternative way of getting the medications.

    First off is the obvious but extremely nerve-racking; going to our GP and making a case to get a prescription. The next back up is to get some sent to friends in the UK and collect that ourselves, though that is a big thing to ask someone. And the last is to make a trip to a country in Europe where Baclofen can be bought OTC and stock up on it. I'm finding it next to impossible to find out which countries sell it OTC as Google keeps throwing up online sources. I know Spain is one, but any others I'm just guessing.

    European countries with OTC Bac?

    I read somewhere about a guy who was taking budget flights from UK to Spain staying the weekend and bringing back 3 months supply from a chemists shop. I don't know how Irish customs would react to that, probably not well if you can't even import it for your own use from a online pharmacy.

    I use 4rx and they deliver in a plain envelope, the address is handwritten and there is nothing on the envelope to suggest what is inside. There's no reason for customs to check it.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      European countries with OTC Bac?

      What happens when you order from Goldpharma?

      I'd take a long weekend and drive to Spain, eat a few meals in France along the way - doesn't sound like a very hard or unpleasant thing to do.

      But, I'm still considering the whole Tijuana thing, so my perspective is likely colored!
      * * *


      ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
      - Vernon Howard


        European countries with OTC Bac?

        Murphyx;1068779 wrote: I use 4rx and they deliver in a plain envelope, the address is handwritten and there is nothing on the envelope to suggest what is inside. There's no reason for customs to check it.
        The goldpharma that we usually order are the same, and we get it from Germany so legally it should never even get near customs. In fact the letter they sent me had the part where they usually put in where the package originated left blank, as they should never have opened a package originating in another EU country. However I haven't a leg to stand on in a complaint as I shouldn't have been ordering medication, if I complain I leave myself open to prosecution.

        If I bring it in personally from another EU country I don't need to go near customs there are is no duty owed between EU countries. If we fly we might end up having a problem at the airport in Spain (or wherever) if they look through our bags, but we wouldn't be breaking any of their laws.

        This is our very last choice of actions, we really don't want to do this. I would love to get our doctor on board and our current GP is the type that may be amenable, but while I'm hopeful and compiling some paperwork to bring with us, there is still a very big chance that he won't prescribe. Other than that we will try to get a batch delivered to the UK, preferably NI as there is no border, which should be easier than getting it here. I also have a new batch in the post which may make it through, but I'm not hopeful.

        My husband is titrating down now anyway as his dosage was having too many SEs and we have enough Bac in reserve to safely titrate him down to 0. But that is not something we want to do, as we are in no doubt that this stuff has saved his life.


          European countries with OTC Bac?

          Topsy-Turvy-Tracy;1068782 wrote: What happens when you order from Goldpharma?
          Up until now we have had no problems. When I first ordered I ordered 1 lot from River and 1 from Goldpharma. The Goldpharma came from Greece and was delayed there due to their general strikes but came through after about 3 weeks. The one from River was stopped as it came through India and was checked (River were very nice about this and refunded me, but they said they were having too many problems getting anything into Ireland.)

          Since then I've ordered from Goldpharma exclusively, and picked a brand which came from Germany, arriving usually in 4 days. It comes in a plain brown envelope, with a handwritten address and a few German stamps. But for some reason it was diverted through customs this time and stopped. It's possibly because about half of the vitamins/supplements my husband is taking are illegal in this backward country (apparently because recreational drug users take these vitamins to help their comedowns) so all the rattly packages I've ordered have made someone suspicious.

          The problem with driving to Spain is that we are 2 islands off mainland Europe so would need to take either two ferries or one extremely long, very expensive, boat trip.


            European countries with OTC Bac?

            Heck, you could get stoned out of your mind on nutmeg if you took enough of the stuff.

            Sorry I can't be more helpful. I'd be wary of 4rx though:


            Also, on a link I posted earlier today, 4rx came up as having like two dozen domain names, and it all looked pretty sketchy.

            I was in Ireland a few years ago and remember that there was not much (maybe nothing) in the way of US branded businesses (like McDonald's or Walmart). Never got to the east coast though. Is there a Walgreens anywhere in Ireland? If so, you could do the Levin/Walgreen thang. That's what I'm considering . . . because all the blood-letting and beheading stuff in Tijuana is a bit off-putting.
            * * *


            ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
            - Vernon Howard


              European countries with OTC Bac?

              can you get it in the north? if so have you thought about getting it sent by courier
              AF 5/jan/2011


                European countries with OTC Bac?

                Do the baclofen tablets you're ordering coming in bottles, hence the "rattly package"? Maybe change the order to something that comes in strips?

                In UK you can legally import 3 months supply of prescription medicine for your own use, so long as it's not a restricted item (opiates etc). I assume your laws are different?

                If you flew, is there not a chance your bags could be searched on your return to Ireland?

                The unexamined life is not worth living


                  European countries with OTC Bac?

                  Topsy-Turvy-Tracy;1068799 wrote:

                  Sorry I can't be more helpful. I'd be wary of 4rx though:

                  No problem with 4RX here. Lots of people in UK use them.

                  The unexamined life is not worth living


                    European countries with OTC Bac?

                    Murphyx;1068802 wrote: In UK you can legally import 3 months supply of prescription medicine for your own use, so long as it's not a restricted item (opiates etc). I assume your laws are different?

                    If you flew, is there not a chance your bags could be searched on your return to Ireland?
                    I don't think we can legally import them afaik, I checked before first ordering and it seemed that I couldn't be prosecuted, but I could forfeit the medications. The laws on medicines are much stricter here.

                    Our bags would not be searched on return from another EU country.

                    If our doctor won't prescribe (or prescribe enough) our next choice is to prescribe to the north. But we only know one person up there, they don't currently know about my husband's drink problem and they live with children. Which makes us reluctant to ask them.

                    Perhaps a PO box would work?


                      European countries with OTC Bac?

                      AllyB;1068811 wrote:
                      If our doctor won't prescribe (or prescribe enough) our next choice is to prescribe to the north. But we only know one person up there, they don't currently know about my husband's drink problem and they live with children. Which makes us reluctant to ask them.
                      Well, you could be rude and intrude. It's not like you are putting their kids at risk or anything, and people, generally speaking, love to help out a worthy cause. It sure sounds like your husband is that to you. The very worst that could happen is that they will say "no." Maybe worth a try?
                      * * *


                      ?Our freedom can be measured by the number of things we can walk away from.?
                      - Vernon Howard


                        European countries with OTC Bac?

                        Right, we've just had a chat and this is our plan. Go to the doctor tomorrow and hope he will prescribe and prescribe enough. If he does, Goldpharma have offered to send a replacement once we send them a copy of the seizure notice, so we'll ask them to send them to my parents house. (Still in Irl, but on the other side of the country so it will hopefully get through.)

                        If the doctor won't prescribe, or will but too low a dose, we'll have Goldpharma send the Bac to friends in England who know about my husband's drinking and when they tell us it has arrived we will get the ferry across and pick them up.

                        In the meantime I have a back-up order that I ordered last week that may make it through. It's also made us very seriously consider moving back to the UK.


                          European countries with OTC Bac?

                          It's a bloody ridiculous situation. Good luck Ally.

                          The unexamined life is not worth living


                            European countries with OTC Bac?

                            Murphyx;1068865 wrote: It's a bloody ridiculous situation. Good luck Ally.

                            It's so just what we needed
                            right now.


                              European countries with OTC Bac?

                              This is going to look kind of odd to future generations. Anywhere and everywhere in the western world, you're free to purchase enough booze to fill an olympic size swimming pool, but a handful of bland tasting, non-addictive pills with no practical benefits other than the ability to cure a soul crushing disease is frowned upon by the powers that be. Now you could say the powers that be were once in favour of slavery and they wised up on that one... but the powers that be also currently conspire to put Lady fucking Gaga on the front page of every newspaper on the planet every single day of the week, so my optimism is a little frayed right now...

                              When you find a supply of baclofen, buy it, and horde it... guard it with your life! Soon there will be Sci Fi movies about special execution squads who go round weeding out bac-heads...

