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Is it possible Bac to Canada

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    Is it possible Bac to Canada

    Hello, I have been reading this board, well the threads on Baclofen for about a month. I have just admitted to myself this year that I have a problem with wine. I started drinking at home by myself about 10 years ago a bottle a night. I am 54 so I came late to the party. I tell myself, that's it, no more drinking, and then I am out buying a few more bottles.

    I do not feel like I am living. I have no energy or ambition. I work from home and am not doing very well in my career, don't have to be some where, so it gives me lots of time to drink. I don't go out and socialize, I am to busy drinking by myself. I try to stay off the phone to avoid embarrassing phone calls, oh when you hide your head in a pillow after a drunken call.

    I want a life. Alcohol makes me sit on my ass and watch the world go by.

    So back to my questions, are there any Canadians who have been able to order on line. I have emailed Goldpharma but they have yet to get back to me. I don't have a family Dr.

    I really appreciate your help. Thank You.

    Is it possible Bac to Canada

    Hi Zephra - I'm in the wrong continent to help you get your baclofen but I'd like to congratulate you on making a very smart decision. Regardless of age, I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't wish they'd known about baclofen five or ten years earlier. Even when I knew about it, vaguely, I wasted a whole year before taking any action - another year of lonely nights, ignoring my wife and kid, ploughing through gallons of booze. So the decision to actually embark on the little baclofen experiment may take only a second but if followed through it can be one of the handful of truly profound decisions one makes in one's life.

    So you've made the decision. You'll find a way. Do what you need to get a safe and reliable source of baclofen, knuckle down, and get ready to enjoy life again.

    Good luck!


      Is it possible Bac to Canada

      Thanks for the response and encouragement Seethe Pony, I am looking forward to getting on the bac train to sanity.


        Is it possible Bac to Canada

        Zephra;1068903 wrote: Hello, I have been reading this board, well the threads on Baclofen for about a month. I have just admitted to myself this year that I have a problem with wine. I started drinking at home by myself about 10 years ago a bottle a night. I am 54 so I came late to the party. I tell myself, that's it, no more drinking, and then I am out buying a few more bottles.
        I don't have to be some where, so it gives me lots of time to drink. I don't go out and socialize, I am to busy drinking by myself. I try to stay off the phone to avoid embarrassing phone calls, oh when you hide your head in a pillow after a drunken call.

        I want a life. Alcohol makes me sit on my ass and watch the world go by.
        Oh Zephra,
        Again another post that I could have written myself, every word.
        I hid my head in a pillow I guarantee more often than you. And there are many of us over 50 here. Many of us here have that darn wine as the culprit that at one time I personally thought "as long as it's ONLY wine I'm Ok"
        I am not sure about Canada but someone from there (Canada) will chime in soon.

        Stay here with us and many people will be at your beck and call

        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


          Is it possible Bac to Canada

          HI Lady, Thanks for the hello. It feels good to finally admit I have a problem with the wine. I am just surprised or lucky my drinking did not kick in until my mid-forties. Started out slow and then the drinking speeded up.

          I am renting out a room in my house to a student so have to hide in my room to drink. So here I sit in my room day after day on the computer drinking and smoking.

          I have managed to quit for a month here and there and then I am right back at it.

          The bac thread has given me lots of hope. Thanks


            Is it possible Bac to Canada


            River Pharmacy is in Canada. Have you contacted them? Good luck to you, too! Since you are new here, you might want to read some of the previous threads of ordering Baclofen....that might help you.


              Is it possible Bac to Canada

              Hi Rusty, yes have looked at previous posts, seems it's hard to get in Canada. River Pharmacy will not sell to Canadians. I did receive a message from someone on this site that the well known Gol_d pharm will deliver here. Thanks


                Is it possible Bac to Canada

                Hi Zephra, welcome.

                As Pony said, it's the best decision you've made in a while. I'm afraid I can't help you on the ordering side, other than to say there is definitely a way to get it.

                You don't need a family doctor, any doctor will do. Try making a couple of appointments and see what happens. I say a couple, because you'll be lucky to get it on the first shot. By the fifth try you should have it, I reckon. There are some doctors who will prescribe it over the telephone, although I'm not sure how that would work across borders.

                Good luck!


                  Is it possible Bac to Canada

                  Thanks bleep, Canadian pharms will sell to most countries but not to Canadians go figure. Big brother pisses me off. Customs are a real pain in the butt here.

                  Imagine a cure exsists with Bac and the government does not want us to have it.

                  I will find a way. Ruth

