But it's not.
Something about Bac gives me the sense that I'm not drunk when I am and I've found myself in more and more embarrassing and even dangerous situations as a result.
I'm also experiencing pretty severe cognitive problems which in part, may be Bac or the combination of both; although, I think some of this started way before Bac.
I also could never get higher than the 160 dose due to SE.
At this point, I have to stop or I will lose my family and any respect they still have for me.
A couple of days ago, I thought I should titrate down since I'm an official "failure" but coming here, makes me think that I should try to go all the way since I'm at the point that I have little to lose.
I'm also contemplating AA since a good portion of my challenge is lack of support. My husband is a heavy drinker and I have not "confessed" to any of my friends although at this point they probably know.
I strongly advise doing the Bac regime alcohol free. I think it's the only safe way despite what Dr. A says in the book.
I'm going to start all over but completely AF
I'm going to post here more often
I'm going to seek support
I'm going to make this work
Thank you for listening... I'm at one of those super low days which I think you all can relate to.