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Do lower doses of baclofen work?

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    Do lower doses of baclofen work?

    Hi. I am new to this forum. For background, I drink one bottle of wine per day and have for two years and have recently restarted smoking after 16 years and drinking Coca Cola after 4 years so the addiction centers in my brain are definitely in full gear!

    I am reading through the baclofen discussions and it seems people are requiring high doses for the switch to occur ( 250- 300+ mg daily) and experiencing SE's. Does anyone have success being AF or with less drinking on the lower doses- say 60-100 mg per day?

    Also, has anyone noticed that Baclofen not only lowers alcohol cravings but can help nicotine cravings?

    Thanks for any advice.

    Do lower doses of baclofen work?

    Hiya WNM :welcome:

    I can't comment on the lower ranges - I had to go up to 270mg, but there are people who had not only relief from cravings but also reached the point of indifference at low doses. I'm sure some of them will share their experiences with you.

    What I can say is that bac did absolutely nothing for my smoking. Initially I smoked less, simply because I started to drink less - the more I drank, the more I smoked. Since being sober, my smoking has slowly increased again. I have a 30-a-day habit :upset:

    I should also add that I have tried Wellbutrin (Zyban) - zero impact on smoking.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Do lower doses of baclofen work?

      Thanks for the welcome!

      To be honest, I don't want to be alcohol free. I just want to lower the cravings so that I don't drink alone and just have 1-2 glasses of wine when I go out. And I'm just hoping lower doses of Baclofen could accomplish that. Today is my first day. I'm going to take 60 mg today. Tolerated first 20 mg fine.


        Do lower doses of baclofen work?

        I hit the so-called switch at 75 mg and am now bumbling along happily at 50 mg / day. Some people have got results on even lower doses. Why it works so easily for some is a bit of a mystery. I was drinking to blackout or thereabouts pretty much every night of my life for the last 12 years, so it's not like I was a lightweight....


          Do lower doses of baclofen work?

          "Today is my first day. I'm going to take 60 mg today. Tolerated first 20 mg fine."

          Yikes! Not so fast, kiddo....


            Do lower doses of baclofen work?

            WNM, it's okay to get adjusted between dose increases.

            Very sorry to hear that it has little impact on smoking. Bummer.
            * * *




              Do lower doses of baclofen work?

              See the pony-

              May I ask how much you weigh? Just curiosity; wondering if there's a weight relation with lower doses working in some...


                Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                I am 50 mgs a day may go to 60. I am female weigh 9st or 130llbs
                Do not drink anymore but used to down at least a bottle of wine a day plus G&t's


                  Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                  Win, for some they seem to help, for others, not at all. I do know a 10mg tablet helps with my menstrual cramps, ALOT.


                    Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                    Weight has nothing to do with it. Nor does age. Nor does the amount you normally drink.

                    Some people seem to have reduced cravings at low doses, some don't.

                    Sorry, but it's not as simple as all that. Wish that it were.

                    BTW I take baclofen and wellbutrin everyday and still smoke like a chimney.

                    The unexamined life is not worth living


                      Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                      Hi Wine, welcome.

                      I noticed at the higher levels (I went up to 450mg's), from about 300mg's and up, that I wasn't craving cigarettes much. I was sitting in meetings, and suddenly realised that hours had gone by without thinking about a smoke.

                      I wouldn't recommend this route to stopping smokes though, it's a bit hectic.

                      Also, be wary about racing up the dosage too quickly - although the physical SE's may not be there, the main effect, the working on your brain, is there, just not felt. If you speed up, it works too quickly on your brain, and you get a bit of a brain wobble!

                      Good luck.


                        Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                        I hope the lower doses work because this stuff is making me so sleepy that it is worse than being drunk - well not really - but I am falling asleep everywhere and I am only on 20 mgs. I only started 5 days ago so I hope that this se wears off.



                          Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                          oldwineskins;1069912 wrote: I hope the lower doses work because this stuff is making me so sleepy that it is worse than being drunk - well not really - but I am falling asleep everywhere and I am only on 20 mgs. I only started 5 days ago so I hope that this se wears off.
                          Everybody has their own way of approaching this, but Dr L would say that you went up way too fast. Under his plan you start at 5 mg for a week, then move up to 10, then move up to 20. Going from 0 to 20 in five days is going really fast.
                          * * *




                            Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                            TracyA;1069917 wrote: Going from 0 to 20 in five days is going really fast.

                            Sorry, not laughing at you, just that some would consider that as really slow. There is a body of opinion that would suggest going slowly only prolongs and even increases SEs. I went up quickly and hit the switch in 8 days at 150mg. I'm not saying it's for everyone and I had quite bad SEs, but I didn't have to suffer them for long.

                            You pays your money and you takes your choice!

                            The unexamined life is not worth living


                              Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                              It's okay, Murphx. I was trying to be careful about pointing out that people have different approaches and that I was talking about Dr. L's.

                              You were pretty lucky to hit it at 150. Are you still at that dose?
                              * * *



