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Do lower doses of baclofen work?

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    Do lower doses of baclofen work?

    I stayed on it for about a week, but was concerned about the one drink I was having every evening while cooking so I bumped it up to 200. Then I realised the cooking drink was just habit and not a craving (I need to pour it, but as often as not I don't even drink it), so I started to come back down. I'm on 100 at the moment and intend to keep dropping it every 3 days until I either hit 0 or the cravings return, in which case I'll just go back up again.

    The unexamined life is not worth living


      Do lower doses of baclofen work?

      Thanks, all, for your advice. I definitely took too much too soon. Today I could barely stay awake at work, and I was nauseous and lightheaded. NOT good! But I feel so awful I'm not craving wine today, so I guess it works!


        Do lower doses of baclofen work?

        Hi WNM,

        I'm at 70mg a day, which some might consider low. I've been at this level for about 3 weeks and it works great. No cravings whatsoever. I've been AF since I started taking bac. (About a month and a half ago.) I've heard of others, too, who take even as low as 20-40mg a day and reached indifference. I titrated up slowly and had pretty much no SEs to speak of. Good luck to you, and I hope you start to feel better soon. This stuff really does work wonders.
        "We are high priest Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom! Print that, people!" -- from the "Cats Quote Charlie Sheen" Wordpress Blog


          Do lower doses of baclofen work?

          I started low and had a good week AF but then when I decided to try drinking(i was on about 4mg at the time) i found some improvements in my control initially but essentially ended up overdoing it over the next few days. I am going up to 70mg today. My hope is that I will find a dosage where I can still enjoy a few drinks but not more. The problem i guess is that I do rather enjoy a good piss up - I am hoping the BAC will literaly take away that desire and make it seem unappealing. But maybe I need to do alot more myself to curb this excessiveness rater than just expecting to happen magically.....having said that, many on here seem to have experienced just that when they hit the 'switch'. I am just gonna keep going until i genuienly find that moment of indifference. Horses for courses it seems
          I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


            Do lower doses of baclofen work?

            That's pretty much what's happening to me Charlie - was determined to moderate, as a good piss-up was my thing. Now, the idea of a good piss-up is severely unattractive to me. Just the idea makes me cringe. What would I want to go and get drunk for? This is not a mindset I would have ever have thought possible for someone like me.


              Do lower doses of baclofen work?


              Cheers Bleep - sounds like we're very similar pal! Looking fwd to getting to that point, certainly on the way..
              I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                winonomore;1069398 wrote: Also, has anyone noticed that Baclofen not only lowers alcohol cravings but can help nicotine cravings?
                I have heard over and over on here that bac doesn't touch nicotine cravings. I have a friend who is not on this forum and not an alcoholic (or any kind of addict). However, he has anxiety and insomnia. I gave him some bac and at very low levels (20-30mg/night) it relieved both greatly (no surprise there). I think he stopped bac for some reason, but looked more into bac and told me the other day that bac doesn't touch nicotine or marijuana addictions. Bac affects different parts of the brain, he said. I don't have time to research this, and I don't smoke anything, so it is not of direct interest to me, but if anyone does, could be interesting.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                  Beatle, I know someone who is successfully treating marijuana addiction with baclofen. Not entirely successfully, but it's early days yet. I'll keep you informed as to progress.

                  I definitely noticed at higher doses a decreased desire to smoke - not that I did anything about it, mind you!


                    Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                    That's very interesting. I'd like to know more for another friend who was taking baclofen for that reason (pot), but found no relief, even at high levels (over 200mg/day).
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                      winonomore;1069398 wrote: Does anyone have success being AF or with less drinking on the lower doses- say 60-100 mg per day?
                      Yes, I've found myself able to almost effortlessly stay AF (or very close to it) on 65-70 mg per day. Good luck to you. This stuff is magical!


                        Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                        Oh, I can't wait! After the bad day I had a few days ago, I've held off on any bac but will restart tomorrow at 10 mg 3 x daily instead of the 20 I threw myself on! Lent starts Wednesday, and I'm really hoping to be AF; that's what I told myself I'm giving up. Of course, I've told no one else because I don't want to draw any attention to my drinking.


                          Do lower doses of baclofen work?


                          I found someone son.

                          The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                          *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                            Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                            Having someone to give you motivation helps, a lot. But the great thing about baclofen is that it doesn't even require motivation to stop drinking. You have to be motivated to continue taking the pills obviously, but that's not hard!


                              Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                              My son as in Marijuana!!! (sp?)

                              The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                              *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                                Do lower doses of baclofen work?

                                beatle;1070589 wrote: That's very interesting. I'd like to know more for another friend who was taking baclofen for that reason (pot), but found no relief, even at high levels (over 200mg/day).
                                Sorry beatle, I missed this somehow. My shrink, after seeing what baclofen did for me, rushed out to try it with a chronic pot-head of his. He has reported back to me that at 60mg's a day, there were definite improvements. He stopped going higher than 90mg's, because the patient started vomiting. It turns out not to be baclofen, it was a nasty virus going around here at the time, but they thought it was baclofen. He is in the process of titrating up again, so I will post any developments that I come across.

