My bac schedule looks like this: continue at 80 mg for 5 more days (taking 20 four times per day).
Then up to 100, 35 - 30 - 35 for a week.
Then up to 120, 40 - 40 - 40 for a week (here's where the numbers start scaring me)
Then up to 140, 50 - 40 - 50 for a week.
Then up to 160, 55 - 50 - 55. Then up some more, I imagine.
I'll have an ample supply of bac, and we'll have a session every couple weeks for the psych stuff.
It excited me but scared me to be writing down this schedule because before, I was really one the directing my dosage. Having a regimen prescribed intimidates me (the SE's and stuff - yikes), but I feel released somehow, happy, excited.
I'll come to this thread to whine about SE's, which I'm hoping won't be as bad as I'm afraid they're going to be. But onward.