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scared to start

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    scared to start

    There is a lot of useful information to be found here, that you can print off for your doc:

    Good luck in your appointment. Good post too, well done on the research front!


      scared to start

      Great on making the decision to order bac
      Good luck


        scared to start

        ps. I also think that some therapists will try to aviod the alcoholism word because they cant treat it. I do reckon its because you appear functional and only drink wine that shes missing a point, in that its affecting you and you want to change it. I dont know about all the other stuff but maybe you could just use your therapist for sorting that out, and use just alcohol related sources, here and alcohol services for your drink support.


          scared to start

          NHS here told me I wasn't an alcoholic because I didn't drink every day, was only binge drinker. That was basically down to ignorance about the definition of alcoholism, and nothing more.


            scared to start

            creepy dream about taking baclofen last night - dreamed i took it and literally got dizzy and fell over one second later in front of a bunch of people. this leads me to believe the subconscious is a bit nervous about my decision. but seriously, what has my subconscious done for ME lately? now i know i need to start researching titration schedules, etc. i kind of can't believe i'm doing this.

            the thing i'm most nervous about, quite honestly, is my lockbox stash. i need to figure out how much i need to keep separate and accessible to prevent withdrawal. withdrawal terrifies me. absolutely terrifies me. i cannot be running around having hallucinations and the shakes and whatnot. that. simply. will. not. fly. i just ordered the supermax amount.

            so, i'm sure all the info is in posts here somewhere, and i'm not going to ask for help in locating it when i haven't done my due diligence looking around here for it yet. The email said my pills probably wouldn't come till the 25th at the earliest anyway.

            i was reading some pretty scary posts last night about people not being able to get what they needed online in time. not super comforting, which reinforces my desire to eventually talk to Shrinker about it. eh, feel a little scattered about it tonight. not sure i'm going to tell Shrinker about it tomorrow. we have enough on our plate for the moment.

            and by the way, i know a lot of people on here have kids and upside-down mortgages and elderly parents and lots LOTS more responsibilities and commitments than I do, but (because this is my thread) I am just going to take a moment to complain for a minute about the RANDOM, OCCASIONAL WAFTING OF PEE SMELL that i have caught every couple of hours in my apartment today. my poor kitty is prone to UTIs and i think he's gone somewhere and done something bad in a corner. BUT I CAN'T FIND IT!!! i've had the windows open today because it's been warm and OH CHRIST THERE IT IS AGAIN!!!! now it's gone. it comes back on the wind every so often. Elusive little focker. i lent my blacklight to my boss, who was having the same problem a couple of weeks ago. what is it, spring? Sigh. hands and knees on the rug it is. my cat is a jerk.


              scared to start

              Hey GS, I know what you mean about running out, scary stuff. I've split my stash so it's in 2 different locations in my house and 2 weeks worth in my vehicle. If the house burns down or the car is nicked I'll have enough time to get an expedited shipment in. If both those things happen at the same time I'll probably just sit on the pavement and cry, but then I'll visit the quack and tell him I've got Restless Leg Syndrome and when I had it once before I tried some of my friends baclofen, which cured it, but only at the highest dose of 80mg/day. So if he gives me a month's prescription I should have enough baclofen to tide me over until the emergency shipment arrives.

              As far as the cat problem goes: A CAT? Why the hell would you want a cat? Evil little creatures who spend their lives licking their arses and plotting the overthrow of the human race. Do the sensible thing and off the nasty little brute.

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                scared to start

                Just wait until baclofen starts heightening your sense of smell. It happened to me, and made driving behind trucks revolting. Cat piss I'm sure will be terrible. I suggest you take Murph's advice before it's too late.


                  scared to start

                  oh man, no love for the felines around here, too bad! i am gonna have to keep that in mind.

                  went to Shrinker today. Shrinker said OCD, not OCPD. But, she seemed to have a good enough reason. in addition to the DSM features, she categorizes based on what has been useful as a treatment in the past to people exhibiting similar symptoms as me. I can buy that, you know? Better she's drawing of her own experience as opposed to some laundry list of subjective symptoms anyway, IMHO. She acknowledged that i have no rituals (other than drinking, ha!) and that her thought was that I'm OCD in a negative thought kind of way - indeed, my obsessive rituals include ruminating over past horrible events, etc. etc. blah blah and psychobabble whatnot and so forth.

                  boring stuff, won't repeat it here. anyway, she DID give me a second script. well, sample. I am now officially joining the ranks of the polypharmas! I think i am going to post a shot out about my particular cocktail to see if there have been any concerns or adverse reactions with baclofen. actually, i'll do a search first so i'm taking up space unecessarily on the boards......


                    scared to start

                    oh murph, may as well ask you since you brought it up - where did you come up with two weeks? is that like, industry standard here at MWO?


                      scared to start

                      Baclofen is a CNS depressant, and so is contraindicated with most things, much like alcohol! Ne has a great site for this sort of thing, can't remember its name now though, which is not very helpful.


                        scared to start

                        GettingSerious;1097725 wrote: oh murph, may as well ask you since you brought it up - where did you come up with two weeks? is that like, industry standard here at MWO?
                        Huh? You mean making sure I have an emergency supply of 2 weeks baclofen? That's just to have enough to last until an expedited shipment arrives from 4RX.

                        The unexamined life is not worth living

