Anyone relying on Goldpharma for their baclofen is going to have to come up with a new way of getting their medication. And if they are already on Bac they will need to start thinking fast to avoid a withdrawal.
Best bet, if you can, is to get someone in Northern Ireland to accept your package at their address. Other than that a trip to Spain with a baclofen package saying you forgot your prescription, will likely get you a pharmacist to resupply you. Alternatively you can go a local health clinic in Spain with your baclofen box and they will most likely write you a new prescription, this is free if you have your EHIC card.
Also worth a try is to go to your GP, or any GP - you can see whoever you want in Ireland as long as you pay for the consultation, ?50-65, and tell them you are taking baclofen, that it's helping and you will continue to take it form abroad if necessary but you would prefer to do it under medical supervision. GPs in Ireland are much more independent than NHS doctors in the UK and can use more of their own discretion.