I am French, posting on the French Forum "alcool et baclof?ne" where a GP tries to answer all our questions...but can't answer all of them, partly becasue he does it on his free time, after work, so while trying to find answers to my questions on the net, I discovered MWO

After battling for 3 years with my addiction specialist to withdraw, I managed to have a bac prescription and it worked. After two weeks, starting from 10mg up, I hit my switch at 70mg/day - that was 3 weeks ago. Which is really great but:
1) I've had impressive "sleep attacks" for the last three weeks..sometimes dropping off to sleep for 3 hours, half and hour after taking 10mg. Been on "olmifon" ( a psychostimulant) for three days which has solved that problem. A tip given by some members of the French Forum and a medicine prescribed by Pr Jaury, one of the leading bac prescribers in France with Dr De Beaurepaire & Dr Joussaume ( olmifon mentionned on the video of the 26.10 conference on baclofen)
2) I've been very depressed, to the point of having difficulty to go and get cigarettes at the newsagent's round the corner yesterday. Don't think I can go back to work tomorrow after 3 weeks off (holidays). I am on "seroplex", an SSRI AD, which has been lowered from 30mg to 20mg by my addiction therapist two months ago because of her fear of a medicine intoxication ( I was then on 70mg benzodiaz?pine a day, acomprosate and nalextrone (aotal and revia)
Stopped all of it on january 21st, when I started baclofen, except for the AD
I've read somewhere on your forum that SSRI Ads do not go well with baclofen. I would like more information on the subject.
Any suggestion is very welcome.
I've had reactional depression phases for many years, but always solved them with healthy food (omega 3, etc...), sport and therapy. My shrink has helped me a great deal over the last 3 years to solve the reasons for being depressed and really did a great job...except I couldn' find the strength to do sports after work and continued drinking in the evening, not as much as in the past, but still too much for me.
Falling back into depression seems like the worst thing for me at the moment professionnally speaking but I can't accept the idea of lowering my bac dose and beginning to drink again. A part of me just won't do that.
Any help, ideas, knowledge on AD is more than welcome