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    I heard about this forum from a friend who also uses it and I had a look at the site.. it absolutely threw me that there may finally be something to cure this addict in me. I am an alcoholic, but my main problem lies with my eating disorder. Have had it ever since I was a child and am desperate to find a way to simply get rid of it, as it dominates my whole life along with other 'escapes' such as drink, exercise and occassionally drugs. I have managed to get hold of some pills and am willing to get started on them straight away. First I will check with my GP and see what her recommendations are on it and maybe (hopefully) I will somehow get them prescribed. It's good to know that I am not the only one who doesn't seem to gel well with the meetings and I truly hope that this path will work for me. My friend recommended that I start on 20mg and move up 10mg every 2 - 3 days SE dependant. If anyone has any experience with my situation, would love to hear from you. Also, any general advice much appreciated.

    new here

    Hi mills, and welcome.

    My astonishment as well, upon learning there was a cure for this "incurable" disease was pretty high. And it works, which is equally amazing!

    Good luck with getting your GP onsides - some are with it, most haven't heard of it, few will prescribe it. Always worth a shot though. Depending on where you are in the world, there are always ways around this though.

    There's some sound advice in the threads here, have a read around. At first glance, your titration schedule looks about right. Once you've been doing it for a bit, you can reassess and see how you go.

    This path has worked for all who have stuck it out, so there's not much doubt that it will work for you.

    Good luck, and keep us updated as to how you go...


      new here

      Yeah, good luck Mills and "herzlich willkommen" as they say.

      20mg may be a bit too high to start with, I started with 10 but other than that it sounds like you've got the right idea. Be prepared for funny looks from your GP though. Mine looked at me like I'd farted when I mentioned baclofen and alcoholism.


        new here

        Hi Mills--

        You have made a very wise decision to go with bac! It is truly a miracle drug. I was able to completely give up my alcoholism with Bac. It just left me one day, never to return (knock on wood--it's been three weeks!) Bac is the real deal. Use this thread as your "diary," and let us know how it treats you! Bac can definitely be a bit of a roller coaster--the SEs come and go, but most of them are fleeting. But it does work if you stick with it! Take care. :h


          new here


          There is something somewhere related to bac and eating disorders... And there are some members here who have noticed a change for the better in their relationship with food, as well as AL. I'm sure they'll weigh in with their experiences at some point.

          It is certainly worth an attempt, imho. I hope you'll stay close!
          (I agree that 20mg might be a little much to start with!)
          Look forward to hearing more!


            new here

            Here is a link that might interest you- If you google eating disorders/alcoholism/baclofen quite a bit comes up. Sorry I have tried 4 times to highlight that link so that you could just click on it but for some reason it wont work.
            I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

            There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


              new here

              Anti-alcohol drug promising for binge eaters - Medicine Online

              The unexamined life is not worth living


                new here

                Hi Mills and :colorwelcome:

                I have a friend who tried baclofen at low doses for her anxiety and insomnia. it worked quite well, and her taste for alcohol also disappeared (although she was not an alcoholic, and didn't drink much). She noticed also that her eating binges (well, sweet-eating, I think) subsided completely. This was a surprise. She had no idea about the connection to baclofen. She just mentioned it to me in passing. She stopped the baclofen several months ago, for reasons I don't know. She says she never binges anymore, anyway. No desire for it. She has lost a lot of weight, too.

                This is just anecdotal, and just one person, so maybe you should not get overoptimistic just from this one story. But there is apparently quite a bit of other evidence for the connection. And, of course, there is more than anecdotal evidence here for the baclofen-alcohol addiction connection.

                Keep updating this thread, and you will continue to get advice/support.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


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                  Good to get feedback from people. I have made an appointment with my gp for this week and will hopefully get myself started pretty soon

                  The eating disorder which I suffer from is anorexia and I would be so happy if balcofen could work for that as well as the alcohol. It's fantastic to hear that it has helped binge eaters and anxiety issues, so I am hopeful. At the moment I am only just underweight, but mentally I feel so unstable.


                    new here


                    Hey Mills! Well done for arranging the appointment and its great that you are getting on the Bac-Wagon! I have a very positive feeling that its going to work wonders for you.
                    I am well and truly in recovery, I thank Baclofen, the good people of MWO and my love of spirituality, the combination of which have helped to guide me out of the darkness in the last couple months. Cheers to that.


                      new here

                      Thanks Charlie and to everyone else.

                      It's 9.40 pm and I haven't started the bac yet. GP tomorrow, need to know that I can get access to a steady flow of it, as wouldn't want to start and then stop.

                      Have an overwhelming urge to take the whole 2 packs at once, as I have hit a desperately low spot. But I know that would be a ridiculous thing to do.

                      Cheers M x


                        new here

                        I know the feeling mills, only too well! Taking the whole pack would certainly make you feel... interesting! Wouldn't recommend it though. Interesting is not always good!

                        Bear in mind that you can always order from online, regardless of what the GP says about the matter.

